Mini Shell
#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
# t/compile4.t
# Test the facility for the Template::Provider to maintain a persistance
# cache of compiled templates by writing generated Perl code to files.
# This is similar to compile1.t but defines COMPILE_DIR as well as
# Written by Andy Wardley <>
# Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id$
use strict;
use lib qw( ./lib ../lib );
use Template::Test;
use Cwd qw( abs_path );
use File::Path;
$^W = 1;
# declare extra tests to follow test_expect();
#$Template::Test::EXTRA = 2;
# script may be being run in distribution root or 't' directory
my @dir = -d 't' ? qw(t test) : qw(test);
my $dir = abs_path( File::Spec->catfile(@dir) );
my $tdir = abs_path( File::Spec->catfile(@dir, 'tmp'));
my $cdir = File::Spec->catfile($tdir, 'cache');
my $zero = File::Spec->catfile($dir, qw(src divisionbyzero));
my $ttcfg = {
INCLUDE_PATH => "$dir/src",
COMPILE_DIR => $cdir,
COMPILE_EXT => '.ttc',
dir => $dir,
zero => $zero,
# delete any existing cache files
rmtree($cdir) if -d $cdir;
test_expect(\*DATA, $ttcfg, { root => abs_path($dir) } );
-- test --
[% TRY %]
[% INCLUDE foo %]
[% CATCH file %]
Error: [% error.type %] - [% %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
This is the foo file, a is
-- test --
[% META author => 'abw' version => 3.14 %]
[% INCLUDE complex %]
-- expect --
This is the header, title: Yet Another Template Test
This is a more complex file which includes some BLOCK definitions
This is the footer, author: abw, version: 3.14
- 3 - 2 - 1
-- test --
[% TRY %]
[% INCLUDE bar/baz word = 'wibble' %]
[% CATCH file %]
Error: [% error.type %] - [% %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
This is file baz
The word is 'wibble'
-- test --
[% INCLUDE "$root/src/blam" %]
-- expect --
This is the blam file
-- test --
[%- # first pass, writes the compiled code to cache -%]
[% INCLUDE divisionbyzero -%]
-- expect --
-- process --
undef error - Illegal division by zero at [% %] line 1.
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0