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#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
# t/date.t
# Tests the 'Date' plugin.
# Written by Andy Wardley <>
# Copyright (C) 2000 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id$

use strict;
use lib qw( ./lib ../lib );
use Template;
use Template::Test;
use Template::Plugin::Date;
use POSIX;
use Config;
$^W = 1;

eval "use Date::Calc";

my $got_date_calc = 0;
$got_date_calc++ unless $@;

$Template::Test::DEBUG = 0;

my $format = {
    'default' => $Template::Plugin::Date::FORMAT,
    'time'    => '%H:%M:%S',
    'date'    => '%d-%b-%Y',
    'timeday' => 'the time is %H:%M:%S on %A',

my $time = time;
my @ltime = localtime($time);

my $params = { 
    time    => $time,
    format  => $format,
    timestr => &POSIX::strftime($format->{ time }, @ltime),
    datestr => &POSIX::strftime($format->{ date }, @ltime),
    daystr  => &POSIX::strftime($format->{ timeday }, @ltime),
    defstr  => &POSIX::strftime($format->{ default }, @ltime),
    now     => sub { 
        &POSIX::strftime(shift || $format->{ default }, localtime(time));
    time_locale => \&time_locale,
    date_locale => \&date_locale,    
    date_calc   => $got_date_calc,

sub time_locale { 
    my ($time, $format, $locale) = @_;
    my $old_locale = $Config{d_setlocale}
                   ? &POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL)
                   : undef;
    # some systems expect locales to have a particular suffix
    for my $suffix ('', @Template::Plugin::Date::LOCALE_SUFFIX) {
        my $try_locale = $locale.$suffix;
	    my $setlocale = $Config{d_setlocale}
                          ? &POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL, $try_locale)
                          : undef;
        if (defined $setlocale && $try_locale eq $setlocale) {
            $locale = $try_locale;
    my $datestr = &POSIX::strftime($format, localtime($time));
    &POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL, $old_locale) if $Config{d_setlocale};
    return $datestr;

sub date_locale {
    my ($time, $format, $locale) = @_;
    my @date = (split(/(?:\/| |:|-)/, $time))[2,1,0,3..5];
    return (undef, Template::Exception->new('date',
                   "bad time/date string:  expects 'h:m:s d:m:y'  got: '$time'"))
        unless @date >= 6 && defined $date[5];
    $date[4] -= 1;     # correct month number 1-12 to range 0-11
    $date[5] -= 1900;  # convert absolute year to years since 1900
    $time = &POSIX::mktime(@date);
    return time_locale($time, $format, $locale);

# force second to rollover so that we reliably see any tests failing.
# lesson learnt from 2.07b where I broke the Date plugin's handling of a
# 'time' parameter, but which didn't immediately come to light because the
# script could run before the second rolled over and not expose the bug

sleep 1;

test_expect(\*DATA, { POST_CHOMP => 1 }, $params);

# test input
# NOTE: these tests check that the Date plugin is behaving as expected
# but don't attempt to validate that the output returned from strftime()
# is semantically correct.  It's a closed loop (aka "vicious circle" :-)
# in which we compare what date.format() returns to what we get by 
# calling strftime() directly.  Despite this, we can rest assured that
# the plugin is correctly parsing the various parameters and passing 
# them to strftime() as expected.

-- test --
[% USE date %]
Let's hope the year doesn't roll over in between calls to date.format()
and now()...
Year: [% date.format(format => '%Y') %]

-- expect --
-- process --
Let's hope the year doesn't roll over in between calls to date.format()
and now()...
Year: [% now('%Y') %]

-- test --
[% USE date(time => time) %]
default: [% date.format %]

-- expect --
-- process --
default: [% defstr %]

-- test --
[% USE date(time => time) %]
[% date.format(format => format.timeday) %]

-- expect --
-- process --
[% daystr %]

-- test --
[% USE date(time => time, format = %]
Date: [% date.format %]

-- expect --
-- process --
Date: [% datestr %]

-- test --
[% USE date(format = %]
Time: [% date.format(time, format.time) %]

-- expect --
-- process --
Time: [% timestr %]

-- test --
[% USE date(format = %]
Time: [% date.format(time, format = format.time) %]

-- expect --
-- process --
Time: [% timestr %]

-- test --
[% USE date(format = %]
Time: [% date.format(time = time, format = format.time) %]

-- expect --
-- process --
Time: [% timestr %]

-- test --
[% USE english = date(format => '%A', locale => 'en_GB') %]
[% USE french  = date(format => '%A', locale => 'fr_FR') %]
In English, today's day is: [% english.format +%]
In French, today's day is: [% french.format +%]

-- expect --
-- process --
In English, today's day is: [% time_locale(time, '%A', 'en_GB') +%]
In French, today's day is: [% time_locale(time, '%A', 'fr_FR') +%]

-- test --
[% USE english = date(format => '%A') %]
[% USE french  = date() %]
In English, today's day is: 
[%- english.format(locale => 'en_GB') +%]
In French, today's day is: 
[%- french.format(format => '%A', locale => 'fr_FR') +%]

-- expect --
-- process --
In English, today's day is: [% time_locale(time, '%A', 'en_GB') +%]
In French, today's day is: [% time_locale(time, '%A', 'fr_FR') +%]

-- test --
[% USE date %]
[% date.format('4:20:00 13-6-2000', '%H') %]
-- expect --

-- test --
[% USE date %]
[% date.format('2000-6-13 4:20:00', '%H') %]
-- expect --

-- test --
-- name September 13th 2000 --
[% USE day = date(format => '%A', locale => 'en_GB') %]
[% day.format('4:20:00 13-9-2000') %]

-- expect --
-- process --
[% date_locale('4:20:00 13-9-2000', '%A', 'en_GB') %]

-- test --
[% TRY %]
[% USE date %]
[% date.format('some stupid date') %]
[% CATCH date %]
Bad date: [% %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
Bad date: bad time/date string:  expects 'h:m:s d:m:y'  got: 'some stupid date'

-- test --
[% USE date %]
[% %] [% date.format(template.modtime, format='%Y') %]
-- expect --
-- process --
input text [% now('%Y') %]

-- test --
[% IF date_calc -%]
[% USE date; calc = date.calc; calc.Monday_of_Week(22, 2001).join('/') %]
[% ELSE -%]
not testing
[% END -%]
-- expect --
-- process --
[% IF date_calc -%]
[% ELSE -%]
not testing
[% END -%]

-- test --
[% USE date;
   date.format('12:59:00 30/09/2001', '%H:%M')
-- expect --

-- test --
[% USE date;
   date.format('2001/09/30 12:59:00', '%H:%M')
-- expect --

-- test --
[% USE date;
   date.format('2001/09/30T12:59:00', '%H:%M')
-- expect --

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0