Mini Shell
#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
# t/include.t
# Template script testing the INCLUDE and PROCESS directives.
# Written by Andy Wardley <>
# Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id$
use strict;
use lib qw( ../lib );
use Template::Constants qw( :status );
use Template;
use Template::Test;
$^W = 1;
#$Template::Test::DEBUG = 0;
#$Template::Context::DEBUG = 0;
# sample data
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i, $j, $k, $l, $m,
$n, $o, $p, $q, $r, $s, $t, $u, $v, $w, $x, $y, $z) =
qw( alpha bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel india
juliet kilo lima mike november oscar papa quebec romeo
sierra tango umbrella victor whisky x-ray yankee zulu );
my $replace = {
'a' => $a,
'b' => $b,
'c' => {
'd' => $d,
'e' => $e,
'f' => {
'g' => $g,
'h' => $h,
'r' => $r,
's' => $s,
't' => $t,
# script may be being run in distribution root or 't' directory
my $dir = -d 't' ? 't/test' : 'test';
my $tproc = Template->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => "$dir/src:$dir/lib",
TRIM => 1,
DEFAULT => 'default',
my $incpath = [ "$dir/src", '/nowhere' ];
my $tt_reset = Template->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => $incpath,
TRIM => 1,
DEFAULT => 'bad_default',
$incpath->[1] = "$dir/lib";
# we want to process 'metadata' directly so that the correct top-level
# 'template' reference is set instead of 'input text'
my $output;
$tproc->process('metadata', $replace, \$output);
$replace->{ metaout } = $output;
$replace->{ metamod } = (stat("$dir/src/metadata"))[9];
test_expect(\*DATA, [ default => $tproc, reset => $tt_reset ], $replace);
-- test --
[% a %]
[% PROCESS incblock -%]
[% b %]
[% INCLUDE first_block %]
-- expect --
this is my first block, a is set to 'alpha'
-- test --
[% INCLUDE first_block %]
-- expect --
this is my first block, a is set to 'alpha'
-- test --
[% INCLUDE first_block a = 'abstract' %]
[% a %]
-- expect --
this is my first block, a is set to 'abstract'
-- test --
[% INCLUDE 'first_block' a = t %]
[% a %]
-- expect --
this is my first block, a is set to 'tango'
-- test --
[% INCLUDE 'second_block' %]
-- expect --
this is my second block, a is initially set to 'alpha' and
then set to 'sierra' b is bravo m is 98
-- test --
[% INCLUDE second_block a = r, b = c.f.g, m = 97 %]
[% a %]
-- expect --
this is my second block, a is initially set to 'romeo' and
then set to 'sierra' b is golf m is 97
-- test --
FOO: [% INCLUDE foo +%]
FOO: [% INCLUDE foo a = b -%]
-- expect --
FOO: This is the foo file, a is alpha
FOO: This is the foo file, a is bravo
-- test --
GOLF: [% INCLUDE $c.f.g %]
GOLF: [% INCLUDE $c.f.g g = c.f.h %]
[% DEFAULT g = "a new $c.f.g" -%]
[% g %]
-- expect --
GOLF: This is the golf file, g is golf
GOLF: This is the golf file, g is hotel
a new golf
-- test --
BAZ: [% INCLUDE bar/baz %]
BAZ: [% INCLUDE bar/baz word='wizzle' %]
BAZ: [% INCLUDE "bar/baz" %]
-- expect --
BAZ: This is file baz
The word is 'qux'
BAZ: This is file baz
The word is 'wizzle'
BAZ: This is file baz
The word is 'qux'
-- test --
BAZ: [% INCLUDE bar/baz.txt %]
BAZ: [% INCLUDE bar/baz.txt time = 'nigh' %]
-- expect --
BAZ: This is file baz
The word is 'qux'
The time is now
BAZ: This is file baz
The word is 'qux'
The time is nigh
-- test --
[% BLOCK bamboozle -%]
This is bamboozle
[%- END -%]
Block defined...
[% blockname = 'bamboozle' -%]
[% INCLUDE $blockname %]
-- expect --
Block defined...
This is bamboozle
# test that BLOCK definitions get AUTO_RESET (i.e. cleared) by default
-- test --
-- use reset --
[% a %]
[% PROCESS incblock -%]
[% INCLUDE first_block %]
[% INCLUDE second_block %]
[% b %]
-- expect --
this is my first block, a is set to 'alpha'
this is my second block, a is initially set to 'alpha' and
then set to 'sierra' b is bravo m is 98
-- test --
[% TRY %]
[% INCLUDE first_block %]
[% CATCH file %]
ERROR: [% %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
ERROR: first_block: not found
-- test --
-- use default --
[% metaout %]
-- expect --
-- process --
TITLE: The cat sat on the mat
metadata last modified [% metamod %]
-- test --
[% TRY %]
[% PROCESS recurse counter = 1 %]
[% CATCH file -%]
[% %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
recursion count: 1
recursion into 'my file'
-- test --
[% INCLUDE nosuchfile %]
-- expect --
This is the default file
-- test --
-- use reset --
[% TRY %]
[% PROCESS recurse counter = 1 %]
[% CATCH file %]
[% %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
recursion count: 1
recursion count: 2
recursion count: 3
-- test --
[% TRY;
INCLUDE nosuchfile;
"ERROR: $error";
-- expect --
ERROR: file error - nosuchfile: not found
-- test --
[% INCLUDE src:foo %]
[% BLOCK src:foo; "This is foo!"; END %]
-- expect --
This is foo!
-- test --
[% a = ''; b = ''; d = ''; e = 0 %]
[% INCLUDE foo name = a or b or 'c'
item = d or e or 'f' -%]
[% BLOCK foo; "name: $name item: $item\n"; END %]
-- expect --
name: c item: f
-- test --
[% style = 'light'; your_title="Hello World" -%]
[% INCLUDE foo
title = my_title or your_title or default_title
bgcol = (style == 'dark' ? '#000000' : '#ffffff') %]
[% BLOCK foo; "title: $title\nbgcol: $bgcol\n"; END %]
-- expect --
title: Hello World
bgcol: #ffffff
-- test --
[% myhash = {
name = 'Tom'
item = 'teacup'
[% INCLUDE myblock
name = 'Fred'
item = 'fish'
[% INCLUDE myblock
import([% import %])
[% PROCESS myblock
import={ name = 'Tim', item = 'teapot' }
import([% import %])
[% BLOCK myblock %][% name %] has a [% item %][% END %]
-- expect --
Fred has a fish
Tom has a teacup
Tim has a teapot
-- test --
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0