Mini Shell
#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
# t/provider.t
# Test the Template::Provider module.
# Written by Andy Wardley <>
# Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id$
use strict;
use lib qw( ./lib ../lib );
use Template::Test;
use Template::Config;
use Template::Provider;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
$^W = 1;
my $DEBUG = grep(/-d/, @ARGV);
$Template::Test::DEBUG = 0;
use Template::Constants qw( :debug );
$Template::Provider::DEBUG = $DEBUG ? DEBUG_PROVIDER | DEBUG_CALLER : 0;
#$Template::Parser::DEBUG = 1;
#$Template::Directive::PRETTY = 1;
# uncommenting the next line should cause test 43 to fail because
# the provider doesn't stat the file.
# $Template::Provider::STAT_TTL = 10;
my $factory = 'Template::Config';
# script may be being run in distribution root or 't' directory
my $dir = -d 't' ? 't/test/src' : 'test/src';
my $lib = -d 't' ? 't/test/lib' : 'test/lib';
my $file = 'foo';
my $relfile = "./$dir/$file";
my $absfile = abs_path($dir) . '/' . $file;
my $newfile = "$dir/foobar";
my $vars = {
file => $file,
relfile => $relfile,
absfile => $absfile,
fixfile => \&update_file,
# This is used to test that source files are automatically reloaded
# when updated on disk. we call it first to write a template file,
# which is then included in one of the -- test -- sections below.
# Then we call update_file() (via the 'fixfile' variable) and
# include it again to see if the new file contents were loaded.
sub update_file {
local *FP;
sleep(2); # ensure file time stamps are different
open(FP, ">", $newfile) || die "$newfile: $!\n";
print(FP @_) || die "failed to write $newfile: $!\n";
update_file('This is the old content');
# instantiate a bunch of providers, using various different techniques,
# with different load options but sharing the same parser; then set them
# to work fetching some files and check they respond as expected
my $parser = $factory->parser(POST_CHOMP => 1)
|| die $factory->error();
ok( $parser );
my $provinc = $factory->provider(
PARSER => $parser,
) || die $factory->error();
ok( $provinc );
my $provabs = $factory->provider({
PARSER => $parser,
}) || die $factory->error();
ok( $provabs );
my $provrel = Template::Provider->new({
PARSER => $parser,
}) || die $Template::Provider::ERROR;
ok( $provrel );
ok( $provinc->{ PARSER } == $provabs->{ PARSER } );
ok( $provabs->{ PARSER } == $provrel->{ PARSER } );
ok( delivered( $provinc, $file ) );
ok( declined( $provinc, $absfile ) );
ok( declined( $provinc, $relfile ) );
ok( declined( $provabs, $file ) );
ok( delivered( $provabs, $absfile ) );
ok( denied( $provabs, $relfile ) );
ok( declined( $provrel, $file ) );
ok( denied( $provrel, $absfile ) );
ok( delivered( $provrel, $relfile ) );
sub delivered {
my ($provider, $file) = @_;
my ($result, $error) = $provider->fetch($file);
my $nice_result = defined $result ? $result : '<undef>';
my $nice_error = defined $error ? $error : '<undef>';
# print STDERR "$provider->fetch($file) -> [$nice_result] [$nice_error]\n"
# if $DEBUG;
return ! $error;
sub declined {
my ($provider, $file) = @_;
my ($result, $error) = $provider->fetch($file);
my $nice_result = defined $result ? $result : '<undef>';
my $nice_error = defined $error ? $error : '<undef>';
# print STDERR "$provider->fetch($file) -> [$nice_result] [$nice_error]\n"
# if $DEBUG;
return ($error == Template::Constants::STATUS_DECLINED);
sub denied {
my ($provider, $file) = @_;
my ($result, $error) = $provider->fetch($file);
# print STDERR "$provider->fetch($file) -> [$result] [$error]\n"
# if $DEBUG;
return ($error == Template::Constants::STATUS_ERROR);
# Test if can fetch from a file handle
my $ttglob = Template->new || die "$Template::ERROR\n";
ok( $ttglob, 'Created template for glob test' );
# Make sure we have a multi-line template file so $/ is tested.
my $glob_file = abs_path($dir) . '/baz';
open GLOBFILE, '<', $glob_file or die "Failed to open '$absfile': $!";
my $outstr = '';
$ttglob->process( \*GLOBFILE, { a => 'globtest' }, \$outstr ) || die $ttglob->error;
my $glob_expect = "This is the baz file, a: globtest\n";
my $ok = $glob_expect eq $outstr;
ok( $ok, $ok ? 'Fetch template from file handle' : <<EOF );
template text did not match template from file handle
expect: $glob_expect
output: $outstr
# now we'll fold those providers up into some Template objects that
# we can pass to text_expect() to do some template driven testing
my $ttinc = Template->new( LOAD_TEMPLATES => [ $provinc ] )
|| die "$Template::ERROR\n";
ok( $ttinc );
my $ttabs = Template->new( LOAD_TEMPLATES => [ $provabs ] )
|| die "$Template::ERROR\n";
ok( $ttabs );
my $ttrel = Template->new( LOAD_TEMPLATES => [ $provrel ] )
|| die "$Template::ERROR\n";
ok( $ttrel );
# here's a test of the dynamic path capability. we'll define a handler
# sub and an object to return a dynamic list of paths
package My::DPaths;
sub new {
my ($class, @paths) = @_;
bless \@paths, $class;
sub paths {
my $self = shift;
return [ @$self ];
package main;
sub dpaths {
return [ "$lib/one", "$lib/two" ],
# this one is designed to test the $MAX_DIRS runaway limit
$Template::Provider::MAX_DIRS = 42;
sub badpaths {
return [ \&badpaths ],
my $dpaths = My::DPaths->new("$lib/two", "$lib/one");
my $ttd1 = Template->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => [ \&dpaths, $dir ],
PARSER => $parser,
}) || die "$Template::ERROR\n";
ok( $ttd1, 'dynamic path (sub) template object created' );
my $ttd2 = Template->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => [ $dpaths, $dir ],
PARSER => $parser,
}) || die "$Template::ERROR\n";
ok( $ttd1, 'dynamic path (obj) template object created' );
my $ttd3 = Template->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => [ \&badpaths ],
PARSER => $parser,
}) || die "$Template::ERROR\n";
ok( $ttd3, 'dynamic path (bad) template object created' );
my $uselist = [
ttinc => $ttinc,
ttabs => $ttabs,
ttrel => $ttrel,
ttd1 => $ttd1,
ttd2 => $ttd2,
ttdbad => $ttd3 ];
test_expect(\*DATA, $uselist, $vars);
-- test --
-- use ttinc --
[% TRY %]
[% INCLUDE foo %]
[% INCLUDE $relfile %]
[% CATCH file %]
Error: [% error.type %] - [%': ').1 %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
This is the foo file, a is Error: file - not found
-- test --
[% TRY %]
[% INCLUDE foo %]
[% INCLUDE $absfile %]
[% CATCH file %]
Error: [% error.type %] - [%': ').1 %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
This is the foo file, a is Error: file - not found
-- test --
[% TRY %]
[% INSERT foo +%]
[% INSERT $absfile %]
[% CATCH file %]
Error: [% error %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
-- process --
[% TAGS [* *] %]
This is the foo file, a is [% a -%]
Error: file error - [* absfile *]: not found
-- test --
-- use ttrel --
[% TRY %]
[% INCLUDE $relfile %]
[% INCLUDE foo %]
[% CATCH file -%]
Error: [% error.type %] - [% %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
This is the foo file, a is Error: file - foo: not found
-- test --
[% TRY %]
[% INCLUDE $relfile -%]
[% INCLUDE $absfile %]
[% CATCH file %]
Error: [% error.type %] - [%': ').1 %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
This is the foo file, a is Error: file - absolute paths are not allowed (set ABSOLUTE option)
-- test --
foo: [% TRY; INSERT foo; CATCH; "$error\n"; END %]
rel: [% TRY; INSERT $relfile; CATCH; "$error\n"; END +%]
abs: [% TRY; INSERT $absfile; CATCH; "$error\n"; END %]
-- expect --
-- process --
[% TAGS [* *] %]
foo: file error - foo: not found
rel: This is the foo file, a is [% a -%]
abs: file error - [* absfile *]: absolute paths are not allowed (set ABSOLUTE option)
-- test --
-- use ttabs --
[% TRY %]
[% INCLUDE $absfile %]
[% INCLUDE foo %]
[% CATCH file %]
Error: [% error.type %] - [% %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
This is the foo file, a is Error: file - foo: not found
-- test --
[% TRY %]
[% INCLUDE $absfile %]
[% INCLUDE $relfile %]
[% CATCH file %]
Error: [% error.type %] - [%': ').1 %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
This is the foo file, a is Error: file - relative paths are not allowed (set RELATIVE option)
-- test --
foo: [% TRY; INSERT foo; CATCH; "$error\n"; END %]
rel: [% TRY; INSERT $relfile; CATCH; "$error\n"; END %]
abs: [% TRY; INSERT $absfile; CATCH; "$error\n"; END %]
-- expect --
-- process --
[% TAGS [* *] %]
foo: file error - foo: not found
rel: file error - [* relfile *]: relative paths are not allowed (set RELATIVE option)
abs: This is the foo file, a is [% a -%]
# test that files updated on disk are automatically reloaded.
-- test --
-- use ttinc --
[% INCLUDE foobar %]
-- expect --
This is the old content
-- test --
[% CALL fixfile('This is the new content') %]
[% INCLUDE foobar %]
-- expect --
This is the new content
# dynamic path tests
-- test --
-- use ttd1 --
foo: [% PROCESS foo | trim +%]
bar: [% PROCESS bar | trim +%]
baz: [% PROCESS baz a='alpha' | trim %]
-- expect --
foo: This is one/foo
bar: This is two/bar
baz: This is the baz file, a: alpha
-- test --
foo: [% INSERT foo | trim +%]
bar: [% INSERT bar | trim +%]
-- expect --
foo: This is one/foo
bar: This is two/bar
-- test --
-- use ttd2 --
foo: [% PROCESS foo | trim +%]
bar: [% PROCESS bar | trim +%]
baz: [% PROCESS baz a='alpha' | trim %]
-- expect --
foo: This is two/foo
bar: This is two/bar
baz: This is the baz file, a: alpha
-- test --
foo: [% INSERT foo | trim +%]
bar: [% INSERT bar | trim +%]
-- expect --
foo: This is two/foo
bar: This is two/bar
-- test --
-- use ttdbad --
[% TRY; INCLUDE foo; CATCH; e; END %]
-- expect --
file error - INCLUDE_PATH exceeds 42 directories
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0