Mini Shell
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 49;
use XML::NamespaceSupport;
use constant FATALS => 0; # root object
use constant NSMAP => 1;
use constant UNKNOWN_PREF => 2;
use constant AUTO_PREFIX => 3;
use constant XMLNS_11 => 4;
use constant DEFAULT => 0; # maps
use constant PREFIX_MAP => 1;
use constant DECLARATIONS => 2;
# initial prefixes and URIs
my $ns = XML::NamespaceSupport->new(
{ xmlns => 1, fatal_errors => 0, auto_prefix => 1 } );
ok( @{ $ns->[NSMAP] } == 1 );
ok( join( ' ', sort $ns->get_prefixes ), 'xml xmlns' );
ok( not defined $ns->get_uri('') );
ok( $ns->get_uri('xmlns'), '' );
# new context
ok( @{ $ns->[NSMAP] } == 2 );
is( join( ' ', sort $ns->get_declared_prefixes ), '', 'no declared_prefixes' );
ok( join( ' ', sort $ns->get_prefixes ), 'xml xmlns' );
# new prefixes are added
ok( $ns->declare_prefix( '', '' ) );
ok( $ns->declare_prefix( 'icl', '' ) );
ok( $ns->declare_prefix( 'icl2', '' ) );
ok( not $ns->declare_prefix( 'xml123', '' ) );
ok( join( ' ', $ns->get_declared_prefixes ), ' icl icl2' );
ok( join( ' ', sort $ns->get_prefixes ), 'icl icl2 xml xmlns' );
ok( join( ' ', sort $ns->get_prefixes('') ), 'icl icl2' );
ok( $ns->get_prefix('') =~ /^icl/ );
ok( $ns->get_uri('icl2'), '' );
join( ' ', $ns->process_name('icl:el1') ),
' el1 icl:el1'
ok( join( ' ', $ns->process_element_name('icl:el1') ),
' icl el1' );
ok( not $ns->process_element_name('aaa:el1') );
ok( join( ' ', map { $_ || 'undef' } $ns->process_element_name('el1') ),
' undef el1' );
join( ' ', $ns->process_element_name('xml:el1') ),
' xml el1'
ok( not $ns->process_name('aa:bb:cc') );
ok( join( ' ', $ns->process_attribute_name('icl:att1') ),
' icl att1' );
ok( not $ns->process_attribute_name('aaa:att1') );
ok( join( ' ', map { $_ || 'undef' } $ns->process_attribute_name('att1') ),
'undef undef att1' );
join( ' ', $ns->process_attribute_name('xml:att1') ),
' xml att1'
# new context and undeclaring default ns
ok( @{ $ns->[NSMAP] } == 3 );
ok( $ns->declare_prefix( '', '' ) );
$ns->[XMLNS_11] = 0;
eval { $ns->declare_prefix( 'icl', '' ) };
$ns->[XMLNS_11] = 1;
ok( $ns->declare_prefix( 'iclX', '' ) );
ok( join( ' ', map { $_ || 'undef' } $ns->process_element_name('') ),
'undef undef undef' );
ok( join( ' ', sort $ns->get_prefixes('') ), 'icl icl2' );
# new prefix and default ns
$ns->declare_prefix( 'perl', '' );
$ns->declare_prefix( '', '' );
$ns->[FATALS] = 1; # go to strict mode
ok( join( ' ', $ns->get_declared_prefixes ), 'perl ' );
ok( join( ' ', $ns->process_element_name('icl:el1') ),
' icl el1' );
eval { $ns->process_element_name('aaa:el1') };
ok( join( ' ', map { $_ || 'undef' } $ns->process_element_name('el1') ),
' undef el1' );
ok( join( ' ', $ns->process_element_name('perl:el1') ),
' perl el1' );
ok( join( ' ', $ns->process_attribute_name('icl:att1') ),
' icl att1' );
eval { $ns->process_attribute_name('aaa:att1') };
ok( join( ' ', map { $_ || 'undef' } $ns->process_attribute_name('att1') ),
'undef undef att1' );
ok( join( ' ', $ns->process_attribute_name('perl:att1') ),
' perl att1' );
# previous prefixes have gone
ok( @{ $ns->[NSMAP] } == 2 );
ok( join( ' ', sort $ns->get_prefixes('') ), 'icl icl2' );
# only initial prefixes remain
ok( @{ $ns->[NSMAP] } == 1 );
ok( join( ' ', sort $ns->get_prefixes ), 'xml xmlns' );
# reset object for re-use
$ns->declare_prefix( 'perl', '' );
$ns->declare_prefix( '', '' );
ok( @{ $ns->[NSMAP] } == 1 );
ok( join( ' ', sort $ns->get_prefixes ), 'xml xmlns' );
# undef prefix test
$ns->declare_prefix( undef, '' );
ok( defined $ns->get_prefix('') );
# get_declared_prefixes without context
my $ns = XML::NamespaceSupport->new;
eval { $ns->get_declared_prefixes };
ok( $@ =~ /At least one context/,
"get_declared_prefixes raises error without context on stack" );
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0