Mini Shell
Release notes
This file describes changes in recent versions of Modules. It
primarily documents those changes that are of interest to users and
Modules 5.3.0 (2023-05-14)
* Add Module cache design notes.
* Add "cachebuild" sub-command to create cache for modulepaths enabled
or specified on the command line. Cache files are named
".modulecache" and stored at the root of modulepath directories.
* Add "cacheclear" sub-command to delete cache file in all enabled
* Use cache file if available rather search the content of modulepath
directories when searching for modules (e.g., during "avail",
"load", "display", etc).
* Script: add cache-enabled version of *avail*, *whatis* and *load*
tests on **mb** benchmark utility.
* Add the "ignore_cache" configuration option to ignore module cache
file. Option is disabled by default and when set, it defines
"MODULES_IGNORE_CACHE" environment variable.
* Add "--ignore-cache" command-line switch to enable "ignore_cache"
configuration option and ignore module cache file for current
* Add "cache_buffer_bytes" configuration option to define buffer size
when reading or writing cache files. Option is set to "32768" by
default. When set it defines "MODULES_CACHE_BUFFER_BYTES"
environment variable.
* Add "cache_expiry_secs" configuration option that defines the number
of seconds a cache file is considered valid after being generated.
Option is set to "0" by default which means cache files never
expire. When option is set it defines "MODULES_CACHE_EXPIRY_SECS"
environment variable.
* Modulefiles and directories that are not accessible by everyone are
not recorded in cache file. A *limited access* directive is recorded
instead to indicate these modulefiles have to be tested and
directories have to be walked down to determine what the running
user can access.
* Doc: update Reduce I/O load cookbook recipe with module cache
* Correctly apply extra tag set when loading a module whose variant
has value automatically set. (fix issue #484)
* Catch collection directory creation error and report appropriate
message. (fix issue #482)
* Fix "source-sh" and "sh-to-mod" shell alias translation when used
with new *fish* shell version (3.6).
* Install: allow to build Modules from a short-depth git repository.
(fix issue #486)
* Install: ensure git log format is not influenced by user's
configuration in ****. (fix issue #487)
* Init: fix bash shell completion script to be able to complete full
name of available modules. (fix issue #490)
* Install: move licence name to SPDX format in RPM spec file.
* Doc: add Extra match search design notes.
* Introduce *extra match search* mechanism that evaluates available
modulefiles during a module search to find those matching an extra
query on a variant value, a dependency or an environment variable
definition. During this specific evaluation, modulefiles are
interpreted in *scan* mode.
* "scan" string is returned by "module-info mode" when queried during
a *scan* modulefile evaluation.
* Add the "variant" element in the allowed value list of the
"avail_output" and "avail_terse_output" configuration options. When
set, variants and their possible values are reported along the
module they are associated to on "avail" command output. Adding
variant information to this output activates the *extra match
search* mechanism that scan modulefiles to find variants they
define. (fix issue #407)
* Apply graphic rendition of default version ("de" SGR key) to default
variant value on either "list" and "avail" command output.
* Apply either loaded or auto-loaded graphic rendition to the loaded
variant value on "avail" command output.
* Update "avail", "paths" and "whatis" sub-commands to take into
account variant set in module specification. Available modules are
filtered with *extra match search* mechanism to only return those
matching the variant specification.
* Update "avail", "paths" and "whatis" sub-commands to accept module
specification with just a variant set (no module name and version).
Available modules are filtered with *extra match search* mechanism
to only return those matching the variant specification.
* Update "list" sub-command to accept module specification with just a
variant set (no module name and version). Loaded modules are
filtered to only return those matching the variant specification.
* Highlight searched variant name and value ("hi" SGR key) on either
"list" and "avail" command output.
* Doc: add Extra match search description in module man page.
* Introduce *extra specifiers* to query content of modulefiles. *Extra
specifiers* can be specified with *element:name* syntax as part of
module specification on module search commands ("avail", "paths" and
"whatis"). For instance with the "module avail append-path:PATH"
command, all modulefiles defining the "append-path" command on
"PATH" environment variable are returned.
* Add "variant" extra specifier to query modulefile variant
definitions. (fix issue #408)
* Add "setenv", "unsetenv", "append-path", "prepend-path", "remove-
path" and "pushenv" extra specifiers to query modulefile environment
variable definitions. The extra specifier alias "envvar" may also be
used to query any of these modulefile commands.
* Add "complete" and "uncomplete" extra specifiers to query modulefile
shell completion definitions.
* Add "set-alias" and "unset-alias" extra specifiers to query
modulefile shell alias definitions.
* Add "set-function" and "unset-function" extra specifiers to query
modulefile shell function definitions.
* Add "chdir" extra specifier to query modulefile current working
directory change definitions.
* Add "family" extra specifier to query modulefile family definitions.
* Add "prereq", "prereq-any", "prereq-all", "depends-on", "always-
load", "load", "load-any", "try-load", "switch" and "switch-on"
extra specifiers to query modulefile requirement definitions. The
extra specifier alias "require" may also be used to query any of
these modulefile commands.
* Add "conflict", "unload", "switch" and "switch-off" extra specifiers
to query modulefile incompatibility definitions. The extra specifier
alias "incompat" may also be used to query any of these modulefile
* Requirement and incompatibility extra specifiers accept module
specification as value.
* Doc: add Extra specifier description in module man page.
* Mark loaded modules as qualified for refresh evaluation when they
send content to "stdout" or "prestdout" channels with "puts"
modulefile command. (fix issue #488)
* Add the "ignore_user_rc" configuration option to skip evaluation of
user-specific module rc file. Option is disabled by default and when
set, it defines "MODULES_IGNORE_USER_RC" environment variable.
* Add "--ignore-user-rc" command-line switch to enable
"ignore_user_rc" configuration option and ignore user-specific
module rc file for current execution.
* Add the "variantifspec" element in the allowed value list of the
"avail_output" and "avail_terse_output" configuration options. Set
this new element in the default value list of both options. When set
and if a variant is specified in search query, variants and their
possible values are reported along the module they are associated to
on "avail" command output.
* Accept value starting with "+" or "-" characters on "--output"/"-o"
command-line switches to indicate value should respectively be
appended to or subtracted from current configuration option value.
* Accept value starting with "+" or "-" characters on "avail_output",
"avail_terse_output", "list_output", "list_terse_output", "colors",
"protected_envvars", "shells_with_ksh_fpath", "tag_abbrev",
"tag_color_name", "variant_shortcut" configuration options to
indicate value should respectively be appended to or subtracted from
current configuration option value.
* Fix "switch" sub-command not to unload *sticky* module when
switched-on module does not exist. (fix issue #492)
Modules 5.2.0 (2022-11-08)
* Introduce the "--optional" option on "prereq", "prereq-all",
"depends-on" and "always-load" modulefile commands. Expressed
optional dependency is considered satisfied even if modulefile is
not loaded. If optional requirement is loaded afterward, dependent
module is automatically reloaded, unless if the "auto_handling"
configuration option is disabled.
* A dependency expressed in modulefile with "module try-load" command
is considered optional. Dependent module is automatically reloaded
if the optional requirement is loaded afterward, unless if the
"auto_handling" configuration option is disabled.
* Raise error in case of unknown or misplaced option set on "prereq",
"prereq-all", "depends-on" or "always-load" modulefile commands.
* Add the "--timer" command-line switch to report the total execution
time of the **module** command. Also report the execution time of
every internal procedure calls when mixed with "--debug" option.
* Init: move "PATH" setup (to locate Modules' binaries location) from
shell initialization scripts to the "autoinit" sub-command. (fix
issue #462)
* Init: move "MANPATH" setup (to locate Modules' man-pages) from shell
initialization scripts to the "autoinit" sub-command. (fix issue
* Init: move shell completion setup from shell initialization scripts
to the "autoinit" sub-command. (fix issue #462)
* Enclose installation path references in shell code produced by
"autoinit", in initialization scripts and Makefiles to guaranty
correct evaluation in case these paths contain a space character.
Note that the quarantine mechanism is not compatible with such
installation paths.
* Fix "source-sh" and "sh-to-mod" when used with *fish* shell script
if "regex-easyesc" fish option is enabled. (fix issue #463)
* Add the "protected_envvars" configuration option to define a list of
environment variables that cannot be modified by modulefile
commands. When set, "protected_envvars" defines
"MODULES_PROTECTED_ENVVARS" environment variable. (fix issue #429
with contribution from Adrien Cotte)
* Introduce the "lint" sub-command to statically analyze syntax of
modulefiles, modulerc and global/user rc. (fix issue #451)
* Add the "tcl_linter" configuration option to define the program used
to analyze files with "lint" sub-command. This option is set to
"nagelfar.tcl" by default. When changed from default value, the
"MODULES_TCL_LINTER" environment variable is defined. Default value
can be changed with "--with-tcl-linter" and "--with-tcl-linter-opts"
installation options.
* Add the "--enable-nagelfar-addons" installation option (enabled by
default) to install specific syntax databases and plugins to lint
modulefiles, modulerc and global/user rc with Nagelfar. These files
are installed in the directory designated by the "--nagelfardatadir"
("DATAROOTDIR/nagelfar" by default).
* Doc: add lint sub-command design notes.
* Install: use **install** command rather **cp** or **mkdir** to
install Modules and guaranty consistent permission modes on deployed
* Also unset "pushenv" value stacks on "clear" sub-command.
* Doc: add mod-to-sh sub-command design notes.
* Introduce the "mod-to-sh" sub-command to translate designated
modulefile(s) into code for specified shell. (fix issue #447)
* Make "source" sub-command accepts modulefile specification as
argument. If argument does not correspond to a file path, search it
among available modulefiles. (fix issue #424)
* Doc: clarify "set-alias" only define shell alias and not shell
* Add the ability to filter the list of collections returned by
"savelist" sub-command. Filtering pattern is matched in a case
insensitive manner by default.
* Add support for "--starts-with" and "--contains" options on
"savelist" sub-command.
* Highlight all search patterns on "list" sub-command output instead
of only the first one..
* Highlight all search patterns on "savelist" sub-command output.
* Add support for "--all" option on "savelist" sub-command not to
limit result to the collection matching currently defined
* Doc: add Shell support section in modulefile man page to describe
how shells support the different kind of environment changes that
can be defined in modulefiles.
* Record during "autoinit" sub-command the initial environment state
in "__MODULES_LMINIT". Enabled modulepaths and loaded modulefiles
through "modulespath" and "initrc" initialization configuration
files are recorded in this new environment variable.
* Add "reset" sub-command to restore initial environment. It takes
recorded environment in "__MODULES_LMINIT" and restores it.
* Initial environment is restored when collection name specified on
"restore" sub-command equals "__init__".
* When no argument is provided to "restore" sub-command and if
*default* collection does not exist, initial environment is
* Initial environment content is displayed when collection name
specified on "saveshow" sub-command equals "__init__".
* When no argument is provided to "saveshow" sub-command and if
*default* collection does not exist, initial environment content is
* Add "reset_target_state" configuration option to determine behavior
of "reset" sub-command. When set to "__init__" (default value)
initial environment is restored. When set to "__purge__", a "purge"
sub-command is performed. Any other value, corresponds to the name
of a collection to "restore". When set, "reset_target_state" defines
"MODULES_RESET_TARGET_STATE" environment variable.
* Doc: add Initial environment design notes.
* Unload *sticky* modules on "restore" and "reset" sub-commands to
fully set environment in collection or initial state.
* Testsuite: add *lint* testsuite to validate syntax of shell and Tcl
scripts of this project. This testsuite can be invoked with "make
testlint" or "script/mt lint". sh, bash and ksh scripts are checked
with ShellCheck tool and tcl scripts are checked with Nagelfar.
* Update "modulecmd.tcl" code and add Nagelfar inline comments to fix
linter reports.
* Script: add usage message and support for "-h"/"--help" option on
**mrel**, **mpub**, **mt**, **mtreview**, **nglfar2ccov**, **mb**
and **mlprof** development utilities.
* Doc: describe **script/mt** and **script/mb** utilities in
Contributing guide.
* Fix ShellCheck error, warning and info reports over all sh, bash and
ksh shell scripts. (fix issue #470 with contribution from Lukáš
* Init: update profile script for sh-like shells to only source sh or
bash initialization script when BASH environment variable is found
set. (fix issue #473)
* Add "stash" sub-command to save current environment and restore
initial one.
* Add "stashpop" sub-command to restore stash collection then delete
this collection file.
* Add "stashrm" sub-command to delete stash collection file.
* Add "stashshow" sub-command to display stash collection file.
* Add "stashclear" sub-command to delete all stash collection files.
* Add "stashlist" sub-command to list all stash collection files.
* Update "savelist" sub-command to filter out stash collections unless
if "--all" option is set.
* Doc: ensure current user environment does not break logging system
in Log module command recipe. (fix issue #475)
* Rename the default git branch from *master* to *main* to use
inclusive terminology.
* Mark loaded modules that could benefit from a refresh evaluation in
the "__MODULES_LMREFRESH" environment variable.
* Optimize "refresh" sub-command to only evaluate loaded modules that
defines volatile environment changes (shell completion, alias or
function). (fix issue #477)
* Add "modulefile_extra_cmds" hook variable that could be defined in
"siteconfig.tcl" file to define specific commands in modulefile
interpreter context. "modulefile_extra_cmds" is a list of command
name and relative procedure pairs. (fix issue #286)
* Add "modulefile_extra_vars" hook variable that could be defined in
"siteconfig.tcl" file to define specific variables in modulefile
interpreter context. "modulefile_extra_vars" is a list of variable
name and value pairs. (fix issue #286)
* Add "modulerc_extra_cmds" hook variable that could be defined in
"siteconfig.tcl" file to define specific commands in modulerc
interpreter context. "modulerc_extra_cmds" is a list of command name
and relative procedure pairs. (fix issue #286)
* Add "modulerc_extra_vars" hook variable that could be defined in
"siteconfig.tcl" file to define specific variables in modulerc
interpreter context. "modulerc_extra_vars" is a list of variable
name and value pairs. (fix issue #286)
* Doc: Add Site-specific configuration section in module man page.
* Doc: extend Collections section with examples in module man page.
Modules 5.1.1 (2022-05-31)
* Install: add **rpmlint** rc configuration file to filter false
positive warning messages.
* Install: better guess "libdir64" and "libdir32" directory locations
when "libdir" does not end with *64* but contains *64*.
* Install: update RPM spec file to move libtclenvmodules in an
environment-modules directory under "libdir".
* Fix rendering of loading or unloading module designation when
configured color palette does not set the "hi" color key. (fix issue
* Remove the *already loaded* message displayed when verbosity level
is higher or equal to "verbose2" if new tags are applied to the
loaded module. (fix issue #456)
* Report a global known error when current working directory cannot be
retrieved due to the removal of this directory. (fix issue #457)
* Update tags set through "prereq" command on all already loaded
requirements. (fix issue #459)
* Update module designation with the tags set by reloading dependent
module. (fix issue #460)
* Install: include the "lib/config.guess" and "lib/config.sub" scripts
in distribution tarball if generated by **autoreconf**.
* Install: call "git" command in "Makefile" only if the definitions of
"" need to get built or refreshed.
Modules 5.1.0 (2022-04-30)
* Allow to declare "variant" with no list of accepted value. Such
variant accepts any value specified. (fix issue #405)
* Add the "redirect_output" configuration option to control on *sh*,
*bash*, *ksh*, *zsh* and *fish* shells whether or not the output of
the **module** function should be redirected from stderr to stdout.
When set, "redirect_output" defines "MODULES_REDIRECT_OUTPUT"
environment variable.
* Introduce the "--redirect"/"--no-redirect" command-line switches to
supersede the value of the "redirect_output" configuration option on
*sh*, *bash*, *ksh*, *zsh* and *fish* shells. (fix issue #410)
* Add the "--return-value" option to the "getenv" and "getvariant"
modulefile commands to force to return the value of respectively
designated environment variable or variant when modulefile is
evaluated in *display* mode. (fix issue #422)
* Introduce the "state" sub-command to display Modules states.
* Add the "supported_shells" state to get the list of the shells that
are supported by "modulecmd.tcl" through the "state" sub-command .
(fix issue #426)
* Filter out the variables intended for Modules private usage when
processing the environment changes made by a script evaluated by
"sh-to-mod" sub-command or "source-sh" modulefile command. (fix
issue #427)
* Doc: add Control mode behaviors design notes.
* Doc: add Add new configuration option design notes.
* Set a Code of conduct for the project and its community based on the
widely adopted Contributor Covenant.
* Doc: add Add new module sub-command design notes.
* Add the "--remove-on-unload" option to the "remove-path" to also
remove value when modulefile is unloaded.
* Raise error when an unknown option is set on "module use" or "module
unuse" modulefile command.
* Rework emitted debug messages to remove obvious ones and
systematically report each modulefile command processed with their
* Add the "--append-on-unload" option to the "remove-path" and "module
unuse" modulefile commands to append back when modulefile is
unloaded the value removed at load time or a specific value set
after this option.
* Add the "--prepend-on-unload" option to the "remove-path" and
"module unuse" modulefile commands to prepend back when modulefile
is unloaded the value removed at load time or a specific value set
after this option.
* Add the "--noop-on-unload" option to the "unsetenv", "remove-path"
and "module unuse" modulefile commands to perform no operation when
modulefile is unloaded.
* Add the "--unset-on-unload" option to the "unsetenv" modulefile
command to also unset environment variable when modulefile is
* Add the "--set-if-undef" option to the "setenv" modulefile command
to set environment variable when modulefile is loaded only this
variable is not yet defined.
* Install: add the "--with-bashcompletiondir", "--with-
fishcompletiondir" and "--with-zshcompletiondir" installation
options to install shell completion scripts in their system-wide
location. (fix issue #428)
* Doc: add Lmod Tcl modulefile compatibility design notes.
* Introduce the "add-property", "remove-property" and "extensions"
modulefile commands for compatibility with Lmod Tcl modulefiles.
These commands are evaluated as a *no-operation* command.
* Introduce the "prereq-any" modulefile command for compatibility with
Lmod Tcl modulefiles. "prereq-any" is an alias of "prereq" command.
* Produce a clear error message when wrong number of argument is
received by "prereq" command.
* Doc: describe "ModulesVersion" in *Modules Variables* section in
modulefile man page.
* Set "ModuleVersion" as an alias over "ModulesVersion" modulefile
variable for compatibility with Lmod Tcl modulefiles.
* Doc: describe "reportError" and "reportWarning" modulefile commands.
* Add the "require-fullname" modulefile command for compatibility with
Lmod Tcl modulefiles. This command aborts modulefile *load*
evaluation if modulefile's name is not fully specified.
* Add the "prereq-all" modulefile command, alias over the "prereq"
command which acts as an *AND* operation when multiple modulefiles
are specified.
* Add the "depends-on" modulefile command, alias over the "prereq-all"
command for compatibility with Lmod Tcl modulefiles.
* Introduce the "keep-loaded" module tag that avoids an auto-loaded
module to get automatically unloaded when its dependent modules are
getting unloaded. Update default "tag_abbrev" configuration option
to add an abbreviation for the new tag ("kL") and default light and
dark color palettes.
* Add the "always-load" modulefile command for compatibility with Lmod
Tcl modulefiles. This command loads designated modulefile and
applies the "keep-loaded" tag to it.
* Add the "load-any" sub-command and "module load-any" modulefile
command for compatibility with Lmod Tcl modulefiles. This command
loads one modulefile from specified list.
* Add support for "--not-req" option on "module try-load" and "module
load-any" modulefile commands.
* Doc: add Module magic cookie check design notes.
* Add the "mcookie_check" configuration option that control whether
the magic cookie at the start of modulefile (i.e., "#%Module" file
signature) need to get checked or not. When set to "eval" the number
of file checks is significantly reduced when walking through
modulepaths to search for modulefiles. Default value for this option
is overridden by the "MODULES_MCOOKIE_CHECK" environment variable.
* Doc: describe "puts" Tcl command and its specific feature when used
in modulefile.
* Create the "prestdout" channel for "puts" modulefile command to be
able to send content that will be evaluated in current shell session
prior any other content. (fix issue #432)
* Add the "family" modulefile command for compatibility with Lmod Tcl
modulefiles. This command defines family name as a module alias over
currently loading module and express a conflict over this name to
ensure only one member of a family can be loaded in user
environment. "family" also defines the "MODULES_FAMILY_<NAME>" and
"LMOD_FAMILY_<NAME>" environment variables.
* Doc: add Reduce I/O load cookbook recipe.
* Add the ability to filter the list of loaded modules returned by
"list" sub-command. Filtering pattern could be part of module name,
symbolic version or alias and is matched in a case insensitive
manner by default. It could also leverage the Advanced module
version specifiers syntax.
* Add support for "--starts-with" and "--contains" options on "list"
* Doc: add Shell completion design notes.
* Introduce "complete" and "uncomplete" modulefile commands to
respectively enable and disable shell completion for a given command
name. *bash*, *tcsh* and *fish* shells are supported.
* Track shell completion changes of *bash*, *tcsh* and *fish* shell
scripts on "sh-to-mod" sub-command and "source-sh" modulefile
* Fix typos found in code, tests and documentation. (contribution from
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos)
* Update the "sh-to-mod" and "source-sh" mechanisms to support nested
function definition on fish shell.
* Fix the "sh-to-mod" and "source-sh" mechanisms to correctly detect
functions with a "_" character in their name on fish shell.
* Update the **module** shell function definition for sh-kind shell to
enclose the output generated by "modulecmd.tcl" in quotes in order
to pass it to the eval command. This change fixes definition of
shell function, especially when coming from shell script evaluation
over the "sh-to-mod" and "source-sh" mechanisms. (fix issue #434)
* Fix csh shell alias detection on "sh-to-mod" and "source-sh"
mechanisms when enclosed in parenthesis. (fix issue #434)
* Include for fish shell environment analysis on "sh-to-mod" and
"source-sh" mechanisms the private functions defined by evaluated
script, in order to catch all definitions that may be useful for
shell completion.
* Fix the "sh-to-mod" and "source-sh" mechanisms to correctly detect
empty function on fish shell.
* Script: add **pre-commit** git hook script to help verify if commits
are free of misspellings (with codespell tool) and trailing spaces.
* Doc: fix typos found in documentation with Aspell utility.
* Doc: describe Dependencies between modulefiles in modulefile man
page. (fix issues #431 and #433)
* Script: update **pre-commit** git hook script to spell check
documentation files with Aspell tool.
* Script: add **commit-msg** git hook script to spell check commit
message with Aspell tool.
* Doc: clarify that "#%Module" is a file signature also called Modules
magic cookie.
* Doc: update the ENVIRONMENT section in module man page to provide
for each Modules environment variable the name of the configuration
option that could be used to set the variable with the "config" sub-
* Doc: clarify in module man page that "MODULES_SET_SHELL_STARTUP",
prior Modules initialization to get taken into account.
* Doc: update Installing Modules on Unix document to provide the name
of the configuration option linked the installation options.
* Doc: describe in module man page the default value of each
configuration option and linked installation option and command-line
* Doc: add *Configuration options* section in Installing Modules on
Unix document with a table summarizing all configuration options and
their relative installation options and environment variables.
* Add the "pushenv" modulefile command for compatibility with Lmod Tcl
modulefiles. This command sets designated environment variable with
specified value and save the previous value set to restore it when
the modulefile is unloaded. Previous values are saved in a
"__MODULES_PUSHENV_<VAR>" environment variable.
* Doc: add Compatibility with Lmod Tcl modulefile section in
modulefile man page.
* Update definition of the "module()" python function and python
initialization script to explicitly send output to "sys.stderr" to
get the ability to catch this content.
* Lib: handle "sysconf" error in function implementing the
"initStateUsergroups" procedure. (contribution from Lukáš Zaoral)
* Introduce the "--tag" option for the "load", "try-load", "load-any",
"switch" sub-commands and associated "module" modulefile commands
and "prereq", "prereq-all", "depends-on" and "always-load"
modulefile commands. This new option applies specified tags to the
module to load.
* Record tags set to loaded modules with the "--tag" option in the
"__MODULES_LMEXTRATAG" environment variable to make this information
persists after module being loaded.
* When saving a collection, record loaded module tags set with the "--
tag" option and those resulting from module load states (like "auto-
loaded" and "keep-loaded"). The "--notuasked" string previously used
to designate auto-loaded modules in collection is changed into the "
--tag=auto-loaded" option.
* Introduce the "collection_pin_tag" configuration option, that
records in collection all tags set on loaded modules when enabled.
Option is disabled by default and when set it defines the
"MODULES_COLLECTION_PIN_TAG" environment variable.
* When a collection is saved, its content starts with a "#%Module5.1"
file signature if "--tag" option is recorded in it.
* Update the "restore", "savelist", "saveshow" and "is-saved" sub-
commands to exclude from result or return an error when checking a
collection expressing a higher Modules version requirement in its
header signature than the one currently in use.
* Doc: describe differences between run-command file and modulefile
interpretation in modulefile man page.
* Doc: describe "module" sub-commands available as modulefile Tcl
command for each interpretation context in modulefile man page.
* When loading a module with some extra tags defined through the "--
tag" option, if this module is already loaded the new tags are added
to those already set.
* When reporting result of "avail" or "list" sub-commands, enclose
module names in single quotes if they contain a space character.
* When mentioning the loading, unloading or refreshing evaluation of a
module, report the tags associated to this module as done when
printing results of "list" sub-command.
* Fix Log module command cookbook recipe not to break Modules
initialization when using provided "siteconfig.tcl" file. (fix issue
#453 with contribution from Eric Burgueño)
* Mention tagging evaluation of a module, when tag list of an already
loaded module is updated.
Modules 5.0.1 (2021-10-16)
* Doc: add *How to preserve my loaded environment when running screen*
entry in Frequently Asked Questions.
* Fix the advanced version specifier resolution when the
"extended_default" option is off and "icase" option is on when
resolving version list specification. (fix issue #411)
* Doc: improve the Log module command cookbook to rely on the "trace"
Tcl command to track every modulefile evaluation and module/ml
procedure calls. (fix issue #412)
* Doc: fix missing space between list entries in Variants design doc.
(fix issue #413)
* Correctly detect tags set on loaded modules when refreshing them.
* Set the "__MODULES_AUTOINIT_INPROGRESS" environment variable when
running the "autoinit" sub-command and quit autoinit process if this
variable is found defined and equal to 1 when starting it. Ensure
this way that an autoinit process will not be triggered indefinitely
by itself when the "set_shell_startup" option is enabled and some
module loaded at initialization time relies on the execution of a
bash script. (fix issue #414)
* Remove warning message when unloading a "prepend-path" or "append-
path" modulefile command with "--duplicates" option set. (fix issue
* Clarify the module sub-commands that are allowed to be used within a
modulefile. (fix issue #423)
* Install: set in the module magic cookie of the "initrc"
configuration file installed by default the version of Modules
required to evaluate this file.
* Doc: fix documentation of "getenv" modulefile command to describe
that an empty string is now returned when designated environment
variable is not defined and no default value to return is specified.
Modules 5.0.0 (2021-09-12)
* Remove deprecated **** and **** tools
as shell script to modulefile conversion is now achieved with the
"sh-to-mod" sub-command.
* Remove mention of the "init*" sub-commands in module usage message
to put focus on the collection handling sub-commands.
* Do not declare anymore the "chdir", "module", "module-trace",
"module-verbosity", "module-user" and "module-log" commands under
the modulerc Tcl interpreter as no-op commands. A clear error
message is obtained if these commands are still used in modulerc
files instead of silently ignoring them.
* Return by default an empty string rather "_UNDEFINED_" on "getenv"
modulefile command if passed environment variable is not defined.
* Align empty directory name error message obtained on "use" sub-
command with message obtained when module or collection name is
* Accept non-existent modulepath on "use" sub-command.
* Install: installation option "--enable-auto-handling" is set on by
default which enables the automated module handling mode (see
* Install: installation option "--enable-extended-default" is set on
by default which allows partial module version specification (see
* Install: installation option "--enable-advanced-version-spec" is set
on by default which activates the Advanced module version specifiers
* Install: installation option "--enable-color" is set on by default
which enables the "auto" output color mode (see "MODULES_COLOR").
* Install: installation option "--with-icase" is set to "search" by
default to activate case insensitive match on search contexts (see
* Install: installation option "--enable-new-features" has been reset
following major version change as all the options it implied are now
enabled by default.
* Install: installation option "--enable-set-shell-startup" is set off
by default but could be enabled once installed through the "initrc"
configuration file.
* Install: installation option "--with-initconf-in" is set to "etcdir"
by default to locate configuration files in the directory designated
by the "--etcdir" option. Therefore the initialization configuration
file is named "initrc" in this directory, and the modulepath-
specific configuration file is named "modulespath".
* Only look at configuration files found in the location designated by
the "--etcdir" or "--initdir" option (depending on the value of "--
with-initconf-in" option). Configuration files were previously
searched in both locations.
* Install: remove installation option "--enable-compat-version".
Compatibility version co-installation is discontinued. **switchml**
shell function and "MODULES_USE_COMPAT_VERSION" are thus removed as
* Testsuite: introduce the non-regression quick test mode. When the
"QUICKTEST" environment variable is set to "1", only the main tests
from the non-regression testsuite are run. When first argument of
the **mt** script is "quick", tests are run in quick mode.
* Install: run non-regression testsuite in quick mode in RPM spec
* Rename the environment variables that are used by Modules to track
loaded environment state (variables whose name starts with
"MODULES_LM"). A "__" prefix is added to the name of these variables
to indicate that they are intended for internal use only.
* Rename the environment variables used to indirectly pass to
"modulecmd.tcl" the value of variables set in quarantine (variables
whose name finishes with "_modquar"). A "__MODULES_QUAR_" prefix is
applied to the name of these variables instead of the "_modquar"
suffix to indicate they are intended for Modules internal use of
* Update Tcl requirement to version 8.5 as Tcl 8.4 is deprecated since
a long time and this version is not available anymore on recent OS
distributions. Update internal code of "modulecmd.tcl" to take
benefit from the features brought by Tcl 8.5.
* Split source code in several Tcl files hosted in "tcl" directory.
When building Modules, the Tcl files are concatenated to make the
"modulecmd.tcl" script.
* Record "auto-loaded" tag of loaded modules in "__MODULES_LMTAG"
environment variable rather set a specific entry for module in the
"__MODULES_LMNOTUASKED" environment variable.
* Rename the environment variables used by the reference counting
mechanism of path-like environment variables. A "__MODULES_SHARE_"
prefix is applied to the name of these variables instead of the
"_modshare" suffix to clearly indicate they are intended for Modules
internal use of only.
* Reference counting mechanism is not anymore applied to the Modules-
specific path variables (like "LOADEDMODULES"). As a result no
"__MODULES_SHARE_<VAR>" variable is set in user environment for
these variables. Exception is made for "MODULEPATH" environment
variable where the mechanism still applies.
* When an element is added to a path-like variable through the
"append-path" or "prepend-path" modulefile commands, add this
element to the associated reference counter variable (named
"__MODULES_SHARE_<VAR>") only when this element is added multiple
times to the path-like variable. When an element is removed from a
path-like variable, this element is removed from the reference
counter variable when its counter is equal to 1.
* When the "use" and "unuse" module sub-commands are not called during
a modulefile evaluation, the reference counter associated with each
entry in "MODULEPATH" environment variable is ignored. In such
context, a "module use" will not increase the reference counter of a
path entry already defined and a "module unuse" will remove
specified path whatever its reference counter value.
* When the "append-path", "prepend-path" and "remove-path" module sub-
commands are not called during a modulefile evaluation, the
reference counter associated with each entry in targeted environment
variable is ignored. In such context, a "module append-path/prepend-
path" will not increase the reference counter of a path entry
already defined and a "module remove-path" will remove specified
path whatever its reference counter value.
* Fix "unuse" sub-command when several modulepaths are specified as a
single argument (i.e., "/path/to/dir1:/path/to/dir2"). Enabled
modulepaths were not correctly detected when specified this way.
* Doc: clarify that an already defined path is not added again or
moved when passed to the "use" sub-command or the "append-path
/prepend-path" modulefile commands. (fix issue #60)
* Change the "refresh" sub-command to evaluate all loaded modulefiles
and re-apply the non-persistent environment changes they define
(i.e., shell aliases and functions). With this change the "refresh"
sub-command is restored to the behavior it had on Modules version
* Evaluate the modulefile commands resulting from a "source-sh"
command through the current modulefile Tcl interpreter in order to
evaluate them according to the current modulefile evaluation mode.
* When initializing Modules, refresh the loaded modules in case some
user environment is already configured. This is especially useful
when starting a sub-shell session as it ensures that the loaded
environment in parent shell is correctly inherited, as the "refresh"
sub-command re-applies the non-persistent environment configuration
(i.e., shell alias and function that are not exported to the sub-
shell). (fix issue #86)
* Init: add example code in default "initrc", the initialization
script of Modules, to either restore user's default collection if it
exists or load a predefined module list at the end of the
initialization process.
* When initializing Modules, evaluate the "initrc" configuration file
in addition to the the "modulespath" configuration file and not
instead of this file. "initrc" is evaluated after "modulespath"
* When the installation option "--enable-modulespath" is set, the list
of modulepath to enable by default is now only defined in the
"modulespath" configuration file and not anymore in the "initrc"
configuration file.
* No error is raised when evaluating in "display" mode a modulefile
without a value specified for the "variant" it defines. This change
helps to learn all the variant a modulefile defines. As a result,
the unspecified variant is not instantiated in the "ModuleVariant"
array variable. (fix issue #406)
* When running the "unsetenv" modulefile command on an unload
evaluation, do not unset designated environment variable if no value
to restore is provided.
* Fix "unsetenv" to distinguish between being called on a unload
evaluation without a value to restore or with an empty string value
to restore.
* Make "system" modulefile command available from a modulerc
evaluation context whatever the underlying module evaluation mode.
* Make "is-used" modulefile command available from a modulerc
evaluation context.
* Remove internal state "tcl_version_lt85" as Tcl 8.5+ is now a
* Forbid use of "module source" command in modulefile or in an
initialization rc file, the "source" Tcl command should be used
instead. "source" sub-command should only be called from the
* Report the modules loading and unloading during the **module**
command initialization (i.e., during the evaluation of the "initrc"
configuration file). These report messages are disabled when the
"verbosity" configuration option is set to "concise" or "silent".
* During a module "restore" or "source", only report the module load
and unload directly triggered by these sub-commands. Load and unload
triggered by other modules are reported through the automated module
handling messages of the main modules.
* Enforce use of the module magic cookie (i.e., "#%Module") at the
start of global or user rc files, "initrc" configuration file or any
scriptfile passed for evaluation to the "source" sub-command. These
files are not evaluated and an error is produced if the magic cookie
is missing or if the optional version number placed after the cookie
string is higher than the version of the "modulecmd.tcl" script in
* Doc: alphabetically sort installation option in Installing Modules
on Unix document.
* Update the "--enable-quarantine-support" installation option to
control a "quarantine_support" configuration option. When this
option is enabled, the "autoinit" sub-command produces the shell
code for the **module** shell function definition with quarantine
mechanism support. When disabled, code is generated without
quarantine support.
* Install: installation option "--enable-quarantine-support" is set
off by default.
* Introduce the "MODULES_QUARANTINE_SUPPORT" environment variable to
control the "quarantine_support" configuration option once Modules
is installed. To enable the quarantine mechanism,
"MODULES_QUARANTINE_SUPPORT" should be set to "1" prior Modules
initialization or "quarantine_support" configuration option should
be set to "1" in the "initrc" configuration file.
* Quarantine mechanism code in the Modules shell initialization
scripts is now always defined and mechanism always applies if some
environment variables are defined in "MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE".
* Code in the "modulecmd.tcl" script to restore environment variables
put in quarantine is now always generated and applies if the
"__MODULES_QUARANTINE_SET" environment variable is set to "1". This
variable is set by the Modules initialization script prior calling
the "autoinit" sub-command or by the **module** shell function if it
has been generated with quarantine support enabled.
* Install: installation option "--enable-silent-shell-debug-support"
is set off by default.
* Code to silence shell debug properties in the Modules shell
initialization scripts is now always defined and mechanism applies
if "MODULES_SILENT_SHELL_DEBUG" environment variable is set to "1".
* Code to silence shell debug properties in the **module** shell
function could now be enabled if "MODULES_SILENT_SHELL_DEBUG" is set
to "1" prior Modules initialization or if the "silent_shell_debug"
configuration option is set to "1" in the "initrc" configuration
* Doc: clarify TOC and title of MIGRATING document.
* Doc: extend description of Modules configuration steps of in
Installing Modules on Unix document.
* Doc: document "initrc" and "modulespath" configuration files in
module man page.
* Install: replace "example.txt" by "INSTALL.txt" guide in RPM.
* Doc/Install: rename "diff_v3_v4" document into changes.
* Doc: reorganize Changes between versions document to let room to
describe Modules 5 changes.
Modules 4.8.0 (2021-07-14)
* Introduce the "edit" sub-command that opens modulefile passed as
argument in a text editor. Modulefile can be specified like with any
other sub-command, leveraging defined symbolic versions, aliases or
using advanced version specifiers.
* Add the "editor" configuration option to select the text editor to
use with "edit" sub-command. When this option is set through the
"config" sub-command, the "MODULES_EDITOR" environment variable is
set. The "--with-editor" installation option controls the default
value of "editor" configuration option. If not set at installation
time, "vi" is set as default editor.
* Default value of "editor" configuration option is overridden by the
"VISUAL" or the "EDITOR" environment variables, which are both in
turn overridden by the "MODULES_EDITOR" environment variable.
* Doc: fix "modulecmd.tcl" internal state check in recipes example
codes. (fix issue #396)
* The Advanced module version specifiers mechanism now allows the use
of version range in version list (for instance
"mod@:1.2,1.4:1.6,1.8:"). Such specification helps to exclude
specific versions. (fix issue #397)
* Install: fix installation scripts to allow building Modules when its
repository is set as a git submodule. (fix issue #398)
* Doc: demonstrate in the Source shell script in modulefile recipe how
to use the "source-sh" command when software provide a specific
initialization script for each shell it supports. (fix issue #399)
* When defining a shell function with the "set-function" modulefile
command, only export this function when using the Bash shell (using
the "export -f" shell command) to make it available in sub-shell
contexts. Shell function export is not supported on other kind of sh
shell (sh, ksh and zsh). (fix issue #401)
* Doc: add Variants design notes.
* Add the "variant" modulefile command that enables to pass down
arguments, specified when designating the module to evaluate, within
modulefile evaluation context. This command defines a variant name
and a list of allowed values. When evaluated, "variant" instantiates
an element in the "ModuleVariant" array whose name equals variant
name and value is set with value specified for variant when module
is designated. If specified value does not correspond to an allowed
value or if no value is specified for variant an error is raised.
* Enhance the Advanced module version specifiers to handle variant
specification following Spack's syntax (e.g., *name=value*). When
the "advanced_version_spec" configuration is enabled, variant could
be specified anywhere a module can be specified.
* Add the "--default" option to the "variant" modulefile command to
indicate the default value of the variant to apply when the
designation of the evaluating module does not mention this variant.
* Add the "--boolean" option to the "variant" modulefile command to
indicate that the variant defined is of the Boolean type, thus no
list of accepted value is expected.
* Enhance the Advanced module version specifiers to handle Boolean
variant specification following Spack's syntax (e.g., *+name*,
*~name* and *-name*). The *-name* syntax is not supported on ml
command as the minus sign already means to unload designated module.
* Accept any minus argument (*-word*) set after the sub-command name
when the "advanced_version_spec" configuration is enabled and if
sub-command accepts Advanced module version specifiers (like "load"
or "unload" sub-commands). A *false* value may be set to Boolean
variant this way.
* Add the "variant_shortcut" configuration option to define shortcut
characters that could be used to specify and report module variants.
Default value for this option could be set at installation time with
the "--with-variant-shortcut" option. No variant shortcut is defined
by default. This value could be superseded by setting up the
"variant_shortcut" option with "config" sub-command. Which sets the
"MODULES_VARIANT_SHORTCUT" environment variable.
* Enhance the Advanced module version specifiers to handle variant
shortcut specification (e.g., *<shortcut>value*).
* Record in user loaded environment, with "MODULES_LMVARIANT"
environment variable, the value specified for the variants defined
in the loaded modulefiles and their properties (if it is a Boolean
variant and if the value set is the default one).
* Add the "variant" element in the allowed value list of the
"list_output" and "list_terse_output" configuration options. Set
this new element in the default value list of the "list_output"
option. When set, the variant defined for loaded modules are
reported on module "list" command output.
* Add the "va" color key in default light and dark color palettes to
graphically enhance the report of variant value.
* Update the key section to explain on "list" sub-command output the
reported variant elements (*name=value*, *+name*, *-name* or
* Record variant specification of loaded modules when saving
collections and reload specified variants when restoring these
* When "collection_pin_version" configuration is disabled, only record
in collections the variants whose value is not the default one.
* Update module designation in error, warning or informational
messages to report variant specification enclosed in curly braces
(*{}*), enclose module name and version or variant specification in
single quotes (*''*) if they contain a space character and highlight
the module designation in report message if configured.
* Introduce the "getvariant" modulefile command to query for currently
evaluating module the value of a given variant name.
* When translating the "@loaded" version specifier also retrieve the
variant specified for corresponding loaded module.
* Update hide, forbid and tag mechanisms to apply them only if they
match selected module variant.
* Any variant defined in module specification passed as argument to
search sub-commands ("avail", "whatis", "is-avail", "path" and
"paths") is ignored.
* Raise an error if a variant named "version" is declared in a
modulefile to let room for the future implementation of this
specific variant.
* Doc: describe in the Changes between versions document argument
handling change on "setenv" since v3.2. (fix issue #402)
* Introduce the "try-load" sub-command which like "load" sub-command
tries to load the modulefile passed as argument, but does not
complain if this modulefile cannot be found. (fix issue #392)
* Init: fix stderr redirection in fish shell initialization script,
now that use of the "^" character to redirect stderr is disabled by
default (fish >=3.3).
* Protect quarantine mechanism code from "rcexpandparam" Zsh option
when initializing the **module** command on this shell. (fix issue
Modules 4.7.1 (2021-04-06)
* Doc: clarify the license terms used by the project. (fix issue #389)
* Align all files from the Modules project under the GPLv2+ license.
Scripts and libraries that were previously licensed with GPLv3+ have
been moved to GPLv2+ with the consent of their respective copyright
holders. (fix issue #389)
* Revert "Install: have "configure" script assume the "." dot
directory when invoked without the prepended "./"" as consent was
not obtained from author to re-license the contribution to GPLv2+.
* Doc: fixes few typos in module and modulefile.
* Update the "sh-to-mod" mechanism to support version 3.2 of the fish
shell. Fish 3.2 introduces the "." builtin command that should be
regexp-escaped when determining the shell functions or aliases
defined by the script analyzed by "sh-to-mod".
* Vim: update addon files to highlight modulefile variables
"ModuleTool", "ModuleToolVersion" and "ModulesCurrentModulefile".
* Doc: update the description and default value of the "--with-dark-
background-colors" and "--with-light-background-colors" installation
* Doc: add description of changes that occurred on versions 4.6 and
4.7 for the "--with-dark-background-colors" and "--with-light-
background-colors" installation options and for the "MODULES_COLORS"
environment variable.
* Doc: correct the default value of the "--with-tag-abbrev"
installation option.
* Doc: add Sticky modules cookbook recipe.
Modules 4.7.0 (2021-02-19)
* Doc: simplify TOC of New features document
* Add the "ModuleTool" and "ModuleToolVersion" Modules variables to
determine during modulefile or modulerc evaluation the name and
version of the *module* implementation currently in use.
* Introduce the "versioncmp" modulefile command to compare two version
strings passed as argument.
* Enable the use of wildcard character to designate multiple
directories at once in "modulespath" configuration file. (fix issue
* Distinguish aliases from symbolic versions in "MODULES_LMALTNAME"
environment variable. Prefix these alias entries with the "al|"
* Fetch modulefile modification time only if required by "list" sub-
command display format.
* Use symbolic versions recorded in environment, with
"MODULES_LMALTNAME" variable, to report the symbols applying to
loaded modules on "list" sub-command. Modulerc files are not
evaluated anymore when performing a module list.
* Move the definition of the "FPATH" environment variable for Modules
initialization on ksh shell from the initialization script of this
shell to the resulting output of the "autoinit" sub-command.
* Introduce the "shells_with_ksh_fpath" configuration option to define
a list of shell where to ensure that any ksh sub-shell will get the
module function defined by use of the "FPATH" environment variable.
When the "shells_with_ksh_fpath" option is set through the "config"
sub-command, the "MODULES_SHELLS_WITH_KSH_FPATH" environment
variable is set. Accepted values are a list of shell among *sh*,
*bash*, *csh*, *tcsh* and *fish* separated by colon character (":").
* Add the "implicit_requirement" configuration option to control
whether a prereq or a conflict requirement should be implicitly set
onto modules respectively specified on "module load" or "module
unload" commands in modulefile. Default value for this option could
be set at configure time with the "--enable-implicit-requirement"
option (enabled by default). This value could be superseded by
setting up the "implicit_requirement" option with "config" sub-
command. Which sets the "MODULES_IMPLICIT_REQUIREMENT" environment
variable. (fix issue #260)
* Add the "--not-req" option to the "module" modulefile command to
inhibit for its "load" and "unload" sub-commands the definition of a
prereq or conflict requirement onto specified modules.
* Add the "lpopState" and "currentState" procedures to respectively
remove or return the last entry from the list of values of a given
* Add the "topState" and "depthState" procedures to respectively
return the first element from or the number of elements in the list
of values of a given state.
* Remove the pre-definition of runtime states with no specific
property. These basic states are defined on-the-fly which implied
they are not reported on a "module config --dump-state" command
unless if instantiated.
* Introduce the "loaded" symbolic version among advanced version
specifiers (e.g. "foo@loaded") to designate the currently loaded
version of specified module. (fix issue #366)
* Doc: add *Module tags* design notes.
* Report tags applying to the modules returned by the "avail" sub-
command. Adapt the regular, terse and JSON output styles to report
these tags along the module they are attached to (enclosed in "<>").
Reported tags currently are states that apply to modules: "auto-
loaded", "forbidden", "hidden", "loaded", "nearly-forbidden",
"sticky" and "super-sticky".
* Record tags applying to each loaded module in the "MODULES_LMTAG"
environment variable to make this information persist after module
being loaded.
* Report tags applying to the loaded modules returned by the "list"
sub-command. Adapt the regular and JSON output styles to report
these tags along the module they are attached to (enclosed in "<>").
Reported tags currently are states applying to loaded modules:
"auto-loaded", "hidden-loaded", "nearly-forbidden", "sticky" and
* Introduce the "module-info tags" modulefile command to query the
tags that apply to the currently evaluated modulefile.
* Add the "module-tag" modulefile command to associate tag to
designated modulefile. Those tags are reported on "avail" and "list"
sub-commands along the module they are attached to. "module-tag"
supports the advanced module version specifier syntax.
* Add the "tag_abbrev" configuration option to define abbreviated
strings for module tags and use these abbreviations instead of tag
names when reporting tags on "avail" and "list" command results.
Default value for this option could be set at configure time with
the "--with-tag-abbrev" option. By default the following
abbreviations are set: "aL" for *auto-loaded*, "F" for *forbidden*,
"H" for *hidden*, "H" for *hidden-loaded*, "L" for *loaded*, "nF"
for *nearly-forbidden*, "S" for *sticky*, "sS" for *super-sticky*.
This value could be superseded by setting up the "tag_abbrev" option
with "config" sub-command. Which sets the "MODULES_TAG_ABBREV"
environment variable.
* A Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) code can be associated to module
tag names or abbreviation strings in the color palette to
graphically render these tags over the module name they are
associated to. The default light and dark color palettes have been
updated to set a color code for all basic module tags. When a color
code is set for a tag, it is then graphically rendered over the
module names and not reported along module name by its tag name or
abbreviation. When multiple colored tags apply to a given module,
each tag is graphically rendered over a sub-part of the module name.
* Add the "tag_color_name" configuration option to designate module
tags whose graphical rendering should be applied to their own name
or abbreviation rather than over the module name they are attached
to. Default value for this option could be set at configure time
with the "--with-tag-color-name" option (empty by default). This
value could be superseded by setting up the "tag_color_name" option
with "config" sub-command. Which sets the "MODULES_TAG_COLOR_NAME"
environment variable.
* Add the "--hidden-loaded" option to the "module-hide" modulefile
command that indicates module should be hidden once loaded. When
set, the "hidden-loaded" module tag applies to module specification
set on "module-hide" command.
* Do not report on "list" sub-command results the loaded modules
associated with the "hidden-loaded" tag, unless if the "--all"
option is set.
* Doc: add an "hidden-loaded" example in the *Hide and forbid modules*
cookbook recipe.
* Introduce the "verbose2" verbosity level between "verbose" and
"trace" levels. Verbose2 mode can be enabled by setting the
"verbosity" config to the "verbose2" value or by using the "-v"
command-line switch twice.
* Do not report the load, unload or switch of modules set "hidden-
loaded" if these modules have been loaded, unloaded or switched
automatically. Unless the verbosity mode is set to "verbose2" or any
higher level or if any specific messages have to be reported for
these module evaluations.
* Report when trying to load a module which is already loaded or when
trying to unload a module which is not loaded in case the verbosity
mode is set to "verbose2" or any higher level. (fix issue #187)
* Doc: improve readability of version 4 improvements in Changes
between versions document.
* Introduce stickiness: module tagged "sticky" with "module-tag"
command cannot be unloaded unless if the unload is forced or if the
module is reloaded. (fix issue #269)
* Introduce super-stickiness: module tagged "super-sticky" with
"module-tag" command cannot be unloaded even if the unload is forced
unless if the module is reloaded. (fix issue #269)
* Allow swap of sticky or super-sticky modules by another modulefile
version if stickiness definition applies to module parent name.
E.g., *foo/1.0* can be swapped by *foo/2.0* if sticky tag applies to
* When forcing purge with a "purge --force" sub-command, also unload
the modules that are depended by non-unloadable modules.
* Doc: improve readability of Modules installation configuration in
Installing Modules on Unix document and enable hypertext reference
to these elements.
* Doc: improve readability of module command configuration option in
module document and enable hypertext reference to these elements.
* Doc: describe in HTML documentation when installation options,
module command configuration options and options of modulefile
command or module sub-command were introduced.
* Doc: update HTML documentation Table Of Content.
* Doc: improve markup of module sub-commands, modulefile commands,
installation option, module configuration option across
* Doc: colorize terminal output examples in New features document.
* Abort modulefile read if first file content chunk does not start
with the "#%Module" magic cookie. (fix issue #375)
* Install: add installation option "--enable-new-features" that
enables all at once the installation options that are disabled by
default due to the substantial behavior changes they imply.
* Add a *Key* section at the end of "avail" and "list" sub-commands to
explain the meaning of graphical renditions or of elements set in
parentheses or chevrons along module name.
* Fix output of "avail" and "list" sub-commands on very small terminal
width. (fix issue #378)
* Add "mcookie_version_check" configuration to define if version set
in modulefile magic cookie should be checked against **module**
current version to determine if modulefile can be evaluated. The new
configuration, which is enabled by default, can be set at
installation time with configure option "--enable-mcookie-version-
check" or can be superseded later on with the
"MODULES_MCOOKIE_VERSION_CHECK" environment variable. (fix issue
* Fix output of modulefile evaluation error stack trace on very small
terminal width. (fix issues #379 and #381)
* Correct "config" sub-command to set "nearly_forbidden_days"
configuration. (fix issue #380)
* Init: reduce usage of helper variables in "bash_completion" and
"tcsh_completion" that are showing up in the output of the shell's
"set" command. (fix issue #382 with contribution from Colin
* Consider modulepath starting with a reference to an environment
variable as absolute. (fix issue #376)
* Consider the "module load" performed in the user or the global RC
file like load commands issued from initialization RC file. (fix
issue #372)
* Install: have "configure" script assume the "." dot directory when
invoked without the prepended "./". (contribution from R.K. Owen)
* Install: disable the Makefile rules to build the HTML documentation
in case if the documentation is found pre-built in the dist archive.
* Install: do not flag documentation as pre-built if "configure"
script is ran another time after building docs.
* Restrict the value accepted by "nearly_forbidden_days" configuration
and "--with-nearly-forbidden-days" installation option to integers
comprised between 0 and 365.
* Install: color *ERROR* and *WARNING* message headers produced by
"configure" script if output is sent to a terminal.
* Install: split error messages produced by "configure" script over an
additional line when too long.
* Doc: add *Output configuration* design notes.
* Introduce the "avail_output" and "avail_terse_output" configuration
options to define the content to report in addition to the available
module names respectively for "avail" sub-command regular and terse
output modes. Excepted value for these configuration options is a
colon separated list of elements to report. Default value is
"modulepath:alias:dirwsym:sym:tag:key" for "avail_output" and
"modulepath:alias:dirwsym:sym:tag" for "avail_terse_output". These
values can be changed at installation time respectively with the "--
with-avail-output" and "--with-avail-terse-output" options. These
values can then be superseded by using the "config" sub-command
which sets the "MODULES_AVAIL_OUTPUT" and
"MODULES_AVAIL_TERSE_OUTPUT" environment variables.
* Introduce the "list_output" and "list_terse_output" configuration
options to define the content to report in addition to the available
module names respectively for "list" sub-command regular and terse
output modes. Excepted value for these configuration options is a
colon separated list of elements to report. Default value is
"header:idx:sym:tag:key" for "list_output" and "header" for
"list_terse_output". These values can be changed at installation
time respectively with the "--with-list-output" and "--with-list-
terse-output" options. These values can then be superseded by using
the "config" sub-command which sets the "MODULES_LIST_OUTPUT" and
"MODULES_LIST_TERSE_OUTPUT" environment variables.
* Add the "--output"/"-o" command-line switches to supersede the
output configuration of "avail" or "list" sub-commands on their
regular or terse output modes.
* Remove the "avail_report_dir_sym" and "avail_report_mfile_sym"
locked configuration options whose behaviors can now be obtained by
respectively adding the "dirwsym" and "sym" elements to the
"avail_output" or "avail_terse_output" configuration options.
* When "modulepath" is omitted from the content to report on "avail"
sub-command, available modules collected from global/user rc and
enabled modulepaths are aggregated and reported all together.
* Install: print generated file names rather commands executed to
generate these files on Makefile build targets. Output obtained when
building Modules is this way simplified. When option "V=1" is passed
to "make", the verbose mode is enabled and run commands are shown.
The simplified "make" output does not apply to the install, test and
clean targets or any target similar to them.
* Install: fix configure and build files of Modules Tcl extension
library to make them compatible with autoconf >=2.69.
* Script: correctly detect previous Modules version number released
from a side git branch on **mpub** command.
* Install: align RPM spec file syntax with spec file used on Fedora.
Add missing build dependency on "make" package. Also remove obsolete
"Group" RPM tag.
* Add the "term_width" configuration option to set the width of the
output. This configuration option is set to "0" by default, which
means that the output width is the full terminal width. The "--
width"/"-w" command line switches are added to supersede the value
of the configuration option. (fix issue #359 with contribution from
Anaïs Gaertner)
* Doc: add a *Get Modules* section in Installing Modules on Unix
document to provide download links for Modules' sources. (fix issue
Modules 4.6.1 (2020-11-14)
* Lib: implement "initStateClockSeconds" as a Tcl command in
libtclenvmodules to provide an optimized way to retrieve current
Epoch time.
* Lib: implement "parseDateTimeArg" as a Tcl command in
libtclenvmodules to provide an optimized way to convert a datetime
string into an Epoch time.
* When full module specification is equal to "@", raise an error as no
module name is provided. (fix issue #362)
* Optimize internal recording of hidden module and tag specification
when parsing modulerc files in order to reduce the time taken to
test if a given module is hidden or if a given tag applies to it.
* Script: add the ability to select the benchmark test to perform on
**mb** utility.
* Doc: add *Use new features without breaking old module command*
cookbook recipe
* Doc: rework option description for "module-hide" and "module-forbid"
commands in modulefile document.
* Doc: describe in Changes between versions document that shell
special characters like backticks are escaped when used in values
starting Modules 4.0. (fix issue #365)
* Doc: make the ENVIRONMENT section from modulefile man page point to
the ENVIRONMENT section of module man page.
* Fix "clear" sub-command to unset the "MODULES_LMSOURCESH"
environment variable. (fix issue #367)
* Correctly return on "avail" sub-command a symbolic version defined
in a global RC file when specifically searched. (fix issue #368)
* Fix module hiding resolution for symbolic versions defined in a
global RC file when "module-hide" statements are set in the
modulepath where the modulefiles targeted by these symbols are
located. (fix issue #369)
* When a module fails to unload during a "purge" sub-command, preserve
loaded the modules it requires to keep environment consistent. (fix
issue #370)
* Doc: add *Hide and forbid modules* cookbook recipe.
Modules 4.6.0 (2020-09-16)
* Rework internal state handling to gather all state definitions in a
global array and use the same initialization and retrieval
procedure, named "getState", for all these states.
* Add the "setState", "unsetState", "lappendState", "isStateDefined"
and "isStateEqual" procedures to provide unified ways to set or
check the value of state.
* Introduce the "sh-to-mod" sub-command, to evaluate shell script and
determine the environment changes it does. Corresponding modulefile
content is outputted as a result. Changes on environment variables,
shell aliases, shell functions and current working directory are
tracked. The following shells are supported: sh, dash, csh, tcsh,
bash, ksh, ksh93, zsh and fish.
* Doc: add *Source shell script in modulefile* design notes.
* Introduce the "source-sh" modulefile command, to evaluate shell
script and apply resulting environment changes through modulefile
commands. When a modulefile using "source-sh" modulefile command is
loaded, the modulefile commands resulting from shell script
evaluation are recorded in the "MODULES_LMSOURCESH" environment
variable to be able to undo these environment changes when
modulefile is unloaded and to report the modulefile commands used
when modulefile is displayed. The same kind of environment changes
than the "sh-to-mod" sub-command are tracked. The same list of
shells than "sh-to-mod" sub-command are supported. (fix issue #346)
* Doc: add *Source shell script in modulefile* cookbook recipe.
* Doc: embed new Modules logo on website, online README and
documentation portal.
* Install: disable by default the build of Modules compatibility
version. From now on, option "--enable-compat-version" has to be set
to trigger this build.
* Introduce the "username" sub-command to the "module-info" modulefile
command to get the username of the user currently running
"modulecmd.tcl" or to test a string passed as argument corresponds
to this username.
* Introduce the "usergroups" sub-command to the "module-info"
modulefile command to get all the groups of the user currently
running "modulecmd.tcl" or to test a string passed as argument
corresponds to one of these groups.
* Doc: improve markup of Release notes and New features documents
starting from this 4.6 version to enable references to module sub-
commands, command line switches, environment variables and
modulefile Tcl commands.
* Use inclusive terminology to eliminate *master* and *slave* terms as
much as possible from code source and documentation.
* Doc: use a versioned magic cookie in examples that demonstrate new
modulefile features. (fix issue #349)
* Introduce the "--enable-multilib-support" configure option to add
mechanism in "modulecmd.tcl" to look at an alternative location to
find the Modules Tcl extension library in case this library cannot
be found at its main location.
* Lib: remove *fetch_hidden* argument from "getFilesInDirectory"
procedure of Modules Tcl extension library.
* Doc: add *Hide or forbid modulefile* design notes.
* Add the "module-hide" modulefile command, to dynamically hide
modulefile, module alias or symbolic version matching passed
specification. When hidden, a modulefile, an alias or a symbolic
version is not reported nor selected unless referred by its exact
name, like for module whose name or version starts with a dot
character. "module-hide" supports the advanced module version
specifiers. (fix issue #202)
* Add option "--soft" to the "module-hide" modulefile command to
introduce a soften level of camouflage: modules targeted by such
hide directive are made visible as soon as their root name is part
of search query.
* Add option "--hard" to the "module-hide" modulefile command to
introduce a hardened level of camouflage: modules targeted by such
hide directive keep being hidden even if they are fully matched by
search query.
* Do not report among "whatis" search result the modulefiles with
version name prefixed by a dot character and targeted by a symbolic
version unless if they are precisely searched.
* When a loading module has hidden alternative names (hidden due to
their name or version starting with a dot character or because they
match a "module-hide" statement), these alternative names are not
recorded in environment unless if they are not hard-hidden and if
they have been used in query to select loading module.
* On "avail" sub-command, remove hidden symbolic versions from the
list to display along modulefile or directory they target, unless
these symbols are not hard-hidden and are used in query to search
* When the "--default" filter of "avail" sub-command is set, unhide
all the *default* symbolic versions or modules targeted by these
symbols unless if they are hard-hidden.
* Define the *default* and *latest* automatic symbolic versions only
if relative module name matches search query to ensure all elements
for this module have been processed prior assigning the symbols.
* In case a symbolic version is transitively applied toward a
modulefile, like for instance when this symbol is first set onto a
directory, record the resolution of each transitively applied
symbol. By doing so, a module "load" tentative using the
transitively applied symbolic version will now correctly resolve to
the modulefile targeted by symbol.
* Fix use of the advanced version specifiers in arguments to the "is-
avail" modulefile command.
* Introduce the "--all"/"-a" option for "avail", "aliases", "whatis"
and "search" sub-commands, to include in the search process all
hidden modulefiles, module aliases or symbolic versions. Hard-hidden
modules stay hidden even if "--all"/"-a" option is used.
* Add the "module-forbid" modulefile command, to dynamically forbid
evaluation of modulefile matching passed specification. When
forbidden, a module cannot be loaded and an access error is obtained
when trying to evaluate them. "module-forbid" supports the advanced
module version specifiers.
* Add "--not-user" and "--not-group" options to "module-hide" and
"module-forbid" modulefile commands to ignore hiding or forbidding
definition if current user is respectively part of specified
username list or member of one of specified group list.
* Add "--before" and "--after" options to "module-hide" and "module-
forbid" modulefile commands to ignore hiding or forbidding
definition respectively after and before a specified date time.
Accepted date time format is "YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM]".
* Add "--message" option to "module-forbid" modulefile command to
supplement the error message obtained when trying to evaluate a
forbidden module.
* When a module that will soon be forbidden (as the date limit
specified on the "--after" option of a matching "module-forbid"
command is near) is evaluated, warn user this module access will
soon be denied.
* The range of time the above warning appears can be controlled with
the "nearly_forbidden_days" configuration option, whose value equals
to the number of days prior the module starts to be forbidden. This
configuration is set to "14" (days) by default and this value can be
controlled at "configure" time with "--with-nearly-forbidden-days"
option. When the "nearly_forbidden_days" configuration is set
through the "config" sub-command, the
"MODULES_NEARLY_FORBIDDEN_DAYS" environment variable is set.
* Add "--nearly-message" option to "module-forbid" modulefile command
to supplement the warning message obtained when evaluating a nearly
forbidden module.
* Add the "debug2" verbosity level, to report each call of
"modulecmd.tcl" internal procedures in addition to debug messages.
Debug2 mode can be enabled by setting the "verbosity" config to the
"debug2" value or by using the "-D" command-line switch twice.
* Install: look for "make" rather "gmake" on MinGW and build library
with a ".dll" extension on this platform.
* Add the "trace" verbosity level, to report details on module
searches, resolutions, selections and evaluations. Trace mode can be
enabled by setting the "verbosity" config to the "trace" value or by
using the "-T"/"--trace" command-line switches.
* Introduce the "tr" key in the color palette to specifically render
trace messages. Default value for "tr" key is "2" (decreased
* When trying to set an environment variable to an empty value on the
Windows platform, unset this environment variable instead to cope
with the underlying OS behavior.
Modules 4.5.3 (2020-08-31)
* Install: take into account the "--build", "--host", "--target", "--
enable-dependency-tracking" and "--disable-dependency-tracking"
configure options to transmit them to the "configure" scripts of
Modules Tcl extension library and Modules compatibility version.
(fix issue #354)
* Install: ignore some regular options of an Autoconf "configure"
script that are useless for this project but usually implied in
build macros (like RPM "%configure" macro).
* Install: ignore unsupported "--enable-*" and "--with-*" options on
"configure" script rather raise an error and add support to define
environment variable and build system type as "configure" script
arguments to comply with GNU configuration recommendations.
* Install: fix "modulecmd" pre-alternatives check in RPM spec file.
* Install: use "%make_build" and "%make_install" macros in RPM spec
* When "module switch" command is used in modulefile, do not state
when processing it a conflict over switched-off module if its
specification on the "module switch" command also matches switched-
on module's specification. Allow this way the replacement of any
loaded version of a module for a specific one required by currently
loading module. (fix issue #355)
* Correctly report failed attempts to load module requirements
expressed with advanced version specifiers. (fix issue #356)
Modules 4.5.2 (2020-07-30)
* Init: "list" and "source" sub-commands do not take available modules
as argument in fish completion script.
* Init: fix option list for "search" sub-command in bash completion
* Fix double error counter increase when modulefile evaluation breaks.
* Install: adapt "configure" script to pass to the "configure" script
of Modules compatibility version only a subset of the options it
supports (most commonly used options).
* Install: raise an error when an unknown option is passed to
"configure" script rather silently ignore it. (fix issue #348)
* Install: enable the definition of installation directory options of
"configure" script with the "--option value" syntax in addition to
the "--option=value" syntax. (fix issue #348)
* Doc: alphabetically sort sub-commands of "module-info" modulefile
Tcl command in modulefile document.
* Script: clean previously built environment-modules RPMs in **mrel**.
* Clearly separate quarantine variable definition from tclsh binary on
"modulecmd.tcl" evaluated command call in "_module_raw" function for
*sh*, *bash*, *ksh* and *zsh* shells. (fix issue #350)
* Doc: clarify in documentation index that Environment Modules should
not be confused with language-specific modules. (contribution from
Rob Hurt)
* Adapt conflict detection tests to ensure a module loaded by its full
pathname will not detect itself as a conflict when declaring a
reflexive conflict. (fix issue #352)
* Adapt the **mrel** and **mpub** commands to produce new Modules
release from a *vZ.Y.x* git branch rather than from the repository
main branch.
Modules 4.5.1 (2020-06-01)
* Install: consistently output Makefile warning messages on stderr.
* Script: add the "mrel" script, that automates build of the Modules
release files and performs tests over these distribution files to
guaranty their correctness.
* Script: add the "mpub" script, that automates Modules new release
publishing over git repositories and websites.
* Install: remove project-specific tools from git repository export
thus from release distribution files.
* Disable pager when "clear" sub-command is called from "ml" shortcut
command. (fix issue #338)
* In case a modulefile evaluation fails, environment context prior
this failed evaluation is restored. Fix environment variable
restoration mechanism to keep the link that monitors and updates
environment variable array "env" in every Tcl sub-interpreters. (fix
issue #340)
* Ensure environment variable change at the Tcl interpreter level is
propagated to every sub-interpreters used to evaluate modulefiles or
modulercs. (fix issue #342)
* Use absolute path to load Modules Tcl extension library. (fix issue
#344 with contribution from Roy Storey)
* Fix formatting of error stack trace not to look for internal
commands to withdraw if start-up stack pattern cannot be matched.
Modules 4.5.0 (2020-04-07)
* Doc: fix typos and grammar mistakes on module, modulefile and
Changes between versions documents. (contribution from Colin
* Doc: update cookbook recipes to highlight code of the Tcl scripts
included. (contribution from Colin Marquardt)
* Doc: improve markup of module, modulefile and Changes between
versions documents to enable references to module sub-commands,
command line switches, environment variables and modulefile Tcl
commands. (contribution from Colin Marquardt)
* Doc: alphabetically sort module sub-commands, command-line switches,
environment variables and modulefile Tcl commands in module and
modulefile documents.
* Introduce the "ml" command, a handy frontend to the "module"
command. "ml" reduces the number of characters to type to trigger
"module". With no argument "ml" is equivalent to "module list", "ml
mod" corresponds to "module load mod" and "ml -mod" means "module
unload mod". Multiple modules to either load or unload can be
combined on a single command. "ml" accepts all command-line switches
and sub-commands accepted by "module" command. "ml" command is
defined by default. Its definition can be controlled at
"./configure" time with "--enable-ml" option or later on with "ml"
configuration option (which defines "MODULES_ML" environment
variable when set).
* Fix module sub-command abbreviation match to ensure passed
abbreviated form fully match sub-command, not only its minimal
abbreviated form. As an example, "lod" or "loda" do not match
anymore the "load" sub-command, "lo" or "loa" still do.
* Add the "-j"/"--json" command line switches to the "avail", "list",
"savelist", "whatis" and "search" module sub-commands to render
their output in JSON format. (fix issue #303)
* Script: remove need to build project management-specific tools
("mtreview", "mb", "mlprof" and "playdemo") prior using them.
* Script: gather all distributed and maintained scripts in a "script"
directory at the root of the project repository tree.
* Install: provide Windows-specific batch files when "./configure"
option "--enable-windows-support" is set. module command wrapper
"module.cmd" is installed in "bindir" and initialization script
"cmd.cmd" in "initdir". Those batch files are relocatable and expect
"modulecmd.tcl" in "..\libexec" directory. (fix issue #272 with
contribution from Jacques Raphanel)
* Install: add ml command wrapper "ml.cmd" and install it in "bindir"
when "./configure" option "--enable-windows-support" is set.
* Install: introduce envml command wrapper "envml.cmd" for Windows
"cmd" shell and install it in "bindir" when "./configure" option "--
enable-windows-support" is set. (contribution from Jacques Raphanel)
* Doc: improve documentation portal index.
* Install: add "dist-win" target to Makefile in order to build a
distribution zipball containing the required files to run Modules on
a Windows platform. "INSTALL.bat" and "UNINSTALL.bat" Windows batch
files are introduced and shipped in the zipball to automate
installation and basic configuration of Modules on the Windows
* Doc: update Installing Modules on Windows document to describe how
to install Modules with newly provided Windows-specific distribution
* Install: enable build of Modules from "git archive" tarball or
zipball exports (like download source archives automatically
provided on GitHub project)
* Install: ship reStructuredText and MarkDown source documents at the
root of Modules distribution tarball rather their built txt
* Script: fix "" script to correctly analyses
environment when shell functions are found defined in it.
* Script: inhibit output generated by scripts evaluated by
"" and "" to ensure these outputs will
not get in the way when analyzing the environment changes. (fix
issue #309)
* Correctly handle symbolic version target including a whitespace in
their name.
* Testsuite: output test error details whatever the testsuite run
verbose mode.
* Install: adapt configure script and Makefile to detect "python"
command location and set it as shebang for "" and
"". If "python" command is not found, "python3"
then "python2" are searched.
* Install: enable to pass a specific Python interpreter command name
or location at configure step with "--with-python" option. Specified
command name or location should be found on build system only if
building from git repository.
* Install: build "" script and install it in "bindir".
* Install: update RPM spec file to explicitly define Python
interpreter location.
* Script: fix "" script for Python3 (fix issue #315
with contribution from Armin Wehrfritz)
* Lift Perl variable strictness when defining "_mlstatus" variable in
case "modulecmd.tcl" output is directly evaluated without use of the
"module" sub-routine in Perl script. (with contribution from Andrey
* Script: fix path de-duplication in "". (fix issue
* Doc: add *Handling Compiler and other Package Dependencies* cookbook
recipe, which discusses various strategies for creating modulefiles
for packages with multiple builds depending on previously loaded
compiler, MPI libraries, etc. (contribution from Tom Payerle)
* Init: test availability of "compopt" Bash builtin prior using it in
Bash completion script to avoid error with versions of this shell
older than 4.0. (fix issue #318)
* Install: adapt configure step to detect if "sed" option "-E" is
supported and fallback to "-r" otherwise in shell completion
scripts. (fix issue #317)
* Add support for the "NO_COLOR" environment variable (https://no- which when set (regardless of its value) prevents the
addition of ANSI color. When set, "NO_COLOR" prevails over
"CLICOLOR" and "CLICOLOR_FORCE" environment variables.
"MODULES_COLOR" overrides these three variables. (fix issue #310)
* Script: when analyzing environment variable changes in
"" applied by shell script passed as argument,
produce a "setenv" modulefile statement for any variable found set
prior script evaluation and for which value is completely changed
after script evaluation. (fix issue #320)
* When an error message is composed of multiple lines, render it in
the same way whether it is part of a block message or not: lines
after the first one are prepended with a 2-space padding. As a
result error messages appear clearly separated from each other.
* Append to the error message the error stack trace when a general
unknown error occurs in "modulecmd.tcl" and provide a link to
encourage users to report such error to the GitHub project.
* Add to the error message the error stack trace for errors occurring
during site-specific configuration evaluation. Error stack is
expunged from the "modulecmd.tcl" internals to only report
information relevant to site-specific configuration file.
* When an error occurs during the evaluation of a modulefile or a
modulerc, report associated error stack trace expunged from
"modulecmd.tcl" internal references to only output useful
information for users.
* GitHub: add issue templates to guide people submitting a bug report
or a feature request.
* Doc: provide a link toward issues that have been fixed between
versions 3.2 and 4.0 in Changes between versions document.
* Script: introduce "envml.cmd" script for Windows platform providing
similar behavior than "envml" Bash script. (contribution from
Jacques Raphanel)
* Init: add Bash shell completion for the "ml" command. (contribution
from Adrien Cotte)
* Fix Fish shell stderr redirection for newer Fish versions. (fix
issue #325)
* Correctly handle modulefiles and modulepaths containing a space
character in their name whether they are used from the command-line,
in collections, within modulefiles or from loaded environment
* Doc: add *Default and latest version specifiers* design note.
* An "avail" search over a symbolic version targeting a directory now
correctly returns the special modules (alias and virtual module)
lying in this directory. (fix issue #327)
* "whatis" and "paths" searches only return special modules (symbolic
version, alias and virtual modules) that fully match search query,
not those that partially match it. (fix issue #328)
* alias and virtual module whose name mention a directory that does
not exists are correctly handled. (fix issue #168)
* Hide special modules (aliases, symbolic versions and virtual
modules) whose version name starts with a dot character (".") from
"avail", "whatis" and "paths" searches if their query does not fully
match special module name. (fix issue #329)
* Filter-out from the output of the "aliases" sub-command all hidden
aliases, symbolic versions or hidden modules targeted by a non-
hidden symbolic version. (fix issue #330)
* Enable resolution of default module in module sub-directory when
this default symbol targets a hidden directory (whose name starts
with a dot character). (fix issue #331)
* Doc: clarify hidden module location in modulefile man page.
* Install: define "LD_PRELOAD" as quarantine var along with
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in RPM specfile.
* When "implicit_default" and "advanced_version_spec" configuration
are enabled, automatically define a "default" and "latest" symbolic
version for each module name (at each module depth for deep modules)
if those version names does not already exist. (fix issue #210)
* Once a module is loaded, the automatically defined symbols
associated to it are recorded in loaded environment in the
"MODULES_LMALTNAME" environment variable. They are distinguished
from the other alternative names applying to the module by a "as|"
prefix, which qualifies their *auto symbol* type.
* When an advanced version specifier list contains symbolic version
references, fix resolving to honor default version if part of the
specified list. (fix issue #334)
Modules 4.4.1 (2020-01-03)
* Fix error and warning messages relative to dependency management to
enclose dependency specification in single quotes to clearly
distinguish specification from each other.
* Skip output of module loading message if module is already loaded.
* Doc: add demonstration material played at SC19 to promote the new
features of Modules.
* Contrib: add "playdemo" script to play recorded demonstration cast.
* Doc: add a web anchor to each modulefile Tcl command, module sub-
command and module environment variable documentation.
* Install: update RPM spec file to enable build on "el8".
* Doc: fix RST syntax for bullet lists in design docs. (fix issue
* In case "module avail" query does not match a directory but only its
contained elements (for instance "module av mod/7" matches "mod/7.1"
and "mod/7.2" but not "mod/"), fix query processing to correctly
return latest or default element in case "--latest" or "--default"
flags are set.
* In case a "module avail" query performed in a no-indepth mode with "
--latest" or "--default" flags either enabled or disabled, fix query
processing to return directory elements if they are part of result.
* When a "module avail" query performed in no-indepth mode targets a
virtual module, fix result to filter-out the directory holding the
virtual module from result.
* Fix "module avail --default" queries when modulefile default version
does not match query: select latest version from modulefiles
matching query unless "implicit_default" configuration is disabled
in which case no default version is returned.
* Improve highlighting of module "avail" and "whatis" search result by
coloring module names matching search query expressed with the
advanced version specifiers. "name@1,3" or "name@1:3" queries now
highlight "name/1" and "name/3" strings found in search result.
* Contrib: add the "mlprof" script which wraps "modulecmd.tcl" to
collect profiling information on its execution.
* Contrib: adapt "mb" script to profile "modulecmd.tcl" run tests
rather bench them when "profile" argument is passed to the script.
* Improve overall performances of module names and versions comparison
by introducing optimized procedures and caching in memory module
search results.
Modules 4.4.0 (2019-11-17)
* Doc: add *Return file basename on module-info name for full path
modulefile* recipe to cookbook. (fix issue #297)
* Rework internal handling of configuration options to gather all
option definitions in a global array and use the same initialization
and retrieval procedure, named "getConf", for all these options.
* Add the "setConf", "unsetConf" and "lappendConf" procedures to
provide unified ways to set the value of configuration option. These
procedures should be used in site configuration files to override
configuration option value instead of directly setting corresponding
option variable as it was done in previous Modules releases.
* Add the ability to match module specification in a case insensitive
manner. Default case sensitiveness behavior is set at "./configure"
time with the "--with-icase" option. It could be superseded with the
"MODULES_ICASE" environment variable, that could be set with
"config" module sub-command through the "icase" option. Command-line
switch "--icase" ("-i") enables to supersede defined case
sensitiveness configuration. (fix issue #212 with contribution from
Eric Deveaud)
* Introduce the extended default mechanism, to help selecting a module
when only the first numbers in its version are specified. Starting
portion of the version, part separated from the rest of the version
string by a "." character, will get matched to the appropriate
complete version name. In case multiple versions match partial
version specified and only one module should be returned, default
version (implicit or explicit) among matches is returned. In case
"implicit_default" option is disabled and no explicit default is
found among matches, an error is returned. This mechanism is enabled
through a new configuration option named "extended_default" (which
defines "MODULES_EXTENDED_DEFAULT" environment variable when set).
It may be enabled by default in "modulecmd.tcl" script with option "
--enable-extended-default" passed to the "./configure" script.
* Introduce the advanced module version specifiers mechanism to
specify finer constraints on module version. This new feature
enables to filter the module selection to a given version list or
range by specifying after the module name a version constraint
prefixed by the "@" character. It leverages the version specifier
syntax of the Spack package manager. A single version can be
specified with the "@version" syntax, a list of versions with
"@version1,version2,...", a greater than or equal to range with
"@version1:" syntax, a less than or equal to range with "@:version2"
and an in between or equal to range with "@version1:version2"
syntax. In case "implicit_default" option is disabled and no
explicit default is found among version specifier matches, an error
is returned. This mechanism is enabled through a new configuration
option named "advanced_version_spec" (which defines
"MODULES_ADVANCED_VERSION_SPEC" environment variable when set). It
may be enabled by default in "modulecmd.tcl" script with option "--
enable-advanced-version-spec" passed to the "./configure" script.
* Conflict defined with a generic module name or an advanced version
specifier may match multiple loaded modules (generally in case
multiple loaded modules share same root name). Loaded environment
analysis has been fixed to bind conflict to all loaded modules
matching it. As a result the *Dependent Reload* mechanism is not
triggered when one loaded module matching conflict is removed if
another loaded module still match the conflict.
* Doc: add *Module selection contexts*, *Insensitive case*, *Extended
default* and *Advanced module version specifiers* design notes.
* Make "MODULESHOME" environment variable controllable through the
"config" sub-command with "home" configuration option. A "--with-
moduleshome" argument is also added to the ./configure script to set
specific default value for this option at installation time. (fix
issue #292)
Modules 4.3.1 (2019-09-21)
* Contrib: add "mb" script to bench Modules versions.
* Correct "modulecmd.tcl" script startup to correctly report error in
case Tcl extension library fails to load. (fix issue #284)
* Install: fix typo on "CFLAGS" definition in "lib/Makefile". (fix
issue #287 with contribution from Felix Neumärker)
* Remove useless code in Modules Tcl extension library
* Make URLs in README correctly rendered in HTML. (contribution from
Per Persson)
* Doc: clarify modulefile evaluation modes in modulefile.4 man page.
(fix issue #289)
* When looking at the closest match among loaded modules when
switching module with just a single module argument specified, load
the information on the currently set environment to get the
alternative names of loaded modules prior to look at closest module
match. (fix issue #290)
* Doc: describe the way to determine the site-specific configuration
script location in cookbook recipes implying the installation of
such a file. (fix issue #266)
* Doc: add *Log module command* recipe to cookbook. (fix issue #283)
* Doc: add *Expose procedures and variables to modulefiles* recipe to
* Doc: add *Make defined modulepaths persist over sudo* recipe to
* Doc: add *Ensure user fully qualify the modules they use* recipe to
* Introduce the "wa_277" configuration option to workaround an issue
with Tcsh history mechanism. Default "module" alias definition for
Tcsh hits an issue with shell history mechanism: erroneous history
entries are recorded each time the "module" command is called. When
"wa_277" option is enabled (which sets the "MODULES_WA_277"
environment variable to *1*), an alternative module alias is defined
which fixes the history mechanism issue. However the alternative
definition of the module alias weakens shell evaluation of the code
produced by modulefiles. Characters with special meaning for Tcsh
shell (like *{* and *}*) may not be used anymore in shell alias
definition elsewhere the evaluation of the code produced by
modulefiles will return a syntax error. (fix issue #277)
* Doc: add *Tips for Code Reuse in Modulefiles* recipe to cookbook.
(contribution from Tom Payerle)
* Fix the "whatis" and "paths" sub-command results for module symbolic
versions targeting a directory when "implicit_default" configuration
option is disabled. No error is returned and same result is now
obtained whether the symbolic name or its target is used as argument
for those two sub-commands. (fix issue #294)
* Fix the "whatis" and "paths" sub-command results for module aliases
targeting a directory when "implicit_default" configuration option
is disabled. No error is returned and same result is now obtained
whether the alias name or its target is used as argument for those
two sub-commands. (fix issue #295)
* Rework all the ternary operator expressions in "modulecmd.tcl" that
may result in a *nan* value (whatever the case used to write this
string) as the "expr" Tcl command raises an error when it returns
such a value, which breaks Modules as soon as a modulefile, an alias
or a symbolic version is named *nan*. (fix issue #296)
Modules 4.3.0 (2019-07-26)
* Introduce Vim addon files to highlight the modulefile syntax.
Installation of these files, which is enabled by default, is
controlled by the "--enable-vim-addons" and "--vimdatadir" configure
options. (contribution from Felix Neumärker)
* If modulefile is fully read, cache the content read and the file
header computed to avoid another file read if the same modulefile
need to be read multiple times.
* Except for path, paths, list, avail and aliases module commands
always fully read a modulefile whether its full content is needed or
just its header to verify its validity. Proceed this way to only
read file once on commands that first just check modulefile validity
then read again valid files to get their full content.
* Introduce Modules Tcl extension library (written in C) to extend Tcl
language in order to provide more optimized I/O commands to read a
file or a directory content than native Tcl commands do.
* Install: add "--libdir", "--enable-libtclenvmodules", "--with-tcl"
and "--with-tclinclude" options to configure script to control
libtclenvmodules build and installation.
* When an error is caught during modulecmd.tcl first initialization
steps, ensure the error report facility is initialized to render
error message.
* When looking for modulefiles in enabled modulepaths, take
".modulerc" file found at the root of a modulepath directory into
account. Which means these rc files are now evaluated like global rc
files and can be used to define module aliases targeting modulefiles
stored in the underlying file tree.
* Correctly get available default (-d) and latest (-L) version whether
search pattern is passed with an ending forward slash character or
not or if it contains a "*" wildcard character.
* Append a forward slash character to any directory result of an avail
command to better distinguish these directories from regular files.
* Introduce the ability to control whether "avail" command search
results should recursively include or not modulefiles from
directories matching search query by use of the "--indepth" and "--
no-indepth" command-line switches or the environment variable
"MODULES_AVAIL_INDEPTH". Default behavior is set at the
"./configure" time with the "--enable-avail-indepth" and "--disable-
avail-indepth" switches. (fix issue #150)
* Update "bash", "fish" and "zsh" completion scripts to propose
available modulefiles in the no in depth mode.
* Add the ability to graphically enhance some part of the produced
output to improve readability by the use of the "--color" command-
line switch or the "MODULES_COLOR" environment variable. Both accept
the following values: "never", "auto" and "always". When color mode
is set to "auto", output is colored if stderr is attached to a
terminal. Default color mode could be controlled at configure time
with the "--enable-color" and the "--disable-color" option, which
respectively correspond to the "auto" and "never" color mode.
* Control the color to apply to each element with the "MODULES_COLORS"
environment variable or the "--with-dark-background-colors" and "--
with-light-background-colors" configure options. These variable and
options take as value a colon-separated list in the same fashion
"LS_COLORS" does. In this list, each element that should be
highlighted is associated to a Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) code.
* Inform Modules of the terminal background color with the
"MODULES_TERM_BACKGROUND" environment variable or the "--with-
terminal-background" configure option, which helps to determine if
either the dark or light background colors should be used to color
output in case no specific color set is defined with the
* Color prefix tag of debug, error, warning, module error and info
* Highlight the modulefile or collection name when reporting messages
for a an action made over this modulefile or collection.
* Color the modulepaths reported on a "use" command.
* Highlight title of separator lines or column name of table header.
* Color modulepaths, directories, aliases and symbols reported by the
"avail", "aliases", "list", "whatis" and "search" commands.
* When color mode is enabled and module aliases are colored, do not
associate them a "@" tag as the color already distinguish them from
regular modulefile.
* When color mode is enabled and a Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) code
is set for the "default" modulefile symbol, apply this SGR code to
the modulefile name instead of associating it the "default" symbol
* Highlight matched module search query string among "avail", "whatis"
and "search" command results.
* Highlight the modulefile and collection full path name on "display",
"help", "test" and "saveshow" command reports.
* Color modulefile Tcl commands set in a modulefile on a "display"
command report.
* Color module commands set in a collection on a "saveshow" command
* Re-introduce "clear" sub-command. (fix issue #203)
* Leverage "--force" command-line switch on "clear" sub-command to
skip confirmation dialog. (fix issue #268)
* Init: improve readability of variable definition operations by
writing one definition operation per line rather having multiple
commands on a single line like "VAR=val; export VAR". (fix issue
* Add the ability to define a site-specific configuration file with an
environment variable: "MODULES_SITECONFIG". When set, the script
file pointed by the variable is sourced (if readable) after the
site-specific configuration file initially defined in
"modulecmd.tcl". (contribution from Ben Bowers, fix issue #234)
* Doc: add description in the module.1 man page of "MODULERCFILE" in
the environment section and "siteconfig.tcl" in the files section.
* Install: provide at installation time a bare site-specific
configuration script in designated "etcdir" if no pre-existing
"siteconfig.tcl" file is found at designated location.
* Introduce the "config" sub-command to get and set "modulecmd.tcl"
options and to report its current state.
* Contrib: update "" script to support execution from
the *cmd* shell. (contribution from Jacques Raphanel, fix issue
* Add the ability to configure when unloading a module and multiple
loaded modules match request if firstly loaded module should be
chosen or lastly loaded module. Configure option "--with-unload-
match-order" defines this setting which can be superseded with the
"MODULES_UNLOAD_MATCH_ORDER" environment variable. This variable can
be set with the option "unload_match_order" on the "config" sub-
command. By default, lastly loaded module is selected. It is
recommended to keep this behavior when the modulefiles used express
dependencies between each other.
* Add the ability to configure whether an implicit default version
should be defined for modules with no default version explicitly
defined. When enabled, which stays the default behavior, a module
version is automatically selected (latest one) when the generic name
of the module is passed. When implicit default selection is
disabled, the name of modules to evaluate should be fully qualified
elsewhere an error is returned. This option is set at "./configure"
time with the "--enable-implicit-default" and "--disable-implicit-
default" options. It could be superseded with the
"MODULES_IMPLICIT_DEFAULT" environment variable, that could be set
with "config" module sub-command through the "implicit_default"
* Install: add to the configure script the "--with-locked-configs"
option to ignore environment variable superseding of Modules
configurations defined in "modulecmd.tcl" script. Lockable
configuration option are "extra_siteconfig" and "implicit_default".
Currently locked options are reported through the "locked_configs"
option on the "config" sub-command.
* Introduce the ability to control the module search match. Search
query string should match module name start or any part of module
fully qualified name. Default search match behavior is set at
"./configure" time with the "--with-search-match" option. It could
be superseded with the "MODULES_SEARCH_MATCH" environment variable,
that could be set with "config" module sub-command through the
"search_match" option. Command-line switches "--starts-with" ("-S")
and "--contains" ("-C") for "avail" module sub-command enable to
supersede defined search match configuration.
* Introduce the ability not to set the shell startup file that ensure
"module" command is defined once shell has been initialized. Setting
shell startup file currently means defining "ENV" and "BASH_ENV"
environment variables to the Modules bourne shell initialization
script. "./configure" options "--enable-set-shell-startup" and "--
disable-set-shell-startup" define if shell startup should be set or
not by default. It could be superseded with the
"MODULES_SET_SHELL_STARTUP" environment variable, that could be set
with "config" module sub-command through the "set_shell_startup"
* Cookbook: add the *test-modulefiles* recipe. (fix issue #182 with
contribution from Colin Marquardt)
* Fix location of global RC file to "@etcdir@/rc" instead of
"@prefix@/etc/rc" to cope with "@etcdir@" specific setup ("@etcdir@"
defaults to "@prefix@/etc").
* Take into account Modules initialization configurations found in
"etc" directory if they exist rather in "init" directory. If
"initrc" configuration file is found in "etcdir" then it is
preferred over "modulerc" file in "initdir". Following the same
trend, "modulespath" configuration file is found in "etcdir" then it
is preferred over ".modulespath" file in "initdir".
* Introduce the ability to install the Modules initialization
configuration files in the "etcdir" rather than in the "initdir". A
new configure option is introduced for this task: "--with-initconf-
in". Accepted values for this option are: "etcdir" or "initdir"
* Add the "--enable-modulespath" configure option, which is an alias
for the "--enable-dotmodulespath" option as ".modulespath"
configuration file is named "modulespath" when installed in
* Install: update RPM spec file to disable "set_shell_startup" option
by default, set "/etc/environment-modules" as configuration
directory and store Modules initialization configuration files in
* Report an error when a module load or unload evaluation aborts due
to the use of the "break" or "exit" modulefile commands. This error
notification clarifies that module evaluation failed. (fix issue
* Remove the message block display output for the "reload", "purge"
and "restore" sub-commands to preserve this output style for
modulefile evaluation modes (load, unload and switch) and thus
clarify understanding.
* When unloading a module that contains a "module load" or "module
switch" modulefile command, inhibit the unload performed of the
useless requirement when auto_handling mode is disabled if currently
performing a "purge", "reload" or "restore" sub-command. As the
unload sequence is determined and managed from these top commands.
* Add ability to control module command message verbosity with
configuration option. Introduced verbosity levels from the least to
the most verbose are "silent", "concise", "normal", "verbose" and
"debug". This option could be set at "./configure" time with "--
with-verbosity" option. It could be superseded with the
"MODULES_VERBOSITY" environment variable, that could be set with
"config" module sub-command through the "verbosity" option. Silent,
verbose and debug verbosity modes can be set at the command-line
level respectively with "--silent"/"-s", "--verbose"/"-v" and "--
debug"/"-D" command-line switches. (fix issue #204)
* When verbosity level is "normal" or higher, reports every module
loads or unloads performed to "restore" a collection or "source" a
scriptfile, even if there is no specific message to output for these
module evaluations. Clarifies what module evaluations have been
triggered by these sub-commands.
* Also honor the "CLICOLOR" and "CLICOLOR_FORCE" environment variables
to define color mode. (fix issue #279)
Modules 4.2.5 (2019-07-08)
* Correctly escape "?" character in shell alias. (fix issue #275)
* When resolving the enabled list of modulepaths, ensure resolved path
entries are unique. (fix issue #274)
* Right trim '#' characters from the fetched modulefile magic cookie
string to ensure a correct compatibility version comparison. Useful
when modulefile first line is equal to "#%Module4.2##############".
* Fix argument parsing for the "append-path", "prepend-path" and
"remove-path" modulefile commands to consider every arguments found
after the variable name as variable values and not command option
even if argument starts with "-" character. (fix issue #278)
* Fix automatic loading of modulefiles when multiple module names are
set on a single "module load" modulefile command. When auto_handling
mode was disabled, the load of not loaded modules was not achieved
as soon as some modules on this list were already loaded. (fix issue
Modules 4.2.4 (2019-04-26)
* Better track each module evaluation and the context associated to it
in order to report a more accurate information on the additional
modules loaded or unloaded when proceeding the main evaluation
request. (fix issue #244, #245, #246, #247 and #248)
* Doc: preserve quotes and dashes when making HTML docs. (fix issue
#250 with contribution from Riccardo Coccioli)
* Fix hanging "list" sub-command when terminal width is equal to the
single column text width to be printed. (contribution from Jesper
* During an additional evaluation triggered by an automated module
handling mechanism, ensure warning and error messages are reported
under the message block of the main evaluation. (fix issue #252)
* During the unload of a module when the automated module handling
mode is disabled, report a warning message for each unload of a
useless requirement that fails as done when the automated module
handling mode is enabled. (fix issue #253)
* When multiple modules are listed on a "prereq" command, drop the
output of those modules that fails to load (by the *Requirement
Load* automated mechanism) to only keep the output of the module
whose load succeed. (fix issue #254)
* Fix "switch" sub-command when the switched-off module cannot be
unloaded when other loaded modules depend on it. Whole switch
process is failed and no load of the switched-on module is
attempted. (fix issue #251)
* When switching modules, report failure of switched-off module unload
or switched-on module load under the message block of the switch
action. A failed switched-off module unload is reported as an error,
as it aborts the switch evaluation, whereas a failed switched-on
module load is reported as a warning. (fix issue #255)
* When a module requirement is seen missing but the load of this
module was attempted, report a more specific error or warning
message to let user understand that the load of the requirement was
attempted but failed. (fix issue #257)
* When loading a module, report any missing requirement on the message
reporting block corresponding to this module load. This warning or
error message comes in addition to the eventual *Requirement Load*
message reported under the message block of the main evaluation.
(fix issue #258)
* When unloading a module which has some dependent module still
loaded, produce a more specific error or warning message if an
evaluation of these dependent modules has been realized or if the
unload of the required module is forced. (fix issue #259)
* When a conflicting module is seen loaded but the unload of this
module was attempted, report a *Conflict Unload* error or warning
message toward the main evaluation message block. (fix issue #261)
* When loading a module, report any loaded conflict on the message
reporting block corresponding to this module load. This warning or
error message comes in addition to the eventual *Conflict Unload*
message reported under the message block of the main evaluation.
(fix issue #261)
* Correctly report loading state of conflicting module. (fix issue
* Adapt warning, error and info messages relative to the *Dependent
Reload* mechanism to distinguish the unload phase from the load
(reload) phase of this mechanism. In the automated module handling
summary report, unloaded modules via this mechanism are reported in
the *Unloading dependent* list and modules reloaded afterward are
reported against the *Reloading dependent* list. (fix issue #263)
* When the automated module handling mode is disabled, do not attempt
to load a requirement expressed in a modulefile with a "module load"
command, if this requirement is already loaded or loading.
* Skip load or unload evaluation of a module whose respectively load
or unload was already attempted but failed. If this second
evaluation attempt occurs within the same main evaluation frame.
(fix issue #264)
* When reloading modules through the *Dependent Reload* automated
mechanism, prevent modules to automatically load of other modules
with the "module load" modulefile command, as it is done for the
"prereq" command. (fix issue #265)
* Raise an error when an invalid option is set on "append-path",
"prepend-path" or "remove-path" modulefile command. (fix issue #249)
* Zsh initializes by default the "MANPATH" environment variable to an
empty value when it starts. To preserve "manpath" system
configuration even after addition to this variable by modulefiles,
set "MANPATH" variable to ":" if found empty. (improve fix for issue
* Doc: provide a short installation guideline in README file. (fix
issue #230)
Modules 4.2.3 (2019-03-23)
* Add all the module dependency-related internal information to those
saved prior a modulefile evaluation in order to correctly restore
internal state in case modulefile evaluation fails.
* Init: in shell initialization scripts, initialize "MANPATH" if not
set with a value that preserves "manpath" system configuration even
after addition of paths to this variable by modulefiles. (fix
* Enable to define an entire path entry to the "MODULEPATH" variable
which corresponds to a variable reference only. (fix issue#223)
* Cookbook: add the *modulefiles-in-git* recipe. (contribution from
Scott Johnson)
* When "module switch" commands are found in modulefiles, track
switched-off modulefile as a conflict and switched-to modulefile as
a requirement to apply same behaviors than for "module load" and
"module unload" commands in modulefiles. If "module switch" has only
one argument, do not define a conflict toward switched-off
modulefile. *CAUTION: it is not recommended to use module switch
command in modulefiles*. (fix issue#229)
* When unloading a module, revert "module switch" commands found in
modulefile: switched-on module is converted to a "module unload",
like for "module load" command. Nothing is done for switched-off
module, like for "module unload" command. (fix issue#226)
* For default element in a modulefile directory which is a module
alias that points to a modulefile, when this modulefile is loaded,
it receives as alternative names the eventual module aliases set on
the distant directory holding the alias pointing to it. (fix
* When unloading a module that contains "module load" or "module
switch" commands in its modulefile, select for unload the
automatically loaded requirement module which has been loaded prior
its dependent. (fix issue#232)
* Doc: describe Emacs settings useful for adhering to coding
conventions in CONTRIBUTING guide. (fix issue #233 with contribution
from Ben Bowers)
* When looking for a loaded or loading dependency requirement, select
among the eventual multiple candidates the closest match to the
dependent module.
* During the unload of a module, if the unload of one of its dependent
(by the *Dependent Unload* mechanism) fails, abort the whole unload
process. Exception made if the force mode is enabled. In this case
failing module stays loaded and the *Dependent Unload* mechanism
continues with next module to unload.
* During the unload of a module, if the unload of one of its useless
requirements (by the *Useless Requirement Unload* mechanism) fails,
keep the requirements of this failing module loaded. Such error is
reported as a warning and it does not stop the whole unload process.
(fix issue#240)
* During the load or the unload of a module, if the unload of one of
its dependent (by the *Dependent Reload* mechanism) fails, abort the
whole unload or load process. Exception made if the force mode is
enabled. In this case failing module stays loaded and *Dependent
Reload* mechanism continues with next module to unload. This failing
module is removed from the *Dependent Reload* list, so it will not
take part of the load phrase of the mechanism. (fix issue#239)
* During the load or the unload of a module, if the load of one of its
dependent (by the *Dependent Reload* mechanism) fails, abort the
whole unload or load process. Exception made if the force mode is
enabled. In this case failing module stays loaded and *Dependent
Reload* mechanism continues with next module to load. When the
mechanism is applied during a "switch" command, force mode is
enabled by default on the load phase. (fix issue#241)
* When reloading all loaded modules with the "reload" sub-command, if
one reloading module fails to unload or load, abort the whole reload
process to preserve environment sanity. (fix issue#237)
* During the unload of a module when the automated module handling
mode is disabled and this module declares its requirements with the
"module load" modulefile command. If the unload of one of its
useless requirements (by the *Useless Requirement Unload* mechanism)
fails, whole unload process is not aborted and continue with next
module to unload. (fix issue#238)
* Contrib: add "mtreview" utility script that analyzes test suite log
file to compare actual and expected output of failed test. "mt" does
not output the full test suite logs anymore but only the information
produced by "mtreview" on failed tests.
* Install: exclude Continuous Integration configurations from dist
Modules 4.2.2 (2019-02-17)
* Correct the *Dependent Unload* mechanism when it triggers the unload
of 2 modules making together a requirement from another module. This
module is now also added to the dependent modules to unload.
* Doc: add a cookbook section in the documentation and port there the
3 pre-existing recipes: *inhibit-report-info*, *top-priority-values*
and *unload-firstly-loaded*.
* Doc: add a CONTRIBUTING guide.
* Doc: fix a typo on the Python initialization example in module man
* Doc: add a FAQ entry to describe the use of module from Makefile.
(with contribution from Robert McLay)
* Trim any white-space, newline or ";" characters at the beginning or
end of the function body passed to set-function modulefile command.
* Init: add recognition of the "--auto", "--no-auto" and "--force"
command-line switches in fish shell completion script.
* Init: add recognition of the "--auto", "--no-auto", "--force", "--
paginate" and "--no-pager" command-line switches in zsh shell
completion script.
* When the load of a modulefile is asked but a conflict is registered
against this modulefile by an already loaded module, the load
evaluation is now performed and the conflict is checked after this
evaluation. If the conflict is still there, this evaluation (and the
evaluation of its requirements) is rolled back. (fix issue#216)
* Init: fix "_module_not_yet_loaded" alias in tcsh completion script
to handle situation when "noclobber" variable is set. Also ensure
actual "rm" command is called and not an alias. (fix issue#219)
* Fix warning message when the load of a modulefile is forced over a
reflexive conflict (message was reported twice).
* When looking at the dependency of a loaded module, only consider
requirement loaded before dependent module (holding a prior position
in the loaded module list) as valid. Those loaded after dependent
module are considered as an unmet dependency thus they are not
taking part in the *Dependent Unload*, the *Useless Requirement
Unload* and the *Dependent Reload* mechanisms.
Modules 4.2.1 (2018-11-11)
* Cookbook: add the *inhibit-report-info* recipe.
* Cookbook: port *unload-firstly-loaded* and *top-priority-values*
recipes to v4.2.
* Init: fix listing of loaded modules for *fish* and *tcsh* shell
* Init: fix saved collection listing when no collection found for
*bash*, *zsh*, *tcsh* and *fish* shell completions.
* Adapt "system" modulefile Tcl command to execute the command passed
as argument through shell, like it is performed on compatibility
version. (fix issue#205)
* Correctly filter modulefile search memory cache entries when using a
full search result to search later on a specific modulefile.
* Prefix debug messages by information on the current modulefile or
modulerc interpreter if any.
* Init: fix listing of loaded modules on unload and switch sub-
commands for *bash* shell completion.
* Refrain "module unload" modulefile command from unloading a module
required by another loading module.
* Enable "is-loaded" modulefile Tcl command in modulerc interpretation
context, like done on compatibility version. (fix issue#207)
* Check a required module is not already loading before attempting to
load it. Helps to handle cyclic dependencies.
* Compute loaded modules requirement dependency relations without
cycle and consider the module closing the cycle in a constraint
violation state to avoid reloading loops on the *Dependent Reload*
* Safely unset dependency reference when computing dependency
relations as some dependencies expressed may target same module.
* Ensure a loaded module matching multiple entries of a same *or*
"prereq" will just be considered as one module matching this
* Init: quote prompt in *csh* and *tcsh* script with ":q" rather
double quotes to accommodate prompts with embedded newlines. (fix
issue#209 with contribution from Satya Mishra)
* Init: skip shell environment alteration if "autoinit" command fails.
(fix issue#208)
* Reword path-like variable element counter reference handling to
simply ignore the counter values not coherent with the content of
related path-like variable. (fix issue#206)
Modules 4.2.0 (2018-10-18)
* Add "chdir" and "puts" environment settings to the per-modulefile
evaluation saved context. So previous values of these settings are
restored in case of evaluation failure.
* Fix save and restore of "x-resource" environment settings on the
per-modulefile evaluation context.
* Use the correct warning procedure to report the full reference
counter inconsistency message (so this message is fully inhibited
during global "whatis" evaluations).
* Make "append-path", "prepend-path", "remove-path" and "unsetenv"
commands alter "env" Tcl global array during "display", "help",
"test" or "whatis" evaluation modes. Thus an invalid argument passed
to these commands will now raise error on these modes. (see
Environment variable change through modulefile evaluation context
section in MIGRATING document)
* On "whatis" mode, "append-path", "prepend-path", "remove-path",
"setenv" and "unsetenv" commands initialize variables if undefined
but do not set them to their accurate value for performance concern.
* Clear value instead of unsetting it during an unload mode evaluation
of "setenv" or "*-path" commands to avoid breaking later reference
to the variable in modulefile.
* Make "getenv" command returns value on "help", "test" or "whatis"
evaluation modes. (fix issue#188)
* Add an argument to the "getenv" command to return the value of this
argument if the queried variable is undefined.
* Use a different modulefile interpreter for each evaluation mode.
* Adapt the procedure called for each modulefile command depending on
the evaluation mode to adapt behavior of these commands to the
module command currently running.
* Report calling name and arguments for modulefile commands on
"display" mode. For the commands evaluated during this mode, trigger
this report at the end of the evaluation.
* Inhibit "chdir", "conflict", "module", "module-log", "module-trace",
"module-user", "module-verbosity", "prereq", "set-alias", "system",
"unset-alias", "x-resource" commands on "help", "test" and "whatis"
evaluation modes.
* Ignore "chdir", "module", "module-trace", "module-verbosity",
"module-user" and "module-log" commands found during modulerc
* Correctly restore an empty string value on sub-interpreter global
variables when sanitizing this interpreter between two
modulefile/modulerc evaluations.
* Cache in memory results of a modulefile search to reuse it in case
of rerun instead of re-walking the filesystem.
* Evaluate global rc files once module sub-command is known and
registered, so it can be queried during their evaluation.
* Rename "_moduleraw" shell function in "_module_raw" to use a common
"_module_" prefix for all module-related internal shell functions.
* Install: add "--enable-append-binpath" and "--enable-append-manpath"
configure options to append rather prepend the bin or man directory
when adding them to the relative environment variable.
* Doc: clarify documentation for module usage on scripting language
like Perl or Python to mention that arguments to the "module"
function should be passed as list and not as a single string.
* When interpreting a "setenv" modulefile order during an unload
evaluation, variable is still set to be unset in generated shell
code but it is set to the value defined on the "setenv" order in the
interpreter context instead of being cleared.
* Register the conflicts defined by loaded modules in the environment
(variable "MODULES_LMCONFLICT") and ensure they keep satisfied. (see
Modulefile conflict constraints consistency section in MIGRATING
* Register the prereqs defined by loaded modules in the environment
(variable "MODULES_LMPREREQ") and ensure they keep satisfied. (see
Modulefile prereq constraints consistency section in MIGRATING
* Introduce the automated module handling mode, which consists in
additional actions triggered when loading or unloading a modulefile
to satisfy the dependency constraints it declares. Those actions are
when loading a modulefile: the *Requirement Load* and the *Dependent
Reload*. When unloading a modulefile, *Dependent Unload*, *Useless
Requirement Unload* and *Dependent Reload* actions are triggered.
(see Automated module handling mode section in MIGRATING document)
* Track the loaded modules that have been automatically loaded (with
environment variable "MODULES_LMNOTUASKED") to distinguish them from
modules that have been explicitly asked by user. This information
helps to determine what module becomes a useless requirement once
all its dependent modules are unloaded.
* Track in saved collections the loaded modules that have been
automatically loaded by add of a "--notuasked" argument to "module
load" collection lines. So this information is restored in loaded
environment when collection is restored. This "--notuasked" argument
is ignored outside of a collection restore context.
* Consider modules loaded from a "module source" file as explicitly
asked by user.
* Install: add "--enable-auto-handling" configure option to enable or
disable the automatic modulefile handling mechanism.
* Process list of loaded modules or modules to load one by one during
the "restore", "purge" and "reload" sub-commands whatever the auto
handling mode is.
* Add the ability to control whether the auto_handling mode should be
enabled or disabled with an environment variable called
"MODULES_AUTO_HANDLING" or from the command-line with "--auto" and "
--no-auto" switches. These command-line switches are ignored when
called from modulefile.
* Init: add pager-related command-line options in shell completion
"MODULES_LMNOTUASKED" in module.1 man page.
* Add "-f" and "--force" command-line switches to by-pass dependency
consistency during "load", "unload" or "switch" sub-commands. (see
By-passing module defined constraints section in MIGRATING document)
* Disallow collection "save" or loaded modules "reload" if some loaded
modules have some of their dependency constraints unsatisfied.
* The *Dependent Reload* action of a "load", "unload" and "switch"
sub-commands excludes modules that have unsatisfied constraints and
includes modules whose constraints are satisfied again (when sub-
command process solves a conflict for instance).
* Doc: describe "--force", "--auto" and "--no-auto" command-line
switches and "MODULES_AUTO_HANDLING" variable in module.1 man page.
* Ignore directories ".SYNC" (DesignSync) and ".sos" (SOS) when
walking through modulepath directory content. (contribution from
Colin Marquardt)
* Install: look for "make" rather "gmake" on MSYS2.
* Fix "exec()" usage in Python module function definition to retrieve
the correct return status on Python3.
* Cookbook: add the *top-priority-values* and *unload-firstly-loaded*
* Install: add "gcc" to the build requirements in RPM specfile.
* Silent any prereq violation warning message when processing
*Dependent Reload* mechanism or "purge" sub-command.
* Doc: mention "" and "" scripts in FAQ.
(fix issue#189)
* Register all alternative names of loaded modules in environment with
"MODULES_LMALTNAME" variable. These names correspond to the symbolic
versions and aliases resolving to the loaded modules. Helps to
consistently solve "conflict" or "prereq" constraints set over these
alternative names. (fix issue#143 / see Consistency of module
load/unload commands in modulefile section in MIGRATING document)
* Doc: describe "MODULES_LMALTNAME" in module.1 man page.
* Install: add "--with-bin-search-path" configure option to get in
control of the path list used to search the tools required to build
and configure Modules. (fix issue#164)
* Install: add "--enable-silent-shell-debug-support" configure option
to add the ability to control whether or not code to support silent
shell debug should be added to the module function and sh-kind
initialization scripts. (fix issue#166)
* Install: add "--enable-quarantine-support" configure option to add
the ability to control whether or not code to support quarantine
mechanism should be added to the module function and initialization
scripts. (fix issue#167)
* Check version set in modulefile magic cookie. If modulefile sets a
version number greater than "modulecmd.tcl" script version, this
modulefile is not evaluated like when no magic cookie is set at all.
(fix issue#171 / see Express Modules compatibility of modulefile
with versioned magic cookie section in MIGRATING document)
* Fix uninitialized variable in procedure producing list of element
output. (fix issue#195)
* Ensure the consistency of "module load" modulefile command once the
modulefile defining it has been loaded by assimilating this command
to a "prereq" command. Thus the defined constraint is recorded in
the "MODULES_LMPREREQ" environment variable. Same approach is used
for "module unload" modulefile command which is assimilated to a
"conflict" command. Thus the defined constraint is recorded in the
"MODULES_LMCONFLICT" environment variable. (see Modulefile alias and
symbolic modulefile name consistency section in MIGRATING document)
* Only look at loaded modules when unloading so unloading an
nonexistent modulefile does not produce an error anymore. (fix
* Report error raised from modulefile evaluation as "ERROR" rather
"WARNING", like when a conflict constraint is hit. Moreover this
kind of evaluation error is now silenced on global evaluation like
when processing "avail" or "search" sub-commands.
* Record messages to report them by block on when processing a "load"
or an "unload" modulefile evaluation to improve readability on these
evaluating modes that may cascade additional actions. (see Improved
module message report section in MIGRATING document)
* Foreground "load", "unload", "switch" and "restore" actions (i.e.,
asked on the command-line) now report a summary of the additional
load and unload evaluations that were eventually triggered in the
* Support "del" and "remove" aliases for "unload" sub-command like on
compatibility version. (fix issue#200 with contribution from
* Correctly transmit the arguments along with the command to execute
on "system" modulefile command. (fix issue#201)
* Contrib: add "mt" utility script which helps to run just specific
part of the test suite.
* Introduce "set-function" and "unset-function" modulefile commands to
define shell function on sh-kind and fish shells. (fix issue#193
with contribution from Ben Bowers)
Modules 4.1.4 (2018-08-20)
* Doc: fix typo on "getenv" command description in modulefile(4) man
page and clarify this command should be preferred over "::env"
variable to query environment variable value in modulefile.
* Init: fix "bash" and "zsh" completion scripts to enable Extended
Regular Expression (ERE) on "sed" command with "-E" argument (rather
"-r") for compatibility with OS X's and BSDs' sed. (fix issue#178)
* Handle default version sets on an hidden modulefile (were not found
previously). (fix issue#177)
* Init: fix "ksh" initialization script for ksh88 compatibility. (fix
* Install: use "sed" command rather "grep" and "cut" in "configure"
and "Makefile" scripts. (fix issue#175 with contribution from
Michael Sternberg)
* Fix typo, tab indentation and pipe opening mode on ""
utility script. (contribution from Jan Synacek)
* Check "ModulesVersion" value set from ".version" rc file to ensure
this value refers to a version name in current directory. Report
error if a nested value is detected and ignore this value. (fix
Modules 4.1.3 (2018-06-18)
* Make "setenv" command alter "env" Tcl global array during "help",
"test" or "whatis" evaluation modes. (fix issue#160)
* Doc: describe MANPATH variable special treatment on compatibility
version in diff_v3_v4 document.
* Initialize and export _moduleraw SH shell function if "stderr" is
attached to a terminal. Was previously checking "stdout". (fix
* For "csh" shells, quote code generated by modulecmd.tcl to pass it
to the "eval" shell command.
* Escape special characters when producing code to define shell
aliases (fix issue#165)
* Correct modulefile lookup when a modulefile directory is overwritten
by a module alias definition but it contains an empty sub-directory.
(fix issue#170)
* Doc: describe "getenv" command in modulefile(4) man page.
* Improve SH shell detection in initialization script to
use shell variable on "bash" or "zsh" to determine current shell
name. (fix issue#173)
Modules 4.1.2 (2018-03-31)
* Add an example global rc file in "contrib/etc" directory that
ensures "MODULEPATH" is always defined.
* Check "HOME" environment variable is defined on "savelist" and "is-
saved" commands or raise error if not.
* Fix saving of deep module default version in collection when version
pinning is disabled: if "foo/bar/version" is default version for
"foo", collection will retain just "foo" (was retaining "foo/bar").
* Enable to save and restore collections containing full path
modulefiles eventually with no modulepath defined.
* Run "puts" command not related to "stderr" or "stdout" channels in
calling modulefile context to correctly get access to the targeted
file channel. (fix issue#157)
* Quote "autoinit" result for eval interpretation on SH-kind shells to
avoid parameter expansion to randomly occur on generated code
depending on file or directory names of current working directory.
(fix RH bug#1549664)
* Ignore empty elements found in "MODULEPATH", "LOADEDMODULES" or
"_LMFILES_" to ensure all elements in these variables are non-empty
* Raise error if loaded environment is in an inconsistent state when
calling commands requiring correlation of information from the
"LOADEDMODULES" and the "_LMFILES_" environment variables. Error
raised on "load", "unload", "switch", "reload", "purge", "list",
"save" and "restore" commands. May affect "info-loaded" or "is-
loaded" commands if module passed as argument to these command is
specified as a full path modulefile.
* Fix "list" command to process loaded modules information before
performing any content output.
* Install: adapt "configure" script and Makefiles to support
installation on Cygwin system.
* Detect terminal width on Windows "cmd" terminal with "mode" command.
* Improve Windows "cmd" shell support: error code returned, echoing
text, shell alias creation and removal, working directory change.
* Raise error when an empty module name is passed to module sub-
commands like "load", "display" or "unload".
* Raise error when an empty collection name is passed to module sub-
commands like "save", "saveshow" or "restore".
* Raise error when an empty path is passed to module "unuse" sub-
command, like already done on "use" sub-command.
* Clear argument list if an empty module command name is passed.
* Fix "module" function definition for all shells in "autoinit"
command to correctly handle empty-string parameters or parameters
containing white-spaces, quotes, escape characters.
* Fix "module" function definition for Python to accept being called
with no argument.
* Fix parameter expansion on "module" function for all SH-kind shells
when quarantine mode is activated.
* Escape "\" character when producing R shell code.
Modules 4.1.1 (2018-02-17)
* Make separator lines, used on "display" command result for instance,
fit small screen width.
* Install: give ability to build and install Modules from git
repository without documentation if "sphinx-build" cannot be found.
* Install: adapt "configure" script and Makefiles to support
installation on FreeBSD, Solaris and OS X systems. (fix issue#147)
* Rework code generated by "autoinit" for sh-kind shells to avoid use
of local variables as those are defined differently through the sh
variants. (also fix issue#147)
* Init: use a default value on undefined variables in sh-kind scripts
to avoid unbound variables in bash "-eu" mode. (fix issue#151)
* Correctly detect terminal column number on Solaris.
* Init: fix csh init script to get compatibility with pure csh shell
* Sanitize content of "MODULEPATH" before using it at run-time, to
make potential relative paths absolute, remove trailing slashes,
etc. (fix issue#152)
* Check loaded modulefiles still exists before displaying statistics
on them during a "list" action.
* Use a specific reference counter variable name
("MODULES_MODSHARE_<VAR>" instead of "<VAR>_modshare") for DYLD-
specific variables. (fix issue#153)
* No error raise when updating a DYLD or LD path-like variable on OS X
when System Integrity Protection (SIP) is enabled. In this
situation, these variables are not exported in subshell context, so
they appear undefined.
* Init: protect arguments passed to the "_moduleraw" sh function from
interfering content of current working directory. (fix issue#154)
* Install: move "hostname" RPM requirement to the compat sub-package.
* Start pager process only if some text has to be printed. (partially
fix issue#146)
* Ignore "PAGER" environment variable to configure Modules pager to
avoid side effects coming from a general pager configuration not
compatible with Modules pager handling. (fix issue#146)
* Do not blank anymore default Modules pager options if default pager
is "less" when the "LESS" environment variable is defined. (fix
With this bugfix release, changes have been made on the pager setup
to avoid side effects coming from the system general pager
configuration. As a result "PAGER" environment variable is now
ignored and "MODULES_PAGER" should be used instead to adapt Modules
pager configuration at run-time.
Modules 4.1.0 (2018-01-15)
* Extend stderr output redirection on sh-kind shells to all terminal-
attached shell session, not only interactive shell session.
* Extend shell code produced by the "autoinit" command to perform the
same environment initialization as done in "init" shell scripts
(default value set for module-specific environment variables, parse
or source of configuration files).
* Make init shell scripts rely on "autoinit" command to define the
"module" command and setup its default environment.
* Fix error rendering code for Tcl shell by producing a call to the
"error" procedure.
* Introduce pager support to handle informational messages, using
"less" command with "-eFKRX" options by default. Environment
variable "MODULES_PAGER" or "PAGER" may be used to supersede default
pager command and options. "--paginate" and "--no-pager" switches
enable or disable pager from the command line.
* Install: add "--with-pager" and "--with-pager-opts" configure
options to define default pager command and its relative command-
line options.
* Introduce quarantine mechanism to protect module execution against
side effect coming from the current environment definition.
Variables whose name has been put in "MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE" will
be emptied or set to the value hold by "MODULES_RUNENV_<VAR>" in the
modulecmd.tcl run-time environment. Quarantine variable original
value is then restored within modulecmd.tcl execution context once
it has started.
* Install: add "--with-quarantine-vars" configure option to define at
environment variables set in initialization scripts.
* Add "MODULES_SILENT_SHELL_DEBUG" environment variable to disable on
sh shell and derivatives any "xtrace" or "verbose" debugging
property for the duration of either the module command or the module
shell initialization script. (fix issue#121)
* Change error code produced by modulecmd.tcl for the Tcl, Perl,
Python, Ruby, CMake and R scripting languages to return a 'false'
boolean value in case of error rather raising a fatal exception.
* Adapt module function definition for Tcl, Perl, Python, Ruby, CMake
and R scripting languages to always return a value, result of the
modulecmd.tcl run. When modulecmd.tcl run does not produce a
specific status, a 'true' boolean value is returned. On CMake,
resulting value is returned though a "module_result" global
* Spool content sent to the stdout channel with "puts" command during
a modulefile interpretation, to effectively transmit this content to
stdout after rendering the environment changes made by this
modulefile. (fix issue#113)
* Introduce "append-path", "prepend-path", "remove-path" and "is-
loaded" module sub-commands, based on existing modulefile-specific
Tcl commands. (fix issue#116)
* Introduce "is-saved", "is-used" and "is-avail" modulefile Tcl
commands and module sub-commands to test availability of collection,
modulepath or modulefile.
* Raise error when a call to "path" or "paths" module sub-commands is
attempted during a modulefile interpretation. Both commands now
return text rather print text on scripting languages. An empty
string is returned in no match case instead of a false boolean
* Introduce "module-info loaded" modulefile command and its module
sub-command counterpart "info-loaded". This new command returns name
of the modules currently loaded corresponding to the name passed as
argument. (fix issue#3)
* Fix "is-loaded" command to correctly handle multiple module names
passed as argument (fix issue#138)
* Support no argument on "is-loaded", "is-saved" and "is-used"
commands to return if anything is respectively loaded, saved or
* Interpret "module source" command set in modulefile in "unload" mode
when the modulefile itself is interpreted in this mode.
* Consider a modulefile passed with name starting by "./" or "../" a
full path name modulefile, like those starting by "/". These kind of
names are converted to absolute path names, for instance to register
them in loaded modulefile list during a "load" command.
* Correlate modulefile passed as full path name (starting by either
"./", "../" or "/") to already loaded modulefile registered with
regular module name (file name without its modulepath prefix) to
prevent for instance from loading twice same modulefile. Correlate
in the same way regular module name to already loaded full path name
* Introduce "MODULES_COLLECTION_PIN_VERSION" environment variable to
record modulefile version number when saving collections even if
version corresponds to the default one. (fix issue#89)
* Fix location of "etc/rc" global RC file to "@prefix@/etc/rc" instead
of "$MODULESHOME/etc/rc" not to depend on "MODULESHOME" environment
variable value.
* Strengthen argument check for "append-path", "prepend-path" and
"remove-path" modulefile Tcl commands and module sub-commands. Raise
error if argument list is not correct.
* Fix support for the "--delim=C" argument form on "append-path",
"prepend-path" and "remove-path" commands.
* Fix path reference counter handling in case path element is an empty
string. Distinguish an empty path element from a variable set empty
to clear it.
* Pass multiple path elements separated by delimiter character as one
string on "append-path", "prepend-path" and "remove-path" commands.
* Accept multiple path element arguments on "append-path", "prepend-
path" and "remove-path" commands.
* Introduce the "--duplicates" argument option to "append-path" and
"prepend-path" commands to add a path element already registered in
* Introduce the "--index" argument option to "remove-path" command to
delete a path entry by passing its position index in variable.
* Provide the ability to setup a site-specific configuration sourced
at the start of "modulecmd.tcl" main procedure. This configuration
is a Tcl script named "siteconfig.tcl" which enables to supersede
any Tcl definition made in "modulecmd.tcl". Location of this file is
controlled at configure time with the "--etcdir" option.
* Add the ability to handle paths containing reference to environment
variable in "MODULEPATH". When these kind of paths are used by
"module" command, the variable references are converted to their
corresponding value or to an empty string if they are not defined.
* Enclose value set to environment variable on Tcl within curly braces
rather double quotes to protect special characters in it from
* Correctly parse ".modulespath" initialization file to handle lines
without any "#" character or to handle files with no content to
* Re-introduce the "--enable-versioning" configure option, which
appends Modules version to installation prefix and deploy a
"versions" modulepath shared between all versioning enabled Modules
installation. A modulefile corresponding to Modules version is added
to the shared modulepath and enables to switch from one Modules
version to another.
* Fix removal of CMake generated temporary script file by stripping
newline character from script file name.
* Add "MODULES_CMD" environment variable to expose path to the
currently active module command script. This variable is set at
initialization time.
* Introduce "modulecmd" wrapper script, installed in binary directory,
which executes the active module command.
* Fix modulefile Tcl interpreter reset when handling list variables.
(fix issue#145)
* Introduce 'module-virtual' modulefile Tcl command to associate a
virtual module name to a modulefile. This module can be located with
its virtual name and the associated modulefile is the script
interpreted when loading, unloading, etc.
* Resolution of relative paths occurring during a modulefile
interpretation to target a modulefile or a modulepath now takes the
directory of the currently interpreted modulefile as the current
working directory to solve the relative paths.
Modules 4.0.0 (2017-10-16)
Starting with this release, modules-tcl has become Modules. The
following changes describe the differences with last modules-tcl
release (1.923). To learn about the changes between this release and
last Modules 3.2 release, please see the New features document.
* Relax constraint on command-line argument position so options and
switches can be passed either before or after command name.
* Report "unsupported option" warning rather stop on error when
compatibility-version specific command-line switches are passed ( "
--force", "--human", "--verbose", "--silent", "--create", "--icase",
* Keep empty "module load" line in shell configuration files after
running the "initrm" or "initclear" commands.
* Always return the value of "tcl_platform(osVersion)" for "uname
* Optimize code output, for Perl to only return "1;" once for a no-
operation situation and for Python to not "import os" when there is
only an error to render.
* Use value of system command "uname -n" for "uname nodename".
* Add support for CMake *shell*
* Ignore "/" character used as suffix in modulefile name passed on
command line.
* Rename Perl initialization script in "" and Python in
* Add support for Ruby *shell* (with contribution from Tammo Tjarks)
* Add support for R *shell* (with contribution from Roy Storey)
* When a *default* is set for a given module name, target modulefile
can be referred on as *modulename/default* in addition to just
* Locate symbolic versions on "avail" command even these symbols are
set over a module alias or another symbolic version. In this
situation the symbol spread along the resolution path until reaching
a modulefile.
* Define a more standard shebang on modulecmd.tcl script.
* Determine modulefile corresponding to given module name using the
loaded context only on "unload" situation.
* Enable to unload *mod/dir/subdir/vers* when unload of *mod* or
*mod/dir* asked. Was previously working only if deep module to
unload was also the default version for these root names.
* Make -l/-t switches mutually exclusive. Last switch mentioned on the
command-line is honored.
* Output parsable modulepath header when -l/-t switches are enabled.
* When searching for a module in a given modulepath directory, if a
module alias or a symbolic version matches searched module but the
target of this alias or symbol is not found in current modulepath
directory, search for this target restarting search from the first
modulepath in list to ensure modulepath priority.
* Solve aliases or symbolic versions looking for all modulepaths on
"search" and "paths" commands. Was previously solved if their target
was found in same modulepath directory.
* Add support for hidden *dot* modulefiles. A hidden modulefile does
not appear in case of wild search, it is only returned when search
is about its exact name.
* No table header print in --long mode on an "avail" command if no
result are returned.
* Add blank line between displayed list of elements, for instance
between modulepath content on "avail" command.
* Improve readability of error messages encountered during modulefile
execution by putting Tcl error message first after the "Module
ERROR" prefix.
* Do not exit immediately when an internal error occurs in currently
interpreted modulefile. Consider this interpretation as failed and
continue to proceed the other modulefile arguments.
* When multiple modulefiles are passed on "display", "help" and "test"
commands only output one separator line between 2 interpreted
* Fix environment settings stack handling issue when restoring stack
after a failed attempt to load a modulefile in a modulefile.
* Failed attempt to load or unload a modulefile within a modulefile
now leads to this upper modulefile load or unload failure.
Previously upper modulefile were loaded respectively unloaded even
if its dependent sub-modulefile failed to load or unload.
* During a "switch" command, if the unloading part fails the loading
part will not be tried. Unloading part fails if module to unload
does not exist or its unload interpretation raise error.
* Init: use "module source" rather shell command "source" to load
modulerc system configuration in sh-kind, csh-kind and fish shell
init scripts.
* Install: transform configuration options to bind to an existing
compatibility Modules version into option (--enable-compat-version)
to build and install this compatibility version along with main
* Init: adapt initialization scripts to handle both main and
compatibility version. By default a shell script enables main
version and if the environment variable MODULES_USE_COMPAT_VERSION
is set to 1, the compatibility version is enabled instead of main
* Install: import from compatibility version and install "add.modules"
and "mkroot" utility scripts (scripts developed by R.K. Owen).
* Install: update RPM spec file to handle compatibility version as a
"compat" sub-package.
* Add completion script for Fish shell (contribution from BEFH).
* Doc: extend content of diff_v3_v4 to details all noticeable changes
between v3.2 and v4.0.
* Doc: introduce MIGRATING guide to learn the major changes when
moving from v3.2 to v4.0.
* Fix "list" command when full pathname modulefile is loaded (fix
* Install: handle version number though git tags in scripts,
documentation and RPM spec file.
* Doc: migrate documents from POD format to reStructuredText to
benefit from Sphinx documentation framework and Read The Docs
publishing capabilities.
Above changes describe the differences with modules-tcl release 1.923.
To learn about the changes between Modules 4.0 and last Modules 3.2
release, please see the New features document.
modules-tcl-1.923 (2017-07-20)
* Fix "aliases" command when a global or user RC file is set.
* Find and solve global or user RC aliases and symbolic versions on
"search", "whatis" and "paths" commands.
* Do not look at currently loaded modules to resolve the target of a
module alias.
* Rework default and latest versions search on "avail" command.
Correct display when at a given level a sub-directory element is
last element in directory among modulefiles. Previously sub-
directory was printed but last file among modulefiles was also
printed (2 latest versions at the same level). A directory tagged
"default" does not appear anymore in default listing result as its
content (the default version found in that directory) will be
* When an alias is set and overrides name of an existing directory,
take this alias into account for default and latest choice and
ignore directory content.
* Bad default set will lead to no result displayed for the
corresponding module in case of default "avail" display.
* Correct inclusion of aliases in output result when these aliases are
not part of the exact same module path than module path of the
* Rewrite existing shell initialization file with initadd,
initprepend, initswitch, initrm and initclear commands rather than
writing a new file then copying this new file to replace the
existing initialization file. In addition only re-writes shell
initialization file if its content need to be altered.
* Raise an error on initadd, initprepend, initswitch, initrm and
initclear commands when no "module load" line are found in shell
initialization file.
* Normalize error messages for the various collection-related commands
when collection cannot be accessed.
* Cleanup existing reference counters of a path list variable when
this variable is altered by a "setenv" or an "unsetenv" command.
* Init: do not pollute tab-completion with moduleraw command. (Bert
* Make use of the same Tcl interp for each modulefile interpretation
and use another one for each modulerc (but the same for each
modulerc). By doing so we proceed like on C-version where same
interpreter is used across modulefile or modulerc interpretation.
Huge performance improvement is achieved with this change on
commands making intensive use of interp like "avail". Interpreter
state is reset from one interpretation to another: the initial
variable and procedure state is restored before each new
interpretation to avoid spread of definitions from one
interpretation to another. Also in case of nested interpretation
each interpretation level has its own interpreter so a module loaded
by another does not influence the interpretation of the module
loading it.
* Improve performance of aliases and symbolic versions resolution by
computing these resolution at definition time. As a consequence
resolution loop are not registered anymore and produce an error
message when spotted not at display time.
* Reduce number of "access" system call by trying access to modulefile
when reading the content of a modulefile directory rather testing
access before trying it.
* No error raise on empty argument list for load. To cope with initadd
behavior that requires at least an empty "module load" line in
startup files. (fix SF bug#88)
* Fix initadd to handle load line without trailing space. Was
previously expecting load directive to be written "module load " to
get a match. With fix, "module load" line will also be matched.
* Like C-version catch raised error when break or continue are called
from outside of a loop to handle them as when they are called from
modulefile main body. (fix SF bug#87)
* Return error on "module use" command when an empty path string is
provided rather ignoring it.
* Workaround "min" and "max" functions and "lreverse" procedure for
correct operations under Tcl version 8.4.
* Install: add --with-tclsh configure option to give the ability to
choose the Tcl interpreter shell to setup in initialization scripts.
* Handle error raised from the ModulesDisplay, ModulesHelp and
ModulesTest procedures in the same way than for the evaluation of
the modulefile content. An error occurring during the evaluation of
the modulefile content will lead to no evaluation of the "display",
"help" and "test" command specific functions.
* Remove "debug" module command
* Doc: describe "path", "paths" and "autoinit" module command.
* Correct use of xrdb tool when not installed in default path.
* Fix "init*" module commands to behave more like C-version and
document remaining differences in diff_with_c-version.
* Init: make "sh" init script closer to POSIX specification to support
sh flavors different than Bash or Zsh like Dash.
* Fix column-mode display for very short width terminal.
* Install: introduce an "install" non-regression testsuite which is
triggered by the "make testinstall" command and checks modules-tcl
installation is operational.
* Init: fix modulerc load test on "fish" init script.
* Init: fix interactive shell test on "sh" init script.
* Install: add --enable-example-modulefiles configure option that
install by default some modulefiles provided as example in the
system modulefiles directory.
* Install: when uninstalling, do not remove modulefiles directory if
it is not empty.
* Add completion script for Zsh shell.
* Add "module test" command to trigger when called execution of a
ModulesTest procedure in target modulefile following same kind of
mechanism than "module help".
modules-tcl-1.832 (2017-04-29)
* Fix "getenv" sub-command to correctly return environment variable
* Clarify in man-pages display of module alias and symbolic version-
name on "avail" command and management of file access issue when
locating modulefiles.
* Distinguish access issue (permission denied) from find issue (cannot
locate) when trying to access directly a directory or a modulefile
as done on "load", "display" or "whatis" commands. In addition on
this kind of access, not readable .modulerc files are ignored rather
producing a missing magic cookie error.
* When mode is set to unload, "module load" commands in modulefile are
interpreted as "module unload" commands. To guaranty correct
behavior regarding requirements, the module list passed to the load
command is reversed to unload the modulefiles in the reverse order
than they have been loaded.
* Correct "display" command to only report module commands set in
modulefile and not those set in the various .modulerc on the path
toward this modulefile.
* Fix bash and tcsh completion scripts to eliminate symbolic version
names from "avail" command result.
* Improve "avail" command when a symbolic version-name is passed as
argument to return the modulefile target of this symbolic version-
* When looking for an implicit default in a directory, now a module
alias is taken into account so it can be returned as the last
element in it (highest numerically sorted version).
* Fix "list" command to correctly display the "default" tag along
loaded modules when set via a .version file.
* Fix long output of "list" command to display the symbolic version-
names associated to each loaded module if any.
* Improve "avail" command to return alias module when an alias name is
passed as argument.
* On a "--default" listing, a modulefile does not appear anymore if a
directory is set default at the same level. On a "--latest" listing,
a directory does not appear anymore if set default but not the
* Read modulerc and validate its header in a single open/read/close
sequence instead of two in order to reduce to number of IO
operations during an "avail" command.
* Drastically reduce grid size computation time which removes overhead
when displaying module avail results in column-mode.
* Translate module name to currently interpreted module name when name
correspond to the last part this interpreted module only in case of
symbolic version-name or alias resolution.
* Avoid resetting regular path (/usr/bin) or manpath (/usr/share/man)
when switching from Tcl to C version in switchml utility.
* Raise error on x-resource if DISPLAY environment variable is not
* Fix lisp init script which was broken for environment change
modules-tcl-1.775 (2017-03-07)
* Improve README with examples, requirements, links, etc. Also update
INSTALL documentation with details on the new configure/make/make
install process.
* Add display of a release date next to the version number when
calling for "--help" or "--version".
* Update diff_with_c-version document to describe the features of the
Tcl-version that are not supported on the C-version. Also state that
the diff takes C version 3.2.10 against Tcl version 1.729 as a
* Introduce "switchml" tool, a shell function (or alias for csh or
tcsh shells) that swap currently enabled Modules version (C or Tcl)
by the other version (C or Tcl). Configure option "--with-cver-
initdir" must be defined to enable "switchml" in initialization
* Define a PATH and MANPATH in shell initialization scripts that point
to the defined modules-tcl installation directories.
* Give ability to generate distribution tarball from the git
repository with Makefile "dist" target.
* Introduce an installation process for this software following the
configure/make/make install fashion. Configure step enables to
choose installation paths and init scripts features to activate.
Make step mainly translates init scripts with the configuration set.
Make install creates target directories and copy files into them.
* Fix MODULESHOME setup in autoinit command to define it as an
absolute path and set it to the upper directory when modulecmd.tcl
is located in a "bin" or a "libexec" directory.
* Correct alias and version resolution on avail command which was
erroneous in case of a modulefile holding symbols (like "default")
and targeted by aliases. Avail output was showing the aliases
holding the symbols instead of the modulefile.
modules-tcl-1.729 (2017-02-01)
* Add documentation in module(1) man page on the modulefile collection
concept and the relative "save", "restore", "saverm", "saveshow" and
"savelist" commands.
* Add document to list the differences of the functionalities that can
be found on the C-version of the Modules package compared to the
* Improve modulecmd.tcl shebang to only search "tclsh" once if found
in PATH.
* Add "module-info mode" check against "remove" and "switch" values.
* Introduce "module-info command" Modules-specific Tcl command to
distinguish complex "load" or "unload" commands that cannot be
determined with "module-info mode" alone. For instance a modulefile
can now be aware that a "switch", a "restore" or a "purge" command
is currently being run.
* Enable usage of "module-info" Modules-specific Tcl command from a
modulerc file.
* Fix "module-info specified" Modules-specific Tcl command.
* No exit raise on modulefile or modulerc error during "avail",
"aliases", "whatis" and "search" commands to avoid harming results
from these global commands if error exists in a few modulefiles.
* Exit with error code when a critical error is encountered when
interpreting a modulefile or a modulerc.
* Inhibit non-critical error report raised from modulefiles during
"avail", "aliases", "whatis" and "search" commands to avoid error
flood when parsing all modulefiles or modulercs.
* Handle multiple lines of "module-whatis" Modules-specific Tcl
commands defined for the same modulefile.
* Handle multiple arguments passed to the "module-whatis" Modules-
specific Tcl commands. They are joined to get a single line of text.
* Return error on "whatis" command if searched modulefile is not
modules-tcl-1.704 (2017-01-20)
* Set path variable counter to 1 for paths without a known reference
count (was previously set to 999999999).
* Introduce "envml" utility which acts as an application launcher
where module commands are instantiated to setup environment before
launching the given application.
* Always register paths provided to be part of MODULEPATH environment
variable as absolute paths to get independent from the current
working directory.
* Inhibit next modulefiles interpretation with "exit" Modules-specific
Tcl command only if current mode is "load".
* Add argument to "module-info shell" and "module-info shelltype" to
test current shell or shelltype value.
* Fix use of "default" version-name to not consider it as a module
symbol if a modulefile is named "default".
* Fix path variable counters when ":" character is used in elements of
a path-like variable.
* Update module(1) and modulefile(4) man pages to clear content
specific to the C version of Modules and add content specific to or
adapt content that behave differently on this Tcl version.
* Fix TCLSH variable issue in Python init script.
modules-tcl-1.677 (2017-01-04)
* Make "switch" command handle a single argument. The modulefile to
switch to is the one passed on the command-line and the modulefile
to unload is assumed to be the currently loaded module with the same
root name as this modulefile specified on the command-line.
* Make "switch" command idempotent by always ending up with "old"
unloaded and "new" loaded, whatever the starting situation is.
* Fix "exit" Modules-specific Tcl command.
* Add "refresh" command as alias on "reload" command.
* Add dummy "module-log", "module-trace", "module-user" and "module-
verbosity" Modules-specific Tcl commands to enable support for
modulefiles using them.
* Fix "system" Modules-specific Tcl command to behave like described
on the man page.
* Fix "module list" when module loaded with full path
* Disable "g_force" property by default to avoid loading a modulefile
already loaded. It also avoids path element reference counting to
get increased when the same module is asked twice for load.
* Clarify module-info "mode" option and set "help" mode on "module
help" command.
* Clarify module-info "flags" and "user" options.
* Handle empty or separator path on "add-path" ad "unload-path"
* Delete environment variable targeted by an "unsetenv" command on
"unload" mode if no value has been provided along. On display mode,
print environment variable value if any has been passed to
"unsetenv" command.
* When setting Tcl variable, enclose value within double quotes.
* Fix perl quoting style for variable set, escape single quotes rather
double quotes.
* Call "unuse" command instead of "use" command on a "module unload".
* Fix "continue" Modules-specific Tcl command.
* Add "chdir" Modules-specific Tcl command.
* Fix "break" Modules-specific Tcl command.
modules-tcl-1.655 (2016-11-23)
* No display of modulepath header if no module found in it.
* Remove call to "module aliases" on "module avail" command, as
aliases are now directly included in the "avail" results.
* Include module aliases in the displayed result of an "avail"
command. Also display aliases defined in a global or user modulerc
* Exit with error code if error occurred on display or help commands.
* Fix module-info symbols resolution.
* Better handling of .modulerc and .version files when searching for a
* Fix module-info version resolution.
* Fix module-info alias resolution.
* Register alias and version by the short module name and improve
their resolution to avoid loop.
* Source $MODULERCFILE/modulerc when $MODULERCFILE is dir.
* Make it so you can do "module avail un", wildcard "*" character
modules-tcl-1.632 (2016-09-06)
* Raise error if command does not receive the excepted number of
* Improve column-mode display to get a denser output on "avail"
* Standardize the output of Warning, Error, InternalBug and
ErrorAndExit messages.
* Add short option -d for --delim on prepend-path.
* Introduce collection target concept to distinguish between machines,
environments or domains that are incompatible with each other.
* Introduce "saveshow" command, to display content of saved
* Improve "save" and "restore" commands to handle collection specified
as absolute or relative file path.
* Introduce "saverm" command, to delete saved collections.
* Enable to "restore" collection with multiple modulefiles specified
on the same line.
* Fix "restore" command when there is no module to load in collection.
* Fix "restore" command when collection fully rewind module paths.
* Fix "restore" command to preserve module path order set in
* Raise error if try to save an empty environment in a collection.
modules-tcl-1.602 (2016-08-13)
* Add support for Fish shell.
* Import recent tests added to C-version on 10-use and 50-cmds
* Add short option -d for --delim on append-path and remove-path.
* Fix load and implement unload x-resource.
* Fix Python code that was broken or not Python3-compliant. Fixed code
is used to define the module command, to render error and to process
* Always dictionary-sort (also called numerical-sort) list of
modulefiles or list of collections.
* Fix bash completion script to be compliant with bash posix mode.
modules-tcl-1.578 (2014-12-24)
* First release to be described in this NEWS file but it does not mean
this is the first version of modules-tcl as this Modules flavor is
born in 2002.
* At this stage, modules-tcl handles a majority of the module commands
and modulefile Tcl commands available on C version.
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0