Mini Shell
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
chdir 't';
@INC = ( '../lib', 'lib' );
else {
unshift @INC, 't/lib';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::Builder::NoOutput;
use Test::More tests => 12;
# TB Methods expect to be wrapped.
my $ok = sub { shift->ok(@_) };
my $plan = sub { shift->plan(@_) };
my $diag = sub { shift->diag(@_) };
my $finalize = sub { shift->finalize(@_) };
# Formatting may change if we're running under Test::Harness.
my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create;
$tb->$plan( tests => 7 );
for( 1 .. 3 ) {
$tb->$ok( $_, "We're on $_" );
$tb->$diag("We ran $_");
my $indented = $tb->child;
$indented->$ok( 1, "We're on 1" );
$indented->$ok( 1, "We're on 2" );
$indented->$ok( 1, "We're on 3" );
for( 7, 8, 9 ) {
$tb->$ok( $_, "We're on $_" );
is $tb->read, <<"END", 'Output should nest properly';
ok 1 - We're on 1
# We ran 1
ok 2 - We're on 2
# We ran 2
ok 3 - We're on 3
# We ran 3
ok 1 - We're on 1
ok 2 - We're on 2
ok 3 - We're on 3
ok 4 - Child of $0
ok 5 - We're on 7
ok 6 - We're on 8
ok 7 - We're on 9
my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create;
for( 1 .. 1 ) {
$tb->$ok( $_, "We're on $_" );
$tb->$diag("We ran $_");
my $indented = $tb->child;
$indented->$ok( 1, "We're on 1" );
my $indented2 = $indented->child('with name');
$indented2->$plan( tests => 2 );
$indented2->$ok( 1, "We're on 2.1" );
$indented2->$ok( 1, "We're on 2.1" );
$indented->$ok( 1, 'after child' );
for(7) {
$tb->$ok( $_, "We're on $_" );
is $tb->read, <<"END", 'We should allow arbitrary nesting';
ok 1 - We're on 1
# We ran 1
ok 1 - We're on 1
ok 1 - We're on 2.1
ok 2 - We're on 2.1
ok 2 - with name
ok 3 - after child
ok 2 - Child of $0
ok 3 - We're on 7
#line 108
my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create;
my $child = $tb->child('expected to fail');
$child->$plan( tests => 3 );
my $child = $tb->child('expected to pass');
$child->$plan( tests => 3 );
is $tb->read, <<"END", 'Previous child failures should not force subsequent failures';
ok 1
not ok 2
# Failed test at $0 line 114.
ok 3
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
not ok 1 - expected to fail
# Failed test 'expected to fail'
# at $0 line 116.
ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
ok 2 - expected to pass
my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create;
my $child = $tb->child('one');
is $child->{$_}, $tb->{$_}, "The child should copy the ($_) filehandle"
foreach qw{Out_FH Todo_FH Fail_FH};
my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create;
my $child = $tb->child('one');
can_ok $child, 'parent';
can_ok $tb, 'name';
is $child->name, 'one', '... but child names should be whatever we set them to';
$child = $tb->child;
# Skip all subtests
my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create;
my $child = $tb->child('skippy says he loves you');
eval { $child->$plan( skip_all => 'cuz I said so' ) };
subtest 'skip all', sub {
plan skip_all => 'subtest with skip_all';
ok 0, 'This should never be run';
# to do tests
#line 204
my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create;
$tb->$plan( tests => 1 );
my $child = $tb->child;
$child->$plan( tests => 1 );
$child->todo_start( 'message' );
$child->$ok( 0 );
is $tb->read, <<"END", 'TODO tests should not make the parent test fail';
not ok 1 # TODO message
# Failed (TODO) test at $0 line 209.
ok 1 - Child of $0
my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create;
$tb->$plan( tests => 1 );
my $child = $tb->child;
my $expected = <<"END";
not ok 1 - No tests run for subtest "Child of $0"
like $tb->read, qr/\Q$expected\E/,
'Not running subtests should make the parent test fail';
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0