Mini Shell
eval 'if [ -x /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl ]; then exec /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl -x -- $0 ${1+"$@"}; else exec /usr/bin/perl -x -- $0 ${1+"$@"};fi'
if 0;
use experimental 'smartmatch';
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
my %opts = ();
my $original_files_dir = '/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/cloudlinux/original/';
getopts( 'iud',\%opts );
unless ( $> == 0 ) {
warn "The program should be started under root privileges only!\n";
my $theme_location = '/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend';
my %symlinks = (
my @data = (
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/cgi/CloudLinux.cgi#,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/CloudLinux.cgi#,
bcp => 1,
check_orig => 1,
# substitution for lveversion.cgi which is obsolete
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/resource_usage/,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/,
bcp => 1,
check_orig => 0,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/lveversion/cl-selector.cgi#,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/cloudlinux/cl-selector.cgi#,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/lveversion/cloudlinux-selector.cgi#,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/cloudlinux/cloudlinux-selector.cgi#,
# javascript moved from lveselect.html to separate files
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/commons/js/cl-message-handler.js#,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/cloudlinux/cl-message-handler.js#,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/commons/js/alt-selector.js#,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/cloudlinux/alt-selector.js#,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/commons/js/alt-ruby-selector.js#,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/cloudlinux/alt-ruby-selector.js#,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/commons/js/jquery/#,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/cloudlinux/#,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/commons/js/images/#,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/cloudlinux/#,
# for new LVEManager plugin with SPA
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/spa/assets/#,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/3rdparty/cloudlinux/#,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/configs/LveManager/,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Config/ConfigObj/Driver/LveManager/,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/configs/,
dst => q#/usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Config/ConfigObj/Driver/,
my @theme_data = (
# resource usage
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/resource_usage/,
dst => q#resource_usage/,
# selectors
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/lveversion/,
dst => q#lveversion/,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/lveversion/ruby-selector.tmpl#,
dst => q#lveversion/ruby-selector.tmpl#,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/lveversion/,
dst => q#lveversion/,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/lveversion/,
dst => q#lveversion/,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/lveversion/,
dst => q#lveversion/,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/lveversion/ruby-selector-check.tmpl#,
dst => q#lveversion/ruby-selector-check.tmpl#,
src => q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/wpos/,
dst => q#lveversion/,
my %original_files = (
'CloudLinux.cgi' => {
src => q#/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/CloudLinux.cgi#,
'lvechart.cgi' => {
src => q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/lvechart.cgi#,
'' => {
src => q#/usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/,
'' => {
src => q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/stats/,
dst => q#stats/,
link => q#stats/resourceusage.html#,
theme => 1,
themes => ['paper_lantern'],
'' => {
src => q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/stats/,
dst => q#stats/,
link => q#stats/resourceusagedetails.html#,
theme => 1,
themes => ['paper_lantern'],
if ( $opts{i} or $opts{u} ) {
for my $i ( @data ) {
if ( -e $i->{src} ) {
if ( $i->{bcp} ) {
make_backup( $i->{dst}, 0, $i->{check_orig} ? 1 : 0 );
else {
unlink $i->{dst} if -e $i->{dst};
check_dir( $i->{dst} );
system( "/bin/cp", "-Rf", $i->{src}, $i->{dst} );
if ($symlinks{$i->{dst}} && ! -e $symlinks{$i->{dst}}) {
# create symlinks for .min.js files
system("/bin/ln", "-s", $i->{dst}, $symlinks{$i->{dst}});
if(! -e "/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/cloudlinux/assets") {
system("/bin/ln", "-s", "/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/3rdparty/cloudlinux/assets",
# reset dynamical items cache
system("/bin/rm", "-f", '/var/cpanel/dynamicaclitems.cache');
for my $theme ( @{ get_themes_list() } ) {
for my $i ( @theme_data ) {
my $path_src = $i->{src};
if ( -e $path_src ) {
my $path_dst = $theme . '/' . $i->{dst};
unlink $path_dst if -e $path_dst;
system( "/bin/cp", "-Rf", $path_src, $path_dst );
if ( $opts{u} ) {
elsif ( $opts{d} ) {
for my $i ( @data ) {
if ($symlinks{$i->{dst}} && -e $symlinks{$i->{dst}}) {
# create symlinks for .min.js files
system("/bin/rm", "-f", $symlinks{$i->{dst}});
if ( -f $i->{dst} ) {
system( "/bin/rm", "-Rf", $i->{dst}) if -e $i->{dst};
my $bcp = $i->{dst} . '.saved';
my $orig = $i->{dst} . '.orig';
if ( -e $orig ) {
system( "/bin/mv", $orig, $i->{dst} );
unlink $bcp if -e $bcp;
elsif ( -e $bcp ) {
system( "/bin/mv", $bcp, $i->{dst} );
} else {
my $dst = $i->{dst}.(split(/\//, $i->{src}))[-1];
system( "/bin/rm", "-Rf", $dst) if -e $dst;
for my $theme ( @{ get_themes_list() } ) {
for my $item ( @theme_data ) {
my $path = $theme . '/' . $item->{dst};
system( "/bin/rm", "-Rf", $path) if -e $path;
sub check_dynamicui {
my ( $path ) = @_;
my $dynamicui_path = q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/dynamicui#;
my $dynamicui_conf = q#/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/dynamicui.conf#;
my $d_path = join( q{/}, $path, 'dynamicui' );
unless ( -e join( q{/}, $path, 'dynamicui.conf' ) ) {
system( '/bin/cp', $dynamicui_conf, $path );
return unless -d $dynamicui_path;
opendir my $dyn_x3, $dynamicui_path or return;
mkdir $d_path unless -d $d_path;
for my $d ( readdir $dyn_x3 ) {
next if $d eq '.' or $d eq '..';
next unless $d =~ /(?:enduserlve|lvephpsel)/i;
my $item_path = join( q{/}, $dynamicui_path, $d );
my @params = ( '/bin/cp', $item_path, $d_path );
system( @params ) unless -e join( q{/}, $d_path, $d );
closedir $dyn_x3;
sub update_rvskin {
system( '/root/rvadmin/' ) if -x '/root/rvadmin/';
sub process_obsoletes {
my @deletes = (
for my $i ( @deletes ) {
unlink $i if -e $i;
sub get_themes_list {
my @dirs;
return [] unless -d $theme_location;
opendir my $dir, $theme_location or return [];
for my $d ( readdir $dir ) {
next if $d eq '.' or $d eq '..';
my $path = $theme_location . '/' . $d;
next if -l $path;
next unless -d $path;
push @dirs, $path;
closedir $dir;
return \@dirs;
sub check_dir {
my ( $path ) = @_;
my $dirpath = substr( $path, 0, rindex( $path, '/' ) );
system("/bin/mkdir", "-p", $dirpath) unless -d $dirpath;
sub make_backup {
my ( $path, $to_copy, $check_orig ) = @_;
return unless -e $path;
my $bcp;
if ( $check_orig and detect_orig( $path ) ) {
$bcp = $path . '.orig';
else {
$bcp = $path . '.saved';
unlink $bcp if -e $bcp;
if ( $to_copy ) {
system( "/bin/cp", $path, $bcp );
else {
system( "/bin/mv", $path, $bcp );
sub detect_orig {
my ( $path ) = @_;
return 0 unless -e $path;
open my $f, '<', $path or return 0;
my ( $str_count, $str_limit ) = ( 0, 30 );
while ( my $line = <$f> ) {
last if $str_count > $str_limit;
if ( index( $line, '#WHMADDON:lvemanager:CloudLinux Manager' ) >= 0 ) {
# This is the cPanel original file
return 1;
close $f;
return 0;
sub patch_index {
my ( $theme_path ) = @_;
my $path = $theme_path . '/branding/index.html';
return unless -e $path;
my ( $pc, $ll, $op ) = ( # percent_key, lve_limits, other_params
q#,pc) display=#,
q#<cpanelif !$hascloudlinux || 1>#,
my $search_pattern = qr/
( \n \s* \<cpanelif\s\$hascloudlinux\>)
(?= \s+ <\?\s?cp\sStatsBar::stat )
( .+? ,max ) .*?
( ,percent[)]\s*display=lvecpu[|]lvemem[|]lvemep[|]diskusage[|]filesusage[|]bandwidthusage) .*?
( ,infinitylang .+? \<\/cpanelif\> \s*? )
my $second_pattern = qr/(\<cpanelif\s!\$hascloudlinux\>)/s;
# read current template content
open my $i, '<', $path or return;
my $data = do { local $/; <$i> };
close $i;
# change template
$data =~ s/$search_pattern/$1$2$pc$ll$4\n/;
$data =~ s/$second_pattern/$op/;
# save new template content
open my $o, '>', $path or return;
print $o $data;
close $o;
sub unpatch_index {
my ( $theme_path ) = @_;
my $path = $theme_path . '/branding/index.html';
my $saved = $theme_path . '/branding/index.saved';
my $orig = $theme_path . '/branding/index.orig';
unlink $saved if -e $saved;
unlink $orig if -e $orig;
return unless -e $path;
my ($old_ps, $ps, $oc) = ( # old_param_string, param_string, original_conditions
q#rowtype,item,count,max,percent) display=lvecpu|lvemem|lvemep|diskusage|filesusage|bandwidthusage,#,
q#<cpanelif !$hascloudlinux>#,
my $search_pattern = qr/(rowtype,item,count,max,pc[)] display=.+?,)/s;
my $second_pattern = qr/\<cpanelif\s*!\$hascloudlinux\s*[|][|]\s*1\>/s;
my $old_search_pattern = qr/
( \n \s* \<cpanelif\s\$hascloudlinux ) .+? \>
(?= \s+ <\?\s?cp\sStatsBar::stat )
( .+? display= ) .*?
( diskusage .+? \<\/cpanelif\> \s*? )
(?:\1 .+? \> \2 .*? \3)?
\1 .+? \> \2 .*? \3 \n
# read current template content
open my $i, '<', $path or return;
my $data = do { local $/; <$i> };
close $i;
# restore old template changes
$data =~ s/$old_search_pattern/$1>$2$old_ps$3\n/;
# restore new template changes
$data =~ s/$search_pattern/$ps/;
$data =~ s/$second_pattern/$oc/;
# save new template content
open my $o, '>', $path or return;
print $o $data;
close $o;
sub install_locales {
my $src = q#/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/locales#;
my $dst = q#/var/cpanel/locale.local#;
if ( -d $src ) {
chdir $src;
for my $file ( glob('*.yaml') ) {
if ( -e "$dst/$file" && `/usr/bin/diff -q $dst/$file $src/$file` ) {
# update only different files
system("/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/utils/", "$src/$file", "$dst/$file", "$dst/$file");
} else {
system('/bin/cp', '-f', $file, $dst);
sub detect_new_template_style{
my ( $theme_path ) = @_;
return (-e $theme_path . '/_assets/')
sub backup_original_files {
if (!-d $original_files_dir) {
system('/bin/mkdir', '-p', $original_files_dir);
system('/bin/cp', '-rf', '/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/cpanel/original/.', $original_files_dir);
} else {
sub restore_original_files {
return if(!-d $original_files_dir);
my $src;
for my $file (keys %original_files) {
$src = $original_files_dir . $file;
if(-e $src) {
if($original_files{$file}{'theme'}) {
for my $theme ( @{ get_themes_list() } ) {
my $path_dst = $theme . '/' . $original_files{$file}{'dst'};
my @tmp = split('/', $theme);
my $cur_theme = $tmp[@tmp-1];
if(grep {$cur_theme eq $_} @{$original_files{$file}{'themes'}}) {
system('/bin/cp', '-f', $src, $path_dst);
if($original_files{$file}{'link'}) {
system('/bin/ln', '-fs', $path_dst, $theme . '/' . $original_files{$file}{'link'})
if($cur_theme !~ $original_files{$file}{'exclude_themes'}) {
system('/bin/cp', '-f', $src, $path_dst);
} else {
system('/bin/cp', '-f', $src, $original_files{$file}{'src'}) if(-f $src);
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0