Mini Shell

Direktori : /usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/

 .:<W	�����4Kb=y���!�/3N|�/�B/fr!��	&	=	M	4]	"�	4�	�	0�	*
(RK{$�.��28�
3,"`���O�0'Mu����c"���!�C�:=�x)�S#]w&� �;Rf6w!�4�<RYinYt7��%�_!z/��!3,0.(
#-+/)5 $42*'"%
1	&
Press any keys - Ctrl-D will terminate this program

Recognized modifier names and their column numbers:

The following synonyms are recognized:

%-15s for %s
%s from %s
%s: Bad end of range (0x%x)
0 is an error; for 1-88 (0x01-0x58) scancode equals keycode
?UNKNOWN?Cannot open /dev/portCannot write font fileCannot write font file headerCurrent default flags:  Current flags:          Current leds:           New default flags:    New flags:            New leds:             Old #scanlines: %d  New #scanlines: %d  Character height: %d
Old default flags:    Old flags:            Old leds:             Old mode: %dx%d  New mode: %dx%d
Plain scancodes xx (hex) versus keycodes (dec)
Symbols recognized by %s:
(numeric value, symbol)

This file contains 3 fonts: 8x8, 8x14 and 8x16. Please indicate
using an option -8 or -14 or -16 which one you want loaded.
Typematic Rate set to %.1f cps (delay = %d ms)
You asked for font size %d, but only 8, 14, 16 are possible here.
[ if you are trying this under X, it might not work
since the X server is also reading /dev/console ]
caught signal %d, cleaning up...
code outside boundserror reading scancodeimpossible: not meta?
kb mode was %s
keycode %3d %s
keycode range supported by kernel:           1 - %d
max nr of compose definitions: %d
max number of actions bindable to a key:         %d
new state:    number of function keys supported by kernel: %d
offold state:    on presspress any key (program terminates 10s after last keypress)...
ranges of action codes supported by kernel:
call is:  resizecons COLSxROWS  or:  resizecons COLS ROWS
or: resizecons -lines ROWS, with ROWS one of 25, 28, 30, 34, 36, 40, 44, 50, 60
resizecons: cannot get I/O permissions.
resizecons: don't forget to change TERM (maybe to con%dx%d or linux-%dx%d)
resizecons: the command `%s' failed
unknown charset %s - ignoring charset request
usage: screendump [n]
Project-Id-Version: kbd 1.10
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Alexey Gladkov <>
PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-21 06:15+0300
Last-Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner <>
Language-Team: Turkish <>
Language: tr
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address.
X-Generator: KBabel 1.0

Herhangi bir tu$a basiniz - Ctrl-D sureci sonlandirir

Tanimli degi$tirici isimleri ve sutun numaralari:

A$agidaki e$anlamlilar tanimli:

%s icin %-15s
%s (%s den)
%s: aralik sonu hatali (0x%x)
0 bir hatadir; 1-88 (0x01-0x58) tarama kodlari tu$ kodlariyla ayni oldugu icin
?BiLiNMEYEN?/dev/port acilamiyorYazitipi dosyasi yazilamiyorYazitipi dosyasinin basligi yazilamiyor$u anki ontanimli bayraklar:  $u anki bayraklar:           $u anki ledler:               Yeni ontanimli bayraklar: Yeni bayraklar:           Yeni ledler:              Eski tarama-satirlari sayisi: %d
Yeni tarama-satirlari sayisi: %d
Karakter yuksekligi:          %d
Eski ontanimli bayraklar: Eski bayraklar:           Eski ledler:              Eski kip: %dx%d  Yeni kip: %dx%d
Tu$ kodlarina (onluk) kar$i du$en basit tarama kodlari (onaltilik)
%s tarafindan taninan semboller:
(sayisal deger, sembol)

Bu dosya 3 yazitipi icerir: 8x8, 8x14 ve 8x16.  istediginiz birini
-8, -14 veya -16 seceneklerinden biri ile belirtebilirsiniz.
Yineleme hizi %.1f cps (gecikme = %d ms)
Yazitipi yuksekligini %d belirttiniz ama burada sadece 8, 14, 16
degerleri mumkun.
[ Eger bunu X altinda deniyorsaniz, X sunucusu
/dev/console'u okuyana kadar cali$mayabilir ]
%d sinyali yakalandi, temizleniyor...
kod kabul edilen sinirin di$indatarama kodlari okunurken hataimkansiz: meta degil?
klavye kipi %s idi
tu$ kodu %3d %s
cekirdek tarafindan desteklenen tu$ kodlari:   1 - %d
en fazla dizgi tanimi sayisi: %d
Bir tu$a atanabilecek en fazla eylem sayisi:     %d
yeni durum:    cekirdek tarafindan desteklenen i$lev tu$larinin sayisi: %d
kapalieski durum:    acikbasimHerhangi bir tusa basin. Son tusa bastiktan 10 saniye sonra
program icrasi durdurulur...
cekirdek tarafindan desteklenen eylem kodlari araligi:
kullanimi:  resizecons SUTUN-SAYISIxSATIR-SAYISI
     veya:  resizecons SUTUN-SAYISI SATIR-SAYISI
    ya da:  resizecons -lines SATIR-SAYISI
SATIR-SAYISI 25, 28, 30, 34, 36, 40, 44, 50, 60 degerlerinden biri olabilir
resizecons: G/C izinleri alinamiyor.
resizecons: TERM cevre degi$kenini degi$tirmeyi unutmayin
(con%dx%d veya linux-%dx%d olabilir)
resizecons: komut `%s' ba$arisiz
%s karakter seti bilinmiyor - istek yoksayildi
Kullanimi: screendump [n]

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0