Mini Shell

Direktori : /home2/aravindar/public_html/admin/assets/pages/
Upload File :
Current File : /home2/aravindar/public_html/admin/assets/pages/user-profile.js

'use strict';
$(document).ready(function() {

    $(window).on('resize', function() {

    $(window).on('load', function() {

    $("a[data-toggle=\"tab\"]").on("", function(e) {

    //line chart
    function dashboardEcharts() {
        /*line chart*/
        var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
        var option = {
            tooltip: {
                trigger: 'item',
                formatter: function(params) {
                    var date = new Date(params.value[0]);
                    var data = date.getFullYear() + '-' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate() + ' ' + date.getHours() + ':' + date.getMinutes();
                    return data + '<br/>' + params.value[1] + ', ' + params.value[2];
                responsive: true
            dataZoom: {
                show: true,
                start: 70
            legend: {
                data: ['Profit']
            grid: {
                y2: 80
            xAxis: [{
                type: 'time',
                splitNumber: 10
            yAxis: [{
                type: 'value'
            series: [{
                name: 'Profit',
                type: 'line',
                showAllSymbol: true,
                symbolSize: function(value) {
                    return Math.round(value[2] / 10) + 2;
                data: (function() {
                    var d = [];
                    var len = 0;
                    var now = new Date();
                    var value;
                    while (len++ < 200) {
                            new Date(2014, 9, 1, 0, len * 10000),
                            (Math.random() * 30).toFixed(2) - 0,
                            (Math.random() * 100).toFixed(2) - 0
                    return d;

    //for responsive all datatable

        "paging": true,
        "ordering": true,
        "bLengthChange": true,
        "info": true,
        "searching": true

    $("a[data-toggle=\"tab\"]").on("", function(e) {

    //    Edit information of user-profile
    $('#edit-cancel').on('click', function() {

        var c = $('#edit-btn').find("i");



    $('#edit-btn').on('click', function() {
        var b = $(this).find("i");
        var edit_class = b.attr('class');
        if (edit_class == 'icofont icofont-edit') {
        } else {

    //check editor js
    CKEDITOR.replace('description', {
        // Define the toolbar:!/guide/dev_toolbar
        // The standard preset from CDN which we used as a base provides more features than we need.
        // Also by default it comes with a 2-line toolbar. Here we put all buttons in a single row.
        toolbar: [{
            name: 'clipboard',
            items: ['Undo', 'Redo']
        }, {
            name: 'styles',
            items: ['Styles', 'Format']
        }, {
            name: 'basicstyles',
            items: ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Strike', '-', 'RemoveFormat']
        }, {
            name: 'paragraph',
            items: ['NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Outdent', 'Indent', '-', 'Blockquote']
        }, {
            name: 'links',
            items: ['Link', 'Unlink']
        }, {
            name: 'insert',
            items: ['Image', 'EmbedSemantic', 'Table']
        }, {
            name: 'tools',
            items: ['Maximize']
        }, {
            name: 'editing',
            items: ['Scayt']

        // Since we define all configuration options here, let's instruct CKEditor to not load config.js which it does by default.
        // One HTTP request less will result in a faster startup time.
        // For more information check!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-customConfig
        customConfig: '',

        // Enabling extra plugins, available in the standard-all preset:
        extraPlugins: 'autoembed,embedsemantic,image2,uploadimage,uploadfile',
        imageUploadUrl: '/uploader/upload.php?type=Images',
        uploadUrl: '/uploader/upload.php',
        /*********************** File management support ***********************/
        // In order to turn on support for file uploads, CKEditor has to be configured to use some server side
        // solution with file upload/management capabilities, like for example CKFinder.
        // For more information see!/guide/dev_ckfinder_integration

        // Uncomment and correct these lines after you setup your local CKFinder instance.
        // filebrowserBrowseUrl: '',
        // filebrowserUploadUrl: '',
        /*********************** File management support ***********************/

        // Remove the default image plugin because image2, which offers captions for images, was enabled above.
        removePlugins: 'image',

        // Make the editing area bigger than default.
        height: 400,

        // This is optional, but will let us define multiple different styles for multiple editors using the same CSS file.
        bodyClass: 'article-editor',

        // Reduce the list of block elements listed in the Format dropdown to the most commonly used.
        format_tags: 'p;h1;h2;h3;pre',

        // Simplify the Image and Link dialog windows. The "Advanced" tab is not needed in most cases.
        removeDialogTabs: 'image:advanced;link:advanced',

        // Define the list of styles which should be available in the Styles dropdown list.
        // If the "class" attribute is used to style an element, make sure to define the style for the class in "mystyles.css"
        // (and on your website so that it rendered in the same way).
        // Note: by default CKEditor looks for styles.js file. Defining stylesSet inline (as below) stops CKEditor from loading
        // that file, which means one HTTP request less (and a faster startup).
        // For more information see!/guide/dev_styles
        stylesSet: [
            /* Inline Styles */
                name: 'Marker',
                element: 'span',
                attributes: {
                    'class': 'marker'
            }, {
                name: 'Cited Work',
                element: 'cite'
            }, {
                name: 'Inline Quotation',
                element: 'q'

            /* Object Styles */
                name: 'Special Container',
                element: 'div',
                styles: {
                    padding: '5px 10px',
                    background: '#eee',
                    border: '1px solid #ccc'
            }, {
                name: 'Compact table',
                element: 'table',
                attributes: {
                    cellpadding: '5',
                    cellspacing: '0',
                    border: '1',
                    bordercolor: '#ccc'
                styles: {
                    'border-collapse': 'collapse'
            }, {
                name: 'Borderless Table',
                element: 'table',
                styles: {
                    'border-style': 'hidden',
                    'background-color': '#E6E6FA'
            }, {
                name: 'Square Bulleted List',
                element: 'ul',
                styles: {
                    'list-style-type': 'square'
            // Media embed
                name: '240p',
                type: 'widget',
                widget: 'embedSemantic',
                attributes: {
                    'class': 'embed-240p'
            }, {
                name: '360p',
                type: 'widget',
                widget: 'embedSemantic',
                attributes: {
                    'class': 'embed-360p'
            }, {
                name: '480p',
                type: 'widget',
                widget: 'embedSemantic',
                attributes: {
                    'class': 'embed-480p'
            }, {
                name: '720p',
                type: 'widget',
                widget: 'embedSemantic',
                attributes: {
                    'class': 'embed-720p'
            }, {
                name: '1080p',
                type: 'widget',
                widget: 'embedSemantic',
                attributes: {
                    'class': 'embed-1080p'

    //edit user description
    $('#edit-cancel-btn').on('click', function() {

        var c = $('#edit-info-btn').find("i");



    $('#edit-info-btn').on('click', function() {
        var b = $(this).find("i");
        var edit_class = b.attr('class');
        if (edit_class == 'icofont icofont-edit') {
        } else {

    // Minimum setup
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down",
            next: "icofont icofont-rounded-right",
            previous: "icofont icofont-rounded-left"
    // Using Locales
        locale: 'ru',
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down",
            next: "icofont icofont-rounded-right",
            previous: "icofont icofont-rounded-left"
    // Custom Formats
        format: 'LT',
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down",
            next: "icofont icofont-rounded-right",
            previous: "icofont icofont-rounded-left"
    // No Icon (input field only)
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down",
            next: "icofont icofont-rounded-right",
            previous: "icofont icofont-rounded-left"
    // Enabled/Disabled Dates
        defaultDate: "11/1/2013",
        disabledDates: [
            new Date(2013, 11 - 1, 21),
            "11/22/2013 00:53"
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down",
            next: "icofont icofont-rounded-right",
            previous: "icofont icofont-rounded-left"
    // Linked Pickers
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down",
            next: "icofont icofont-rounded-right",
            previous: "icofont icofont-rounded-left"
        useCurrent: false, //Important! See issue #1075
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down",
            next: "icofont icofont-rounded-right",
            previous: "icofont icofont-rounded-left"
    $("#datetimepicker6").on("dp.change", function(e) {
    $("#datetimepicker7").on("dp.change", function(e) {

    // Custom icons
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down"

    // View Mode
        viewMode: 'years',
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down",
            next: "icofont icofont-rounded-right",
            previous: "icofont icofont-rounded-left"

    // Min View Mode
        viewMode: 'years',
        format: 'MM/YYYY',
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down",
            next: "icofont icofont-rounded-right",
            previous: "icofont icofont-rounded-left"
    // Disabled Days of the Week
        daysOfWeekDisabled: [0, 6],
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down",
            next: "icofont icofont-rounded-right",
            previous: "icofont icofont-rounded-left"

    $(function() {
                singleDatePicker: true,
                showDropdowns: true
            function(start, end, label) {
                var years = moment().diff(start, 'years');
                alert("You are " + years + " years old.");

            autoUpdateInput: false,
            locale: {
                cancelLabel: 'Clear'
        $('input[name="datefilter"]').on('apply.daterangepicker', function(ev, picker) {
            $(this).val(picker.startDate.format('MM/DD/YYYY') + ' - ' + picker.endDate.format('MM/DD/YYYY'));

        $('input[name="datefilter"]').on('cancel.daterangepicker', function(ev, picker) {

        var start = moment().subtract(29, 'days');
        var end = moment();

        function cb(start, end) {
            $('#reportrange span').html(start.format('MMMM D, YYYY') + ' - ' + end.format('MMMM D, YYYY'));

            startDate: start,
            endDate: end,
            "drops": "up",
            ranges: {
                'Today': [moment(), moment()],
                'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')],
                'Last 7 Days': [moment().subtract(6, 'days'), moment()],
                'Last 30 Days': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()],
                'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')],
                'Last Month': [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')]
        }, cb);

        cb(start, end);

        $('.input-daterange input').each(function() {
        $('#sandbox-container .input-daterange').datepicker({
            todayHighlight: true
            todayBtn: true,
            clearBtn: true,
            keyboardNavigation: false,
            forceParse: false,
            todayHighlight: true,
            defaultViewDate: {
                year: '2017',
                month: '01',
                day: '01'
            todayBtn: true,
            clearBtn: true,
            multidate: true,
            keyboardNavigation: false,
            forceParse: false,
            todayHighlight: true,
            defaultViewDate: {
                year: '2017',
                month: '01',
                day: '01'
            "singleDatePicker": true,
            "showDropdowns": true,
            "timePicker": true,
            "timePicker24Hour": true,
            "timePickerSeconds": true,
            "showCustomRangeLabel": false,
            "alwaysShowCalendars": true,
            "startDate": "11/30/2016",
            "endDate": "12/06/2016",
            "drops": "up"
        }, function(start, end, label) {
            console.log("New date range selected: ' + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' to ' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' (predefined range: ' + label + ')");

    // Date-dropper js start

            dropWidth: 200,
            dropPrimaryColor: "#1abc9c",
            dropBorder: "1px solid #1abc9c"
        // Date-dropper js end

        // Mini-color js start
        $('.demo').each(function() {
            // Dear reader, it's actually very easy to initialize MiniColors. For example:
            //  $(selector).minicolors();
            // The way I've done it below is just for the demo, so don't get confused
            // by it. Also, data- attributes aren't supported at this time...they're
            // only used for this demo.
                control: $(this).attr('data-control') || 'hue',
                defaultValue: $(this).attr('data-defaultValue') || '',
                format: $(this).attr('data-format') || 'hex',
                keywords: $(this).attr('data-keywords') || '',
                inline: $(this).attr('data-inline') === 'true',
                letterCase: $(this).attr('data-letterCase') || 'lowercase',
                opacity: $(this).attr('data-opacity'),
                position: $(this).attr('data-position') || 'bottom left',
                swatches: $(this).attr('data-swatches') ? $(this).attr('data-swatches').split('|') : [],
                change: function(value, opacity) {
                    if (!value) return;
                    if (opacity) value += ', ' + opacity;
                    if (typeof console === 'object') {
                theme: 'bootstrap'

    // Mini-color js ends

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0